
Demand NBC Pulls SNL Estro-maxx skit Humiliating Transgender people

Demand SNL apologizes for and pulls "Estro-maxx" skit exploiting the most vulnerable of minorities.

In this skit Transwoman are intentionally misrepresented by male actors as gay in these enduring images of 'bearded men in dresses with penises'.


SNL achieves cheap laughs by explaining the effects that Estrogen has on a biological male physique pointedly explaining how it shrinks the testicles. This is true, but not mentioned is that estrogen also shrinks the size of ones penis. Both effects being undesirable for MTF's who are contemplating a inversion type sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) since it may limit the amount of material used for depth of the vagina during the inversion process.

Now SNL, SRS takes balls.

This attack by SNL on our image is possibly the single most violence enabling action any network could ever undertake.

I suggest SNL should GROW a PAIR and MAN UP. Heck I got a bigger pair and I've been on estrogen for five years.

Comment at NBC/Comcast about the SNL video Estro-maxx

Join with GLAAD in condemning the SNL skit Estro-maxx


Britain and Uganda we hold YOU accountable for Brenda Namigadde's life


Brenda Namigadde is going to be deported to UGANDA from the UK the 28th of January 2011. Brenda says “I’ll be tortured, or killed, if I’m sent back to Uganda. They’ve put people like me to death there.” THIS IS FOR REAL. Petition site http://allout.org/en/brenda/

David Bahati the Ugandan MP who authored the KILL GAY BILL called the author who wrote of LEZ GET REAL article alerting us to Brenda's plight saying: "He told me that Brenda should stop bad mouthing Uganda; that she would be welcome back to Uganda if she renounced her homosexuality and if she “repented.”

In light of the violent murder of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) activist David Kato on January 26 2011 Brenda's life is in serious jeopardy.

Please sign the petition at http://allout.org/en/brenda/


Danish Reporter Søren Østergaard Jensen: Transgender Family "Freak Show"

A Danish TV reporter while interviewing the editor of a new LGBT magazine calls a transgender people a "Freak Show" with "perverted desires".

According to AutoTrans Blogspot Danish news reporter Søren Østergaard Jensen referred to transgender people as “weirdos with perverse desires" while interviewing "Proud" magazine editor Tina Kristensen about a transgender parented family.

TV 2 doesn't think it needs to apologigize and issued this statement;
- TV 2 l East Jutland has no prejudices against either gay, transgender and other sexual minorities. Quite the contrary. We invite them like inside and that was what happened in the program Good Evening Jutland, where the presenter Søren Ø. Jensen interviewed the editor of a new gay magazine. An informative program where all viewers will learn about life as a homosexual and transsexual. Following the broadcast, both the studio host and I have been attributed several motives and I - based on a quote that was taken out of context - among other things called a biased TV2 boss. Let me stress that I and Good Evening Jutland is the exact opposite. We are interested in living for all shades of life and have great respect for the challenges of a life as a transsexual or homosexual offers, "says managing editor Eva Kvist. TV 2 Jutland East

LGBT Denmark condemned TV 2:
"- TV 2 media will appear as an exponent of marginalization, one-sided production of sex and a valuation or ranking where transgender placed at the bottom of a hierarchy. LGBT Denmark - National Association for Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people - will find this extremely regrettable. The association believes that the news broadcast coverage to transgender was not fair and honest, " says Sebastian Svegaard trans political spokesperson for LGBT Denmark"

Wait its not over!
Martin Miller Aamand, editor of panbladet.dk a gay magazine in a example of blatant gay transphobia defends the reporters remarks Here apparently saying the transphobic remarks were taken out of context. It also appears he believes these remarks that have sparked international condemnation are simply healthy conversation.

Email TV. 2. Tell them you are not a "Freak Show" redaktion@tv2oj.dk


Vote for Claire Buffie First Pro LGBT Miss America Contestant!

Source: Queers United "Ms. Claire Buffie a contestant for Miss America is the first ever pageant queen to campaign on an LGBT rights platform. Having won the nomination for Miss New York the beauty queen/photographer and activist now vies for the top crown."

"Ms. Buffie has been active in educating students about respect and acceptance for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. A straight ally herself, Buffie has a lesbian sister whom she wants to see have equal rights in her lifetime."

"Visit the Miss America site to vote for Buffie, or text MANY to 24470."

Be sure to tune in on January 15th to see if she is selected to the top 15!

