Showing posts with label transgender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transgender. Show all posts


Russian Gay Pride ONE-O-ONE 2008 or everything you want to know about getting your head bashed in but were afraid to ask

Russian Gay Pride one-o-one 2008
By kelli Busey
Thursday June 12 2008
The 12 commandments of Russian Gay Pride.

1st. Secure a permit from the city to hold a public gathering.
2nd. Make objections to attempts to decertify your permits.
3rd. formulate a plan of action.
4th. Inform TRUSTED media.
5th. Send misinformation to plants.
6th. Evade secret police attempting to do a preemptive arrest.
7th. Conduct a 10 minute Pride event at a alternate location.
8th Get your head smashed in by a Gay hater.
9th. Transport participants to permitted location and barricade behind a sturdy door.
10th Lower a banner asking for fair treatment.
11th Watch in horror as police smash your door down, without a permit.
12th Spend the night in a lovely Russian jail.

After step 12 the sequence restarts.

Click title for Project Gay Russia

Please sign the petition for human rights for LBGT in Russia
"The Moscow Human Rights Appeal"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

Source Gay Russia



The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, today applauded the formation of the House of Representatives’ LGBT Equality Caucus. The bipartisan Caucus was announced this morning by its founding members, including Caucus co-chairs, Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA).

Dear Dear Fellow Transgender and ALL Gender diverse People. Barney Frank is now going to advocate for YOU so a gender inclusive ENDA is passed in 2009? Lets look at recent remarks from Barney Frank. On 10.11.07 Barney Frank made it perfectly clear he was not going to support a gender inclusive ENDA.

In The House on 11.07.07 Frank smugly argues that to include a "particular group", meaning the gender variant, is to prevent progress.

Traditional Values Coalition published a article intittled;
"Rep. Barney Frank Attempts To Throw His Cross-dressing Allies Under The Train".

Barney Frank either authored the Values article or is a reader because he used the train analogy in his last Trans-bashing tirade of 05.02.08 in the Just Out issue:

Part of the problem, I have to say, is this: I've never seen a worse job of lobbying done by the transgender community. They seem to think that all they had to do was to get the gay and lesbian community to say "OK." I think they thought that this was a train, and that they were a car on the train. I said to them, "You've got to work this, you've got to lobby people." They did a terrible job of lobbying, and so we didn't have the votes.

With the exception of writing one Bill that he subsequently shot down Frank has never had a single good thing to say about transgender people. Do not be the donkey that this man rides. Worse yet if the man SLAPPED YOU don't give him your money! Take some pride in yourself. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off. You are the best that society has to offer.


Technorati Profile


The real Focus on the Families silent Transgender

Enda has shamed and discredited American politics and the Human Rights Campaign.

The transgender advocates who speak in this video for equal rights for all Americans are the VOICES BEING HEARD. I applaud Kalil Cohen and his vision.

HRC's Marty Rouse states that in order for ENDA to be seriously heard in congress it has to be striped of gender inclusive language.

That was, is and will always be a lie.

ENDA in any form submitted to the Senate was doomed to fail. HRC knew that, Barney Frank knew that and contrary to HRC's claim, the 350+ groups who represent nearly every GLBT person in the United States who signed UNITEDENDA's letter of protest to the exclusion of gender language KNEW THAT.
When HRC failed to live up to a acceptable standard of conduct people suffered and died as a result. YES DIED.. HRC and Barney Frank both continue to lie and marginalize gender diverse people.

There is no remorse being displayed by either Frank or HRC, to the contrary Frank has continually uttered statements directed at the gender diverse that are intently inflammatory and hurtful. I suggest to my LGBT family that we take no excuse. I demand from HRC a accounting for this travesty. Call your local steering committee member and demand justice for you, your same sex partner and your children.
Inaction by you may result in your own family members pain


Roman Catholic Church facing biggest threat ever and it's not from Transgender people

When a persons sexuality or gender expression is denied by the force of religion or government, the results are horrendous.

By Kelli Busey
May 26, 2008

According to a 2004 study by a group concerned with the the Roman Catholic Church in Britain, it is facing its greatest threat since the Reformation, according to research.

