
It's ok to discriminate (while making informed decisions) It's Not ok to discriminate to validate biased bigotry

From the I couldn't make this up file. The right wing hate publication "One News.com" " an column  authored by  Mr. Nate Kellum, chief counsel for the Center for Religious Expression (Memphis, TN), a legal entity dedicated entirely to the protection of religious speech.

Nate KellumCalifornia’s new “transgender” law mandates school districts allow students to participate in school activities and use facilities based on their “gender identity” – and that opens a Pandora’s Box of problems.

The word “discriminate” carries with it a regrettable connotation. Mere mention evokes thoughts of Jews in concentration camps, elections without female participation, and water fountains marked “whites only.” But to discriminate, according to Merriam-Webster, is to simply note a distinction.
Detecting differences is not always bad; in fact, quite often, it only makes sense to discriminate.

Mr. Kellum  didn't bother to include the full definition of discrimination just the one that fit his needs in validating his argument. I think California has been a little less discriminatory in its understanding of word discrimination while passing AB 1266. . From the same source that Mr. Kellum used to make his incredibly inane argument, the merriam-webster.com dictionary :


 verb \dis-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt\

Definition of DISCRIMINATE

transitive verb
a : to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of
b : distinguishdifferentiate <discriminate hundreds of colors>
: to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences; especially: to distinguish from another like object
intransitive verb
a : to make a distinction <discriminate among historical sources>
b : to use good judgment
: to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit <discriminate in favor of your friends><discriminate against a certain nationality>
Using his subjective quotation of dictonary Mr. Kellum said that: "Ignoring the significance of this discernment, (presumably of the word discrimination) the State of California recently passed a transgender student law that blurs recognizable distinctions between males and females in their public school system. 

No Mr. Kellum it is not OK to use a skewed quote from the Merriam Webster dictionary to validate your hatred of transgender people. My suggestion Mr Kellum? You should  read your bible.


Fontana Police found Murdered Transgender Woman's car, looking for a person of interest

Fontana police Wednesday afternoon found a Mercedes belonging to a transgender woman and former YouTube reality star who was apparently slain in her apartment.

Domonique Newburn, 31, was found dead inside her apartment Tuesday afternoon after residents called police reporting a disturbance, the Fontana Police Department said.

Witnesses said that a man seen leaving the apartment took off in the victim's black 2004 Mercedes.

But the vehicle appeared to have been parked "for some time" at Perris Hill Park in San Bernardino, where it was located by detectives, Sgt. Doug Imhof said in a statement.

He said there were no details on how the vehicle ended up at the park.

Police said the man seen leaving the apartment was described as 5-foot-8 with an average build and wearing blue jeans. He was believed to be in late 20s or early 30s.

Read more at LA Now

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Miss Universe 2013 contestants will be sentenced to jail if she's transgender

Imagine a Miss Universe pageant with two exit doors.  Each contestant must take one regardless if she is the winner, runner up or an also ran as instructed by her handler. One leads to bright lights, a Dachau and fame. The other leads to a waiting paddy wagon, beat downs and a gulag. Sounds ludicrous, well its not.

NBC co owner of the Miss Universe pageant is intent on holding this event in Moscow. NBC has have issued a statement that they are "concerned"  about the treatment of LGBT people in Russia but have made it clear, they will not move the pageant.

The same city where just a week ago a Olympic contestants who had painted their finger nails colorfully were made to remove the polish because it looked like the colors of LGBT flag.

The same city where LGBT pride has been outlawed for a hundred years.

The same country where anyone who dares to speak in opposition of the ruling party, the state church or speak up for LGBT people are beaten and unmercifully persecuted and imprisoned.

Its the same country that promises competitors and visitors at the winter Olympics in 2014 that they will pay the same price its citizens suffer if the speak about LGBT people.

So what if one of the contestants is transgender? Obviously there wouldn't be a transgender contestant or anyone to speak of equality if the next Miss Universe pageant is held in Russia. It will be the most oppressive manipulated anti LGBT propaganda show of all time. The silence would be deafening.

The same country that NBC is broadcasting the Sochi winter olympics in 2014 despite the worlds condemnation.

Is this the world be accept?

