One of the star witness for Equality Maryland as it wages a relentless war against the Maryland transgender community Cathy Brennan sent me this message on Facebook. Banning someone is my last choice but it seems calling transgender people weirdo is Cathy's first choice.
Brennan, bigots and haters come in all shapes and sexual orentation. Even cisgender lesbian Shills. Just saying.
Hmm... "Weirdos." That must be one of those big city lawyer terms she uses in connection with her big bank clients.
Kelli - I think you are a weirdo. That has nothing to do with you being trans. I love that you blogged about this!
Brennan you are the most obnoxious of trolls and no, you do not love me.
You are frustrated that I banned you from much of the conversation on facebook so you have taken to the blogs.
And yes you said it clearly. As a cisgender lesbian you think transgender people are weirdos.
Assuming CB is the same CB that works here http://www.hudco.com/profile.cfm?section_id=2&attorney_id=51 I'd suggest sending complaints to her employers, as the very fact that she is disrespecting people privacy online, when "Consumer financial services and privacy law are what we do" is their moto, wouldn't give me much confidence in their law firm if I was a prospective client.
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