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The word “discriminate” carries with it a regrettable connotation. Mere mention evokes thoughts of Jews in concentration camps, elections without female participation, and water fountains marked “whites only.” But to discriminate, according to Merriam-Webster, is to simply note a distinction.
Detecting differences is not always bad; in fact, quite often, it only makes sense to discriminate.
Mr. Kellum didn't bother to include the full definition of discrimination just the one that fit his needs in validating his argument. I think California has been a little less discriminatory in its understanding of word discrimination while passing AB 1266. . From the same source that Mr. Kellum used to make his incredibly inane argument, the dictionary :
verb \dis-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt\dis·crim·i·nat·eddis·crim·i·nat·ing
Definition of DISCRIMINATE
transitive verb
a : to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of
b : distinguish, differentiate <discriminate hundreds of colors>
b : distinguish, differentiate <discriminate hundreds of colors>
: to distinguish by discerning or exposing differences; especially: to distinguish from another like object
intransitive verb
a : to make a distinction <discriminate among historical sources>
b : to use good judgment
b : to use good judgment
: to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit <discriminate in favor of your friends><discriminate against a certain nationality>
No Mr. Kellum it is not OK to use a skewed quote from the Merriam Webster dictionary to validate your hatred of transgender people. My suggestion Mr Kellum? You should read your bible.
I Couldn't make this up! Mr Nate Kellum @CRE_Law says it's not just ok to discriminate its right to discriminate!
— planetransgender (@kellibusey) August 22, 2013
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