Source: Medi Matters.org

On June 18, the organizers of the annual Miss Universe pageant announced that the 2013 competition will be held this November in Moscow, Russia.
The announcement came just one week after the Russian legislature unanimously adopted an extreme new law banning “gay propaganda.” Under the new rules, anyone who is caught showing support for the gay community or LGBT equality can face fines or jail time for promoting "gay propaganda" to minors. Similar laws have already been used to justify violence against LGBT people throughout parts of the country, and human rights groups have stated that the measure is in clear violation of international law.
NBC Universal, which co-owns Miss Universe, is already facing scrutiny over whether it will report on the impact of Russia’s draconian new anti-gay measures during its exclusive coverage of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. The network’s handling of Miss Universe is an important first test.
Even some of NBC’s own celebrities are jumping ship because of the risky decision to hold the pageant in Moscow. Andy Cohen, an NBC employee and openly gay Bravo star who hosted the contest for the past two years, recently backed out of hosting the 2013 event, citing concerns for his own safety and that of participants and spectators.
Just last year, the Miss Universe pageant changed its rules to allow transgender contestants to compete. The decision to host the pageant in Moscow this year is a giant step backward.
By relocating this year’s “Miss Universe,” NBC can send a message to Russia that its bigotry will not be tolerated or legitimized by the international community. With the 2014 Olympics on the horizon, I can’t think of a more important time for NBC to demonstrate its commitment to the safety and dignity of its participants and guests.
Sign the Equality Matters letter and ask NBC to set a precedent with Russia.
Cynthia Padera
Campaigns Manager
Media Matters for America


CNS News bathroom video backfires and actually contains thoughtful Insight about Trans Issue

No matter how hard hate mongers MRCTV's Dan Joseph tried to frame his questions with a biased slant the college students replied with thoughtfulness and personal insight.

One thing that Dan's video makes clear is College students even in the most red of red states like Virgina are aware and concerned about the well being of their fellow students, transgender included.

Trying to elicit outrage  MRCTV's Dan Joseph took his pants and shirt off, stood in front of the woman's shower and lisped he was trans and nervous asking for permission to enter. This woman answered "sure, come on in". She probably knew you were some kind of idiot or a poser Joseph. DUDE! Whats up with taking you're clothes off and the lisp? Stupid really, stupid even funny, but in a pathetic sort of  way.

If I was that woman at the locker room door and a half dressed man tried to pressure me into allowing him into the shower area I might have filled out the Mason Bias Incident Report Form or maybe call the campus police.

The college students are in sharp contrast to the bunch of parochial bigots who validate comments deriding the California transgender bill, like Ken's with juvenile references to the "Porky's scene when male students peeked into the girls shower.

Wonkette observes that
"...what the Media Research Center might not have noted while it was posting its triumphant expose is that all the man-on-the-street interviews they did about how grotesque and world-ending it was for Jerry Brown to be all “okay Cali students, use the bathroom that matches your gender identity, no big” were, um, full of nuance and thoughtfulness! Did they even notice that? They didn’t right? Basically every single person is like “yeah, no, we don’t actually see a problem with it,” and the few who do say that there could be hypothetical issues, or that it might be “problematic,” are doing so from a space of, like, yeah, some people could be uncomfortable we guess, and there could hypothetically be teenage Dans out there trying to see some beav, but even then nobody’s even the littlest bit upset about it. It could be complicated! That is not a crime against transgendered humanity to think so!
The only crime against humanity is Dan Joseph’s face. :( "


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Lies

Even Hitler suspended his murderous laws for the Olympics
LGBTQI athletes and people of moral conscious, you have been deceived and lied to by the IOC, major media outlets and Russian authorities in a scheme to get you to go to the Russian winter games. The IOC's mission is to get you to Sochi so that you spend every iota of your being and dollars in your righteous endeavour to bring home a medal, glory and fame for your country and corporate sponsors.

