
FX + Walton Goggins + Dominatrix Outfit + Sons of Anarachy = Epic Fail

It is so embarrassing and humiliating to watch this cisgender woman announce that Walton Goggins played a transgender rapist in this FX episode of Sons of Anarchy.

For the record, Walton Goggins did not 'transition' anything as he said he did. He's not even a drag queen. He's a cisgender actor who pasted on some fake tits, donned a dress, heels and acted like a degenerate immoral dirt bag.

Just what he and the FX writer intended. They knew the latest FX episode “Orca Shrugged" would garner them immense free publicity and all they had to do was sit back wring their greedy hands and wait for the outraged  reactions from buddytv.com  and this to come rolling in. Yeah, as a biker riding for the past 36 years its my experience when you cross the line you get called out for it.

In the finest tradition of biker sisterhood and brotherhood I have one thing to say about this piece of shit. Walton Goggins, you are an asshole dirtbag, but you already know that, don't you?


Want An Ass To Die For? Pumper Partys Kill. Don't Be Stupid.

I Want a big juicy butt and saw this ad contacted this lady who having 'pumper parties' and she texted me back "It's illegal," explaining her discounted service, "I'm not a doctor and I'm not a nurse."

I thought why not, I really want a big butt and what could go wrong? After all she's using a clean needle drawing that five gallon Poland spring jug of centistoke dimethyl siloxane fluid. Then I hesitated wait isn't that like "furniture polish"? But she assured me it was OK explaining its a special mix called "medical-grade silicone".

So I gave her $1,600 for the shot and my ass raised right, up but it began to hurt to breath. WTF its hard to breath I thinking, but look at my ass.

A day later I was dead. So as it turned out this is the ass I died for.

The LA Times  has a decent article about this that I plagiarized for this post (minus the misgendering).


Pre-op Females: Is it OK To Sauna With Cisgender Minors?

I agree with the Radphlegm GallusMag on this one thing (minus her blind hatred of course) in that I believe it is our duty as pre or non op trans people to respect cisgender people in places where clothing or the lack, of might on occasion accidentally expose intimate areas, like a sauna.

I know being a radical transsexual this will suprise some, but there's a reason...

With power comes responsibility and the exercise of that power responsibly is the fastest and surest way to be granted even more dignity. I come to this belief when as a formally male misidentified person who had by virtue of my external gender expression held great power at times. Male privilege is the reason I concur with the Radphlegm's so the loud popping sounds you might be hearing is probably their heads exploding.

I couldn't find any of the damning evidence the Radphlegms offered as proof of Colleens alleged deviance humanity but I found this on her Facebook wall:

I have to admire her courage and spunk and as a landlocked waterbaby I understand Colleens attachment to the Ocean but it's not 1959 Alabama and this isn't even about time. It's about grace which will win hearts and minds faster than enforcement of any law will.

Personally I feel it would be pretty cool if Colleen were to use the smaller facility especially now that the battle has been won. But beyond that do you think given laws that permit us, should we sauna with minors? Take the poll on the top right bar.


Sydney Opera House "trAnnie" Trans Mockery, Pedophilia, Child Misgendering: A Rollicking Merry Christmas

"Prepare for an uproarious Christmas when Sydney Opera House presents an adults-only panto..."

Since 39AD the panto or pantomine  has used  stage fights, coarse humour and fantastic creatures to mock reversals of gender roles at great profit and the British/Australian Christmas season's tradition carries on today with the gay perversion of Annie.

It's called  trAnnie  and despite clearly being a violation of the New South Wales vilification and Discrimination Act. the producers say this show monetizing this thinly disguised adaptation of the highly demoralizing defamatory word  tranny, will go on.

The sick albeit brilliant (if not for most of the key elements) Synopsis:

A orphan transgender child abandoned by her parents is desperate for sexual reassignment surgery(SRS) and will do what ever it takes to please her convicted paedophile transgender care givers including performances for a demented older man in order to get money or SRS.

Not having seen the production and the incredible amount of maneuvering room the writers have left themselves I find these elements unconscionable:

Tranny. The single word the trans community despises, but crucial to the show "trAnnie".  The title must be changed. Gays must stop exploiting there association with transsexuals and cease excusing this gross injustice perpetrated against trans people by claiming this  absurd proprietary right to the "T" word.

Live my life 24/7 as a visable trans woman, face the injustice I face in the grocery store, in the doctors offices, with my neighbours, in my workplace on a daily basis THEN you will have equal rights to the reclamation of this defamation.