Thank you E at Queers United and my appoligies for cliping the entire article I didn't have time to write one myself:)


Honduras Three Transsexuals Murdered in Two Weeks Demand Justice!

Three Honduran travesti or transgender woman, have been murdered in three separate incidents in the past two weeks. There bodies found raped, burned and thrown into ditches.

Source the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC):

"On December 22, 2010 in Comayagüela, a 23-year-old travesti named Lorenza(legal name: Luis) Alexis Alvarado Hernández (crime scene above picture) was found dead, her body visibly beaten and burned. Bloody stones near her corpse indicate that the bruises covering her body were caused by stoning. Her body was set on fire. Used condoms found nearby have led to the suspicion that she may also have been raped. After her death, the assailants threw her body into a ditch. News reports indicate that severe injuries to her face rendered her corpse virtually unrecognizable."

"The same day, another travesti, Lady Oscar (legal name: Oscar) Martinez Salgado, age 45, was found burned to death in her home in Barrio El Rincón of Tegucigalpa. Her body showed multiple stab wounds. Neighbors report witnessing two suspicious individuals running from her house as the fire ignited."

"Less than two weeks later, on January 2, 2011, a young travesti known only as Cheo was found murdered on the main street of Colonia Alameda in Tegucigalpa. Her body was left without legal documentation. She appears to have died from a severe stab wound to her chest."

Take Action Now Sign the IGLHRC letter to Honduran officials demanding justice!


Breaking the APA's chains pathologizing transsexuals for power and wealth

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Tobi Hill-Meyer answers to a "T" What's up with "Tranny"

I highly recommend Tobi Hill-Meyer's three part series on Bilerico Project. She sets the standard defining transsexuals views on the "T" word!

Part one examines Let's Talk about "Tranny" - Meanings

"To begin with, it's important to recognize that "tranny," like most slurs, is used to say more about someone than simply whether they are trans or not. Just as how "this homework is so gay" is less about identifying sexual attraction to other homework of its own gender and more about being generically bad. Similarly, being called a faggot or a dyke is often about being too feminine, a sissy, a manhater, or just being unwilling to accept sexual harassment. So what's the implication of being called a tranny?
So what does the media's role in presenting transgender as a simplified one dimensional plaything have to do with anything? Answered in part two "Let's Talk About "Tranny" Media Criticisms"

"If you are using the term over other people's objections, then be prepared for the consequences. People may think you are ignorant or insensitive to the oppression of trans women. They may more closely examine your behavior for transphobia and/or misogyny. They may find it. They might not want to be exposed to your irresponsible use of term (or other transphobia and/or misogyny) and decide to avoid your events, your writing, or your film. They might tell their friends. So if you want to cultivate an audience that includes trans women and those who care about them, or even just a reputation as trans friendly, keep that in mind.
(Tammye Nash, John Wright and the whole Dallas Voice crew should pay particular attention to this paragraph.)

Part three talks about the effects of using "tranny" has on transgender people. It explores the rational cisgender people us in defending there cavalier use of the word.

"Similarly, I've heard people suggest that because of the overlap in the trans feminine spectrum between trans women, drag queens, and sissy faggots, that gay men should therefore be free to toss the slur around without being criticized. I can understand the point if you're a gay man who walks the streets in drag, facing harassment, being called a tranny, and getting profiled by police for walking while trans. However, that doesn't give all normatively gendered gay men carte blanche to rebuke any criticism for using the term just because they went to a few drag shows. That doesn't give all gay men carte blanche. It certainly is no excuse for OUT magazine the justification to claim that the term is powerful and liberating just because they (predominantly cis men) are the ones saying it."
It is my belief that that Tobi's three part dissertation correctly articulates the current transgender sensitivities regarding the word "tranny". These three articles should be used as a guide post for cisgender media regardless if it is a gay or hetreosexual publication.

Mercedes has a wonderfully insightful commentary on Tobi's article over at Dented Blue Mercedes


Tammye "trannye" Na$h, Editor Dallas Voice Hates on Transsexuals, ad nauseum.


When you as trans activist regularly face unrelenting attacks on your dignity by media giants simply for standing up, hold your head up, face the battle bravely and what ever you do, never allow them to see your pain.

Do not believe there lies. Know that as we hold the high ground and refuse to lower ourselves to the level of these despicable attackers by refusing to use the hateful names they do know in the long run people will recognize your integrity and admire your courage.