 In an August interview with RU Sport  (Putin's sports propaganda outlet), the CEO of the US Olympic Committee, Scott Blackmun, answered RU sports questions (as if they didn't already know):

What's your interpretation of Russia's anti-gay law and are there any measures you're planning on taking ahead of the Sochi 2014 Olympics?
"We've read the law, there are over 200 national Olympic committees, and it's not workable for each of them to develop its own interpretation and approach with respect to the law, so were looking to the IOC for some leadership in this issue. they have been in discussions with the Russian authorities, so we're awaiting for some clarification from them."
 Asked if he felt responsible if American athletes were beaten or jailed for being LGBT Blackmun told RU Sports "we're not going to get involved" explaining that athletes need to obey the laws of the host countries and the "Gay Propaganda" law was "no different" from laws in other countries.

You might have to get involved if an athlete decides to make a protest.
"You can't judge in advance what you're going to do. Each Games is different. The athletes are always going into countries with laws different than his or her own country. They're going to agree with those laws in some ways, they're going to disagree with those laws in other ways. It's our strong desire that our athletes comply with the laws of every nation that we visit. This law is no different."
 "Our job, first and foremost, is to make sure that our athletes are prepared to compete and aren't distracted while they're here. We're a sports organization, and we'll leave the diplomacy on the legal issues to the diplomats, and we're not going to get involved."

    NO Different?

Mr Blackmun would you be so indifferent if this was you're family member.
Mr. Blackmun this is my Russian LGBT family. This was done by Putin's police the same goons who will be at Sochi. 

If Mr. Blackmun has his way 'gay propaganda' laws will become commonplace. oOher countries are watching the worlds reaction carefully as they too would love to legitimize beating and imprisoning of there LGBT citizens as Russia has done.

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After all that the IOC has done to muddy the waters  the simple act of painting one's fingernails the rainbow was considered promoting LGBT rights at the Moscow summer games.
There have been many mainstream article quoting athletes saying they would compete in Sochi but what of the common Russian? English speaking LGBT Russian are asking for a boycott! Boycott/protest at the Russian Winter Olympics


Secret recording of San Antonio Councilwoman Elisa Chan meeting reveals her hate of LGBT people

“So disgusting!”

That exclamation escaped the lips of District 9 Councilwoman Elisa Chan on May 21 in her City Hall office, where she was meeting with members of her staff to discuss the city's proposal to update its nondiscrimination ordinance, adding protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. ~ mysanantonio.com

One person advised Chan on her tactics ..you'll score the most political points by standing up and being anti gay because its not an economic argument, its not a small government argument its a social cultural argument and you'll get the most points by taking a stand..and by doing so admitted that they had no intention of governing fairly. They are plotting to squash a equality measure based on their bigotry.

"personally its disgusting to think about...." Chan comments about LGBT people's lives but balking at stating this view in public acknowledging it would hurt her career.

Guess what Councilwoman Elisa Chan? You just committed political suicide.

Chan suggests she lie about her knowledge of transsexualism in order to kill the amendment " ...maybe we can throw some questionable confusion because the definition is so confusing, I was not educated on what transgender is about..." then Chan go's on to mention various web sources that offer information about transgender people.

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (D-Texas) does not support Chan's remarks.
"Councilwoman Chan's remarks were hurtful and ignorant," Castro told Huffpost in a phone conversation Friday. "[No one should] believe for one second that they represent the views of San Antonians. Ours is a city that welcomes everyone and appreciates diversity."
While Castro supports the nondiscrimination ordinance, Chan and councilman Carlton Soules plan to vote "no" on Sept. 5.
Source Austinist: James Stevens, the aide who recorded the conversation and leaked it to the San Antonio Express-News,explained to reporter Brian Chasnoff why he decided to make Chan's bigotry public: "My decision to record in the first place was that, during the staff meetings, we weren't really discussing the ordinance itself. We were really just talking about ways to appeal to the (voting) base and to get them fired up as opposed to analyzing the ordinance."
Chan "is only focused on her political future," he continued. "She's not focused on the policy itself and how it's going to really affect the city. We spent 80 percent of that meeting talking about how disgusting homosexuality is."
Stevens quit his job in Chan's office earlier this week.