Over three decades Mass attendance has slumped by 40 per cent, baptisms by 50 per cent, Catholic marriages by 60 per cent and confirmations by 60 per cent.

In a separate study conducted in 2003 a senior clergyman spoke of how he felt “torn” following the revelation that nearly 150 complaints of abuse about priests and church workers in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales were received last year.

The Most Rev Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Birmingham, said the statistics made him feel “very uncomfortable” but at the same time were proof that the church was making progress in the area of child abuse.

“I feel torn because on the one hand I am very uncomfortable when it is clear that there are more people coming forward and saying that priests in the past have behaved very wrongly,” he said.

In the Unites States the clergy sex abuse crisis — some would have us believe — is largely about priests taking advantage of or being seduced by older teenage boys. In other words, it's a gay thing.

That's the view of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, as articulated by the group's president William A. Donohue.

"Too many sexually active gays have been in the priesthood, and it's about time they were routed out," Donohue told Fox News at the height of the scandal. The clergy sex abuse crisis is "a homosexual scandal, not a pedophilia scandal," he said on NBC's Today Show.

Let's look at what the 2003 John Jay study actually says. From the Executive Summary:

The largest group of alleged victims (50.9%) was between the ages of 11 and 14, 27.3% were 15-17, 16% were 8-10 and nearly 6% were under age 7. Overall, 81% of victims were male and 19% female

While the Catholic Church is preying on innocent, unprotected social segments to defer the public awareness of the sickness that is eating it from the inside YOUR CHILD may be sexually assaulted NOW as you read this in a Catholic sanctuary.

The sin is that the Catholic Church is permitting this and has the audacity to hurl hateful and wrongful allegations towards the GLBT community. You and your loved ones suffer now and in the future when they are unable to reconcile themselves with Christianity.

Anyone who would doubt these claims only need look in their own family or friend to find a witness of these terrible events.

When a persons sexuality or gender expression is denied by the force of religion or government the results are horrendous.

Catholic Church Facing largest threat ever and its not from Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual or Transgender people.


Kim Pearson TransYouth Family Allies visits Austin

Kim Pearson executive director of TransYouth Family Allies is visiting and speaking in the Austin TX community during the month of May at various locations sponsored by TACT(Transgender Advocates of Central Texas) Equality Texas, and PFLAG. During her talk at the monthly membership meeting of TACT at Genuine Joe in Austin Kim Pearson related how this group founded in the fall of 2006 could have enjoyed such phenomenal growth and success.
According to Kim " Amazing things can happen when you put 4 mothers in a room". Transyouth gained national acclaim documented in this interview on CNN.

According to Kim Pearson the children with whom she becomes involved with who have gender expression issues have come to a point in their lives when the reality of the situation dictates a response. Kim Pearson states " the child does not transition, we do".

. TYFA's mission is to empower children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities, to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected. They envision a society free of suicide and violence in which all children are respected and celebrate.


HRC president apologizes for 'misspeaking' at transgender conference

Southern Voice, GA, USA

HRC president apologizes for 'misspeaking' at transgender conference

Solmonese talks with Atlanta activists in private meeting

By DYANA BAGBY, Southern Voice | May 6, 7:37 PM

Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese met with a handful of
transgender activists in Atlanta last week and apologized for
"misspeaking" at last year's Southern Comfort conference, where he
promised HRC would only support an Employment Non-Discrimination Act
that included gender identity, according to people attending the

by Kelli Busey
Tuesday May 9, 2008

I will not accept this behaviour as acceptable from the largest "human rights" organization.
Submitted 05/06/08 to Southern Voice, sound off section pending

Joe Solmonese has once again showed his true colors.
He gathered a group of potentially sympathetic transgender people and
portrays this as actual dialogue.
He offers a explanation that he mis-spoke at southern comfort. Some
of these "activists" are either overwhelmed by by Solmonese or brain
dead when they declare a apology was issued. Thankfully some of the
activists were clear thinking and rejected this side ways
Where is the acknowledgement from Solmonese that a political agenda
was being followed in September 2007 and continues to this date to
exclude and marginalize gender variant people.
As far as HRC meddling in my job where does HRC get off telling my
employer how to treat me? HRC needs to get out of my business. Am I
writing papers for the employers of gay people telling how to treat
them? Am I using political blackmail to force congressional leaders
to vote against Gay People? NO I AM NOT.
HRC LEAVE TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ALONE. You have done enough harm. Every
time you do us wrong people die. Lawrence Kings death is on your
hands HRC. This death is a direct result of your policy. Find it in
your heart Joe Solmonese to direct HRC to stop killing us.