The continued venomous attacks by the Dallas Voice on myself, dehumanizing singling me out despite being knowledgeable of trans peoples sensitivities with hated pejoratives require me to ask you Tammye Nash, what is your true motivation?

What is you investment in the word "tranny"? You are a cisgender gay woman for gods sake!

Is it you wish to hurt me personally? Our do you just hate transgender people in general?

When will Tammye Nash at the Dallas Voice learn that "Tranny" and "Faggot" hold the same negative connotations as "Nigger", Kike, "Towelhead"?

Surly our attempted education of Nash of the media guide which the Dallas voice adheres to when gay people are attacked verbally as was a dismal failure.

Nash, you are by definition a transphobic bully.

I am crying. Are you happy now? What Will it take for you to stop?


Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender & Queer Jamaica: Ten Reasons Why the Transvestic Disorder Diagnosis in the DSM-5 Has Got to Go

Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender ; Queer Jamaica: Ten Reasons Why the Transvestic Disorder Diagnosis in the DSM-5 Has Got to Go
Kelley Winters, Ph.D.
GID Reform Advocates

Click title or link for Queer Jamaica: "Ten Reasons Why the Transvestic Disorder Diagnosis in the DSM-5 Has Got to Go"

The classification of gender diversity and nonconformity to birth-assigned gender roles as mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has drawn growing protest and outrage from transpeople and and allies worldwide. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the APA, is regarded as the medical and social definition of mental disorder throughout North America and strongly influences international diagnostic nomenclature. The fifth edition of the manual, the DSM-5, is in development and scheduled for publication in 2013. While the diagnostic category of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) has garnered most of the controversy, a second category of so-called Transvestic Fetishism (TF) has harmed transwomen, including transsexual women, as well as male-to-female crossdressers, dual gender and gender nonconforming people since the earliest days of the DSM. Trans and LGB advocates have been inexplicably quiet about the TF category, even after the APA proposed to expand the category in the DSM-5, renamed Transvestic Disorder, to implicate gender nonconforming people of all sexes and all sexual orientations.

The proposed DSM-5 diagnosis of Transvestic Disorder, even worse than its predecessor Transvestic Fetishism, labels gender expression not stereotypically associated with assigned birth sex as inherently pathological and sexually deviant. The diagnosis is punitive and scientifically capricious, serving to punish social and sexual gender nonconformity and enforce binary stereotypes of assigned birth sex. Here are ten reasons why the Transvestic Disorder diagnosis should be eliminated entirely from the DSM-5."

Click the the link or post title for Kelley's Queer Jamaica' complete incredible article.


Petition the American Psychiatric Association: Remove Transgender from Proposed Changes in the DSM-5

Becuse our Identities are Not Disordered

The DSM is regarded as the medical and social definition of mental disorder throughout North America and strongly influences international psychiatric nomenclature.

On January 10th, 2010, the American Psychiatric Association released proposed draft revisions for the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to be published May 2013.

Although the proposed changes for the DSM-5 has substituted "Incongruent" a less offensive word for "Dysphoria", the ramifications of this diagnosis still exists as illustrated recently by our exclusion from the DADT repeal.

Transgender people's civil rights advancement has been and will be severely limited by our diagnosis in DSM as mentally ill by the American Psychiatric Association.

Anti transgender organizations cornerstone evidence for our dehumanization is the DSM which links our identities with with autogynephilia and pedophilia. Without fail the roundhouse blow during our engagement with anti trans forces has been delivered by quoting the DSM prognosis of our 'mental illness'.

Our diverse gender identities are a natural gift, not a psychiatric disorder.

Petition site:
Change.org petition

# # # # # # # # #

There are arguments we would be "cutting of our noses in spite of or faces" by getting our gender diversity de-listed in medical references as a treatable pathology. That is not my opinion. Why would a perfectly normal socialy functional human be satisfied with being labeled as mentally ill?

APA's DSM-5 Development Page

GID Reform WordPress

GID Reform.org


Transgender/Gay divorce proccess paper served: Mili*ary DADT Exclusion last straw!


This Petition is for dissolution of marriage and it is alleged on oath as follows:

1. Petitioner resides at Any street, Every Town, Every State and has resided there since at least 1706 and (90) days immediately prior to the filing of this Petition.

2. Petitioner and Respondent were shotgunned married during the 1990's resulting in the T being assimilated into the gay acronym GLB in the USA with the marriage being recognized worldwide.