Degrassi Video Spoiler: First regular transgender character on prime time, Adam, Dies in Car Wreck Texting

Yes, Adam (Jordan Todosey) died after hitting a tree when he lost control of the car he was driving because he was texting at the end of the last episode, sending home the message that it can always wait to the show's young viewers. Executive producer Stephen Stohn tweeted after the episode, "We must never text and drive. Never." ~ E online

Not so sure Stohn knew how badly Adams death would be received by viewers. So many cried and commented they would never watch Degrassi again. Seems the show has made a habit of killing off their best at critical moments instilling a sense of dread in viewers, like OK, who's next. The sad truth is death is a fact of life expecially in the trans community and Degrassi like life will go on.

"Visible Silence" Thailand ไทย Toms and the woman who love them

Why would planetransgender cover a lesbian themed movie? Because its all about gender diversity in expression and identity. As trans people many of us also live in Visible silence. We can relate to this. Even if you can't afford to contribute, know that you can help by spreading the word on social media.

on Twitter: @mareamedia Visible Silence Film.
Covered by After Ellen and Glaad:

“Visible Silence: Thai Tomboys and the Ladies Who Love Them” is a documentary film sharing the stories of Thai lesbians striving for visibility, authenticity, and acceptance in a highly traditional society.
Thai activists need the film to support a historic LGBTQ Civil Union bill imminently going before Thai parliament.
Award-winning filmmaker Ruth Gumnit, and her binational (Thai-U.S.) team are poised to support this effort, and are rushing to finish the film.
With support from the Horizons Foundation, Frameline Completion Fund and Astraea Lesbian Foundation For Justice, they are within weeks of completion.
Can you come on board?
Can you ask three friends to join you?
Watch the trailer to see for yourself the critical work this film can do for global human rights.
Your tax deductible donation will go directly to the editing, music and other work necessary to complete the film.
Secured Premieres:
2/2014 Bangkok TH
6/2014 San Francisco Int'l LGBT Film Fest.
Rally Name: Visible Silence Film
Number of supporters: 63
Rally Leader: Marea Media
Marea Media
  • Marea Media
  • Sandy Sunil
  • Warisara Jearapattranon
  • Marguerite Salmon
  • YoongZaa Phanlaphat
  • Peter Stein
  • rebecca darling
  • Christian Leiva
  • Ellen Agger
  • OG Sunil


Fox News spearheading retaliatory Attack on transgender Californian students

The first video is from CNN which sets the benchmark by offering fair and balanced reporting giving both opponents and proponents of AB 1266 a chance to present their views.

The second and third are fox videos that open by indicating transsexualism as a transit condition or made by a subjective decision.  APFox and ABC' are all to blame for propagating this untruth as the first paragraph in each of these mainstream media articles reporting the passage of AB 1266 state that California transgender students can now use 'whatever restroom they want". 

The following two videos are representative of the skewed reporting by these Fox affiliates.
Nether "Fair" or "Balanced".

How many sexual harassment cases will come forward? The answer? There has never neen a single lawsuit filed in any of the 624 colleges and universities and ever expanding list of which includes 16 states and DC and and a innumerable list of counties, cites an jurisdictions that have transgender students inclusive policies. The truth is? Fox News is leading a fear mongering hate filled retaliatory attack against transgender students disregarding historical and empirical evidence.


Don't blow smoke up my ass

Nick Symmonds ran a great race yesterday at the Moscow summer games and yes he deserves accolades for his silver. He also played the games by Putin's rules wearing nothing visible indicating he is gay.
No speechifying condemning the brutal totalitarian theocracy that's crushing the life from the Russian LGBT community.
Symmonds post run blog post in runners world titled "My Medal Isn't Just for Me" published while he was on Russian soil makes no mention of the "Gay Propaganda" law.

Its a personal decision whether one should put themselves out there for there community and you made it when you announced you weren't willing to be arrested.

I respect that, but had you wore a LGBT pin would you have been arrested Nick? We will never know. What we do know is that you have set the bar incredibly low for the athletes at the winter Olympics like Johnny Weir-Voronov. You played by Putin's Rules.


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  • Tomorrow (Thurs) morning from 9AM, listen to All FM 96.9 (Manchester) where Fiona Ledgard will be putting questions to Olivia from Shatterjapan about the event and you can hear some cool tracks from some of the bands playing Sun/Mon at KRAAK. Listen here http://allfm.org/listen 
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