Trans Group Blog: uh-oh.

The infamous Gender Dysphoria dogma now may get a updated look, by a group that identifies with Narth like "remedies" to gender expression.
Read more....
Trans Group Blog: uh-oh.


We Have a BIG Problem here

By John Wright
May 1, 2008 - 7:48:28

LGBT Methodists, supporters surprised by votes upholding anti-gay church policies
Onlookers tearfully react to a vote Wednesday, April 30 at the United Methodist Church’s General Conference. - PAUL JEFFREY/United Methodist News Service

FORT WORTH — LGBT members and their supporters suffered two major setbacks on Wednesday, April 30, at the United Methodist Church’s 2008 General Conference in Fort Worth.


Laura Ingram and Fox TV at WAR(warbeeaatch)

Laura Ingram and Fox Tv at war (WARbeeaatch)

By Kelli Busey
Febuary 9,2008

Laura Ingraham in this video broadcasted on FOX TV attempts to bully and intimidate CODE PINK'S Medea Bejamin. This defies all standards of broadcast decency and the principles of free speach. Laura Ingraham is in the absence of armed men demanding silence, is by default the enemy of free speach and an America where we respect the right of others to have and express an opposing opinion. As someone who served in the Armed forces I can attest she is not speaking for me nor a majority of service members.

I would hope Laura Ingram would have a more open mind to the Transgender community. According to the WIkapeda, she has involved herself with purposefully harming innocent people by ingaging in Anti-homosexual activism.
According to David Brock (in his 2002 book Blinded by the Right), Ingraham, while writing for The Dartmouth Review in the mid-1980s, once attended meetings of a gay student organization for the purpose of publicly outing them in the newspaper. Ingraham secretly taped a meeting of the Gay Students Association, then published the transcript, identifying students by name and calling them "sodomites." According to Ingraham, however, she attended the meetings to report in the newspaper how tuition money was being spent.

A decade later, on February 23, 1997, however, Ingraham wrote an essay in The Washington Post in which she announced significant changes in how she views gays and lesbians. This was motivated primarily by her experience with one of her brothers rumored to have been estranged from her for a time after the gay student group controversy, as he cared for his ailing partner:

"In the ten years since I learned one of my brothers was gay, my views and rhetoric about homosexuals have been tempered... because I have seen him and his partner of 14 years, lead their lives with dignity, fidelity and courage.

You may contact FOX at and exercise your freedom of speech!

SUPPORT CODEPINK's peace efforts at


Gainsville FL Transgender Debate Draws croud

Transgender debate draws crowd

Sun staff writer
11:57 pm, January 28, 2008
City Hall was buzzing Monday night with both protest and support for a proposed city ordinance that would include gender identity as a class of people protected from discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodation.

Continue to 2nd paragraph The auditorium had standing-room only, as did the entryway where a large crowd watched the decision on closed-circuit television. The vast majority of those who spoke on the issue were against the ordinance.

Those in favor of the ordinance lauded it as a step toward increased human rights for transgender individuals, who some said are marginalized in society.

The ordinance would add gender identity as a category of people protected from discrimination. Discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation and gender are already outlawed in Gainesville.

City officials defined gender identity as a situation where people have an inner sense of being a gender other than their gender at birth.

Those opposed reiterated oft-cited concerns of having a man in a woman's restroom, as well as the burden it would place on business owners to provide accommodations in the case of changing facilities.

Commissioner Ed Braddy immediately made a motion to deny the ordinance, and Commissioner Rick Bryant quickly seconded the motion.