3. The parties were separated on or before September 27, 2007 .

4. There are six identities born to or adopted by the Parties. The names and dates of birth are: Questioning, Bisexual, Intersex ,Asexual, Gender gifted, Gender Queer. All were born ? years BC. The trans complainant is now pregnant with multiple identities and expressions.

5. Petitioner and Respondent are enter into an Agreement resolving all issues of the marriage, which is recorded in their Identity Settlement Agreement and Child Care Plan, a true and correct copy of which is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit �A�.

6. Petitioner is mainly unemployed and underemployed, being discriminated against during and after transition. Respondent is usually employed not directly affected by sexual affinity in the work place and now in the armed forces service of his/her country.

7. There is no reasonable likelihood that the marriage between Petitioner and Respondent can be preserved, and therefore, the marriage is irretrievably broken.

WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays for its orders:

a. dissolving the marriage between the Petitioner and Respondent;

b. dividing the marital properly between Petitioner and Respondent according to law and settling all marital and non-marital identity and expression issues of the parties and resolving child issues as specified in the attached Property Settlement Agreement and Child Care Plan;

c. and granting such other and further relief as to this Court seems just and proper in the circumstances.

Petitioner wishes to retain the umbrella identity of Transgender and not be associated with the name of "gay" or "gay agenda" upon the date of the divorce.

Transsexual Community, USA___________________________________

Signature of Petitioner


Gay people agree not to use transgender/transsexual peoples name or identity in organization names which do not have transgender people in membership or advocate for transgender corcerns. Drag performers will now be recognized with a "gay" name if the performer identifies themselves as cisgender.

Further more, gay people commit to discontinue using 'tranny' a slanderous pejorative for revenue and commercial purposes. Gay people also promise not to use pejoratives defaming trans people in cisgender media for the purposes of creating sensationalist extrinsic controversy intended to exacerbate discord within the divorced parties.


Many in trans community, already up in arms after Congressman Barney Franks offered his latest deceptions regarding 2010 ENDA's debacle blaming gender issues. Meaning if, transgender people had not been written (Married to gay people) in in the first place ENDA would have succeeded. Many are now calling for this Divorce so I thought I would write this petition.

And now we get left out of theDAD* repeal!

I'll Tell you what is wrong!

Which dead son or daughter is GAY Transgender?

Our exclusion from DAD* tipped the scales. Weighed heavily already with trans activists anger over the continued attempted gay assimilation and profiteering at the expense of the people under the trans umbrella has many, including myself ask, what is needed to repair this relationship?

Really then, what are we trying to repair? At best trans people are in the receiving end of of this predatory relationship.

  • We are constantly attacked with pejoratives from many in the gay community.

    • We are constantly left out of the important national equal rights progress.

      • We are blamed for the failure of civil rights by unscrupulous gay politicians.

        • The self appointed 'supposed' leaders of the trans community have lied and deceived our community about ENDA proving they are in bed with the gay power brokers.

            Sometimes goodbye is a hello. Hello to true allies who would not exclude us who would not use our accpation as a pity tool to raise money for there agenda not parody us as comical jester like clowns in booze fired fundraisers?

            When those we hold the dearest are the ones who harm us the most it's time for a change. Just ask my biological 'family', wherever they are. They could confirm I am strong enough personally to present and be faithful to a commitment for divorce.

            Its time for our trans family to do the same. We want a divorce.
          • 12/17/10

            TIME Blog, USA

            ….Transsexual International Media Examiner…. TIME blog

            Trans group forms to combat defamation and it’s about TIME!

            Source Timeblog.org

            (For group specifics and mission statement click the ‘about us’ page
            for instructions to become a contributor)

            Invitation to form and participate with TIMEblog.org A Trans
            identified and led group of advocate journalists from Australia, New
            Zealand, Canada and United States of American.

            I am writing you because of our shared passion that transgender people
            be treated with dignity.

            How many times have we been assailed by gay media with the word
            ‘tranny’ being used as a pejorative?

            How any times have we responded individually hoping for a larger
            transender community response to back us up on a offenders blog?

            How many times have we as a community been gang raped by gay media in
            articles purportedly desiring goodwill dialogue with trans people that
            in realty were thinly disguised efforts crafted to antagonize and
            dehumanize us?

            How many times have you felt as I have, powerless, when responding on
            my blog knowing good and well I was only reaching 1/10th of the
            audience as the offending gay blog?