But despite and in spite of local transgender outrage  gay people continue to depend on indigent gender gifted peoples angst in the past with "Ticked off tra$$ys with knives"  and do so again for this productions promotion .

Paedophile. Years ago homosexuality and pedophilia were thought to be the same and like a tire necklace hanging around their necks gay's fought tooth and nail in a desperate battle with hate mongers of all types before they could rid themselves of that association and to escape being pathogized as child molesters by the APA in the DSM.

Now Trevor Ashley and other gay men,  supposed allies of transsexuals, writers, producers and actors of "trAnnie"  are putting this tire of hate around our necks, just for fun and a few bucks.

This trivialization of  sexual reassignment surgery especially when in context of a youth in despicable. Do these gay men have no idea of how impressionable and emotional transgender youth are or is it as I suspect, they just don't care as long as it's amusing to them.

The misgendering of the the child in the synopsis. This is reprehensible and if allowed to continue by this theatrical company will directly contribute internationally to the hardships, murders and suicides of all gender variant youth.

This places the onus of action on the international transgender and allied community. It is our obligation to speak up against this horrific travesty.

This show must not go on. For our children's sake.

Sign the petition Cancel the play "Trannie": Sydney Opera House showing from 6-22 Dec 2012

Tell the Sydney Opera House not to make transphobia a Christmas institution. Send them a message by using their in house form here  and posting on there Facebook page.


Barney Frank, Agrees With Mass Gov. Patrick and The AFA: SRS is Elective

Warning Angry post follows

There are no more dangerous of an enemy than the one you once considered a ally and none so more to transgender people than gay congressman Barney Frank.

 This is the man who inadvertently outed himself as a true ally to the Brian Fisher of the American Family Association(AFA) with his men in woman's showers with penises meme when he killed the inclusive ENDA in 2008.

Now this asshat is at it again, and who could possibly be this gay millionaires target this time? The Massachusetts transgender community? No he's already insured his states transgender people will forever be at risk in public places with the help of Sellout Gunner Scott of the MTPC.

No, now Frank is using his ignorance/hatred of transgender people/the law to voice his uneducated opinion that convicted transgender murderer Michelle Kosilek should not be allowed medical care ruled necessary  under the 8th Amendment by a District Court judge because she is a inmate.
What is  Franks rational for coming out against the Constitution, once again siding with the AFA  and against Sexual Reassignment Surgery(SRS)?

He does not believe his state's taxpayers should have to pay for the sexual reassignment surgery for convicts framing it as elective as opposed to what it truly is, a medical necessity.

Frank said   'There are other medical procedures that are denied to convicted murderers,' said Frank who believes Kosilek should find another way to pay for the operation.

As pointed out by Zoe Ellen Brain in the comments of the Metro Weekly article:

"According to Frank, Kosilek should seek other means to pay for the surgery rather than taxpayer dollars."

She offered to pay for it herself in 1993, Barney. She's been trying that for nearly 20 years now.
Prisoners aren't allowed to do that. They get no say in what treatment is deemed adequate. The State decides that for them, based on medical advice - and pays for only the minimum necessary. Prisoners aren't permitted to upgrade their treatment from "adequate" to "better".

It it's deemed necessary - the state is obliged to pay for it, because of the 8th amendment. If not, treatment is forbidden. That comment about "seeking alternate means to pay" is either deeply ignorant or disgustingly cynical.

The Gay Lesbian Advocates and Defenders voiced a similar opinion
"The opposition to Kosilek is discrimination. 'Constitutional rights belong to everyone, even the least loved, least popular people among us,' says the group's Transgender Rights Project director Jennifer Levi. 'Prisoners have a right to necessary medical care, and this is indisputably medical care, as the very strong district court decision established.'

Is this a final strike against transgender people by Asshat supreme Frank? I have one question. When will Barney Frank just go away? Do us a favor and make it soon, please.


Support "Crossing Over" to A Stronger Community

Who's More Marginalized Than I?

There were two things that stood out about "Crossing Over" when I first  began supporting it's production in 2011. First, the driving force behind "Crossing Over", Isabel Castro is cisgender and two, she cares so much about the most marginalized of our trans community who live within our borders, those without citizenship .

I know, we have our own struggles as citizens, but could you imagine how overwhelming the odds would seem id suddenly you found yourself in a strange country?

I know times are tough for all of us, but I'm going to reach deep again because as we strengthen our weakest link we make the ties that make us who we are so much stronger.

Donate at  Indiegogo.com
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