"When you boil it down the issue is that because of some people who have some sort of emotional or psychological issue, others have to change," Braddy said.

He said the ordinance would require separate facilities if a business owner decided to deny a transgender individual access to dressing rooms.

"In that sense it makes a claim on other people's property," Braddy said. "This is about granting special privileges to a class of people."

Commissioner Craig Lowe countered. "There is nothing special about being able to have a home, get a job, go to a restaurant," said Lowe adding that those are simple rights that are often taken for granted.

"It does a very simple thing for a group of people that is very intensely discriminated (against). They are few in number but sometimes it is the few in number who need the most protection," Lowe said.

Commissioner Jeanna Mastrodicasa emphasized that there is a standard across the nation for these types of ordinances.

In Florida the cities of Lake Worth and West Palm Beach, Miami Beach, Wilton Manors, Gulfport and Key West have anti-discrimination policies that protect gender identity, as do Orange, Monroe and Palm Beach counties.

Some residents quoted the Bible and expressed anger that the city would make an ordinance protecting people who in their minds were going against the way that God created them.

One man said the commissioners would suffer the wrath of God and another yelled "the blood is on your hands" for supporting the ordinance.

Several pastors, including the pastor of the Rock of Gainesville, also spoke against the ordinance. Many opposed to the ordinance said it was unfair to make the majority uncomfortable in order to protect a minority.

A University of Florida student said in the meeting it was a sad state of affairs when basic human rights were debatable not only among the public but also among elected officials.

Another UF student said, "We have a right not to be hassled, harassed, beat up or killed, and it happens everyday based on what people look like and what we wear."

By press time, the commission hadn't voted on the issue.

Megan Rolland can be reached at 338-3104 or megan.rolland@


TACT to conduct Independent Educational Initiative

Transgender Advocates of Central Texas
P.O. Box 2602
Austin, Texas 78768

January 13, 2008
Austin, Tx -- Transgender Advocates of Central Texas (TACT) will be holding an independent educational initiative during the gala event of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) on January 26th at the Austin Hilton. This initiative is motivated by the desire to educate the members of HRC about gender identity and expression and the need to provide protections in legislation. HRC continued to support an Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA) after Representative Barney Frank deleted protections for gender identity and expression. This was despite a coalition of over 300 national, statewide, and local groups who signed a pledge to not support a non-inclusive bill.
TACT board member, Lisa Scheps said, "We feel the leadership of HRC not only hurt the transgender community, but also any person that doesn’t conform to gender norms. This includes feminine men and masculine women – many of whom are HRC members. Under the ENDA that passed in The House of Representatives these people would have no protections. And, let’s face it, when a person is discriminated against it is usually because of how they present themselves and not because of who they sleep with." TACT looks forward to a day when all people get all of the protections provided by the Constitution.
Transgender Advocates of Central Texas is an advocacy group dedicated to furthering the cause of Gender Diverse people in Central Texas. We will accomplish this through advocacy and education in both public and private forums. Through our efforts we will strive to halt discrimination through social, legal, legislative and corporate education.
For more information on opportunities to get involved in transgender advocacy in Austin, e-mail to


Susan Stanton's lonely transition

In a article posted on Tampa December 31, 2007 Susan stanton laments that here reception by the LGBT community has been less than welcoming.

"Susan has met hundreds of other people like her. She was among the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people lobbying for a law that would make it illegal for others to discriminate against them.
But Susan has said all along that she's not like other transgender people. She feels uncomfortable even looking at some, "like I'm seeing a bunch of men in dresses."
Eventually, she decided it was too early for transgender people to be federally protected. People need more time, more education, she says. "The transgender groups boo me, now, when I speak. Isn't that ironic?
"But I don't blame the human rights groups from separating the transgender people from the protected groups. Most Americans aren't ready for us yet," Susan says. Transgender people need to be able to prove they're still viable workers -- especially in the mainstream.
"The biggest issue against the federal legislation is that politicians think the ladies' rooms will be invaded by guys in drag," Susan says, "instead of someone like me"

News flash Susan. You think like a bigot in a dress, and I as a hard working transgender woman , please note, WORKING, American do not need your approval .

