
Video: NY Post Slams US With "Tranny" But Balks At F__ot

This "Article" by the NY Post has to be without a doubt the most hurtful and incendiary transphobic pieces of shit ever published by one of Murdoch's media maggots.

GLAAD,who's article brought this to my attention claims it was they who were responsible for the NY Post's gay awareness. GlAAD says they stopped using the F word because of their efforts during the AIDS crisis.

However GLAAD is apparently unable to stop them from using the T word. I think it may also have something to do with the assailant being associated with the NYFD and everyone knows there's no gay firefighters. (The Mahmoud Ahmadinejad syndrome)

So you might ask, why bother then? Glaad with all its might is seemingly powerless to stop that trash heap of a rag, Kelli what could you do with your little planetransgender bloggy thangy?

Although I have not been a big fan of the duplicitous GLAAD in the past I have seen some major changes in them recently. And a TRUE Ally against transgender defamation is our ally.

And if need be, the next time one of there runway cisgender money making queens utters the T word in public claiming he is 'reclaiming' it on our behalf I will be the first to remind GLAAD of the snip to the right from there own blog.

This video from the NY Post appeared in my daily google 'tranny' alert after I wrote the post and thought I'd include it. Don't buy the NY Post. Really.

APA DSM-5: The D word Switcharoo

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association APA, contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders.

These criteria for diagnosis provide a common language among clinicians and mental health professionals who treat patients with mental disorders. The APA is currently developing the latest edition, DSM to be published May 2013

There are extremes in all communities and ours is no exception. Being radical it seems right that I occupy the one on the far side advocating for our removal lock, stock and barrel from the DSM-5.

I'm also open to others opinions and since it's such a hot button issue, one I felt needed our attention I created a Facebook event that was joined by five thousand people for conversation. Some against some for our removal and some in the middle, but all respected.

Did those of us who wanted our removal succeed?  No, most likely we failed despite my best efforts at getting local people out from behind their keyboards. That was somehow my fault. Not the gay communities.  We didn't take to the street at key moments and gain the spotlight as they did twenty years ago.

The facts.

The December first 2012  press release from the APA announcing the next bureaucratic step needed to publish the DSM-5 had been taken by the board voting it's approval.

And the world fell over themselves to announce trans people were no longer listed as "disordered" by in the DSM.

Did I miss something in that press release?

The  Message From APA President Dilip Jeste, M.D., on DSM-5 offers no specifics, only justifications and denials regarding the process