            How many times have we watched mainstream media pickup on gay media’s
            predatory practices, parrot the offending gay media’s offensive
            behaviour therby gaining attention exponentially.

            How many times have you shared my sense of disempowerment when the gay
            organization GLAAD, as admirable an ally as they are, is the only
            organization to speak for transgender people?

            How often have we been frustrated by GLAAD’s unwillingness to confront
            Gay people and groups who are presently allowed to defame trans people
            with impunity?

            We will confront gay media without hesitation with every tool avaliable.

            I have conducted a survey of trans identified people on TransAction
            ConVergence. The results http://bit.ly/gLVkl4 of this survey provides
            us with a mandate to speak on behalf of the trans community.

            One tenet of TIME will be our vocal objection to ‘tranny’ being used
            in Cisgender media no matter whether gay or hetero.

            We will voice condemnation when religious groups denigrate us. Their
            misrepresentation and defamation of trans people in religious media is
            a major factor in for our present position in society.

            There will be occasions when issuance of statements and blog posts
            will be insufficient to bring about change. In these instances we will
            initiate email campaigns, letters to the editor of local papers and
            phone calls.

            If all else fails, protests are the last option and will be done if possiable.

            The group will be called ‘transsexual’ because the survey indicated
            that moniker is most favored for people who identify under the trans

            We will further identify ourselves as exactly how we identify in the
            ‘About page’. I would like to include a contributors (thats you) page.
            You will be given the option to upload a picture and be as forthcoming
            as possiable about yourself and where you live. Remember, visibility
            is one our greatest tools in creating a sense of familiarity with and
            acceptance from cisgender people.

            Also, posting detailed information about yourself will help to silence
            our detractors of which there will undoubtedly be many and be
            forewarned, you may be targeted with misinformation and personal
            attacks, some even comming from own community!

            As a organization, banding together transgender bloggers and activists
            and armed with factual evidence of transgender sensitivities we will
            dismantle gay misogony and hetero transphobia in media. As never
            before we will have a voice.

            I see a organization run by individual bloggers and activists
            belonging to Timeblog.org each acting autonomously, Each possessing
            her/his unique abilities and passions cross posting from their own
            blogs on Time. Each contributor will be empowered with equal abilities
            to issue statements on behalf of TIME when necessary, condeming or

            A core group of officers led by myself will reserve the authority to
            censure and/or remove contributors who do not understand the purpose
            of or abuse TIME.

            Our power united we will easily overcome our singular adversaries.
            Together we can do this.

            Hoping you will join this endeavour. We are nothing without you.

            We are unstoppable with you.


            kelli Anne Busey
            Its about TIME!

            Battered South African lesbian petitions Justice Minister to criminalize 'corrective rape' from safe house

            Earlier this year Millicent Gaika, a 30-year-old South African woman, was tied up, beaten, strangled, tortured and raped for five hours by a man as he screamed that he would “cure” Millicent of her lesbianism.

            Ndumie Funda, a local community activist whose lesbian partner was murdered in the course of a similar “corrective rape,” reached out to Millicent through a small local charity she set up to rescue and support survivors of “corrective rape.” But last month they both had to go into hiding after the South African government released the perpetrator they had helped to jail on 60 rand (less than $10) bail.
            Ndumie, Millicent and others decided to fight back against the rapists and the lack of accountability for their crimes.

            From a Cape Town safehouse for survivors of ‘corrective rape,’ the women created a petition on Change.org targeting South African Justice Minister Jeffrey Radebe.

            Please, they wrote, declare 'corrective rape' a hate crime, which would both empower and require South African police to take a harder line on the vicious crime.
            Click here to add your name to the petition.

            More than 500 “corrective rapes” are reported in South Africa each year, and more than 30 South African lesbians have been murdered because of their sexuality over the past decade. Worse, for every 100 men charged with rape in South Africa, 96 of them walk free.

            We can help here. Last year, South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority went on record refusing to formally declare 'corrective rape' a hate crime, saying "It is not something that the South African government has prioritized as a specific project."

            But with enough international pressure on the South African government, such heinous crimes might finally be taken seriously. More than 2,000 Change.org members have added their name to the petition created by Ndumie and Millicent. Click here to add yours:

            Thank you for taking action,
            - The Change.org Team

            P.S. Every time a new person signs the petition, the Justice Minister’s office automatically gets an email. So once you join, will you forward this to friends and family, and post on Facebook, so that they hear a global outcry?