So if you decide that out of default, becuse everyone else is a man in a dress, you parade before the media with HRC's blood money in hand, you have made your life just that more lonesome.

We reject you and anyone other bigots regardless


ENDA let's get it right

The Orginal ENDA 2015 submitted in April of 2007 included laungage which afforded protection to
transgender people and GLB people regardless of how gay you are.Unfortunately it is of our opinion that political mistakes were made based on incorrect interpretation of
history and a skewed sense of political expediecy..Barney Frank is of the opinion that transgender people are new to the advocacy arena and therefor not to
be allowed to enjoy the same status as the rest of the GLB community.Transgender people have been in the forefront at the Compton Cafateria and Stone wall riots.The LBGT community has voiced it's discontent via UNITED ENDA's 7 million..

On 9/27/07 without advance warning Barney Frank intoduced HR(3585) which eliminated transgender
protection. With the exclusion of gender identity laungage it will be subjective depending on the
conception of the judge, what behavior falls within sexual preference or gender identity. Thereby
eliminating the person who on a given time acted too gay, in the judges opinion and the transgender
person from protection under the law.Glbtq people have themselves often criticized identity politics, particularly on the grounds that individuals
possess multifaceted identities and thus involvement in politics based on a single identity does not suffice
On 9/27/07 Barney Frank submitted HR(3586) which has gender only protection launguageTime has shown that incremental steps when applied to a group i.e. shades of black, only serves to
weaken the validty of the entire concept and promote discord and disunity.Time has also shown that if a small portion of a group is sacrificed on the premise that they will be returned
for, then this fails to happen as the motovation to do so is not present.
Therefore It is our goal to allow the protections of ENDA to extend to the entire community.This goal is the wish of UNITED ENDA comprising 368 National, State and Local groups and 171 house
representitives.We emplore you to contact your orginization represenitives and political leaders and lend them your
wisdom. Let us welcome our entire LGBTIQ community at the finish line, together the truth will win

Texas Transgender Adovcates working paper HRC dinner at Austin

Transgender Educational Initialive As proposed by Kelli Busey 214-226-7080

The Intent of the Educational Initiative
It is the intent of the Texas Transgender Advocates(TTA) to work to the ends in a fashion supported and advocated by Barney Frank to Educate non transgender people on transgender issues.

Group organization;
Texas Transgender Advocates is organized and functions to advocate Transgender inclusion in ENDA and does not represent group members on any other issues.
Method of performance;
It is our wish to initiate personal conversations and offer an opportunity to present the history of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender struggle as it pertains toENDA as of April 2007 and our vision of a transgender inclusive ENDA.
Talking points;
UNITED ENDA A history of of transgender only legislation faulture to return for transgender people. New York State GENDA
The importance of including transgender people as opposed to incremental gains.
HRC leadership role in influencing the ENDA vote
Barney Frank position regarding transgender inclusion
The Compton riot
The Stonewall riot
Anticapated results;Awareness of the HRC membership of the benifits of maintaining the integrity of the history and present
day LBGT community and the importance to the the future..
Location of Educational InitiativeHRC dinner Austin TX January 26 2008
HR2015(ENDA) transgender inclusive
d110:HR03685:@@@L&summ2=m& HR3585(ENDA) non transgender inclusive and amendments Transgender only


Gay City news

In a article dated 11/07/07 Mara Keisling of the NCTE and Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force among others expressed dismay for HRC non commitment to a inclusive ENDA all the while working against Transgender inclusion in congress.

HR(3686) THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

H.R. 3686: To prohibit employment discrimination based on gender identity (

H.R. 3686: To prohibit employment discrimination based on gender identity (

H.R. 3685: Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007 (

H.R. 3685: Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007 ( "Legislation > 2007-2008 (110th Congress)"

Proposed Amendments to HR(3685) by Miller(CA-76) Religous Exemption and Miller(WI)inclusion of transgender peopleTHOMAS (Library of Congress)

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)