Equality Maryland's lead protagonist, propagandist and disruptor Cathey Brennan has once again stuck her head up from the cesspool of transphobia to lash out.
This time its on a global scale with a sickening letter to the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women . A transcript of the letter can be found here
For the uninitiated a quick recap. Maryland being my childhood home I could not stand by idly early this year as the indigent transgender population was blindsided by "Equality" Maryland (eqMD).
eqMD without informing or including the transgender community had sponsored a "equality" bill with a fatal flaw. This bill did not include public accommodations provisions which would give transgender people the legal right to be in public places such as buses and restaurants. Public accommodations provisions allows transgender people the legal right to be in restrooms that are congruent with there gender presentation.
When we responded on Equality Maryland facebook page Brennan banned us. Although Brennan denied any connection with emMD the posts hidden behind eqMD's logo commentary stunk of Brennan. When we wrote blog posts Brennan would attempt to discredit and belittle our efforts. Gay media never published a article fairly presenting our views extending eqMD's censorship by deleting trans peoples comments.
And when we tried to connect with the political sponsor of HB235 we were intimidated and threatened by her.
I banned Cathey Brennan early on after trying unsuccessfully to hold a public conversation about this issue in a facebook note after Maryland Delegate Pena-Melnyk CALLED ME AND SCREAMED IF >>YOU PEOPLE<< SHOW UP AT THE HEARING I'LL PULL MY SUPPORT!!!!!.
So I formed a now defunct "secret" group that would allow space for us to formulate a response. Now it seems that groups actions were not so secret as one of our members was promoted to editor of the local gay paper and has alowed Brennan space to spew her feminist brand of toxic transphobia .
Now Brennans disgusting motivations are revealed as she lashed out against Mercedes Allen in a unsigned post that reeks of Brennan intentionally misgendering her and pulling out of context one line of Mercedes post.
Brennan's letter to the UN seeks validates misogyny and undoubtedly will be referenced as the UN commission realigns its advocacy for womankind.
Brennan wrote:
"the proliferation of legislation designed to protect "gender identity" and "gender expression" undermines legal protections for females vis-à-vis sex segregated spaces, such... as female-only clubs, public restrooms, public showers, and other spaces designated as "female only."
and Brennan's letter suggests that transgender usage of restrooms endangers females because:
"... we recognize the legitimate needs of transgender and transsexual women to operate in the world free from irrational discrimination. However, we cannot deny the implications of this legislation - and the radical shift in priorities it represents for females. Female reproductive vulnerability has a long history of exploitation by males in the form of sexualized violence...."
And Mercedes wrote:
"In other words, they claim to recognize that we need basic human rights, but actually granting those rights harms women and constitutes sexualized violence by males."
Take action! Sign the petition
At least two women of transsexual histories helped with the technical language of that document. If you would read it, you would realize it includes protections for women born transsexual. It EXCLUDES non-women (crossdressers) from those spaces.
August 6th, 2011
The definition of gender identity that I favor would capture transsexual women and/or women of transsexual history. I support access to public accommodations segregated by sex for transsexual women and/or women of transsexual history.
Dana, with respect, the letter says something else too.
It specifically singles out for criticism the laws of Connecticut with all the rest, as oppressive to women. That's in the first paragraphs.
I remind you what the Connecticut law says:
"An Act Concerning Discrimination" -- or HB-6599 -- defines "gender identity or expression" as follows:
a person's gender-related identity, appearance or behavior, whether or not that gender-related identity, appearance or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with the person's physiology or assigned sex at birth, which gender-related identity can be shown by providing evidence including, but not limited to, medical history, care or treatment of the gender-related identity, consistent and uniform assertion of the gender-related identity or any other evidence that the gender-related identity is sincerely held, part of a person's core identity or not being asserted for an improper purpose."
This "compromises hard won sex-based classification protections for females".
The letter advocates the repeal of all legal protections for all Trans people and Intersex people of any kind. It does not advocate that they be replaced by anything for "true transsexuals". It does not mention Intersex at all.
I understand what you're trying to achieve, that as a woman with an unusual past, you naturally identify with other women. The ones you're associating with now don't identify you as female though, and never will. Remember Cathy made the distinction between "female and trans folx".
Silly, aren't they? But you're being used.
The fact that you were involved takes the sting out of it though, as to the radical extremists, that will taint the whole document with maleness. You will be accused of infiltrating women's spaces by your contribution - if you haven't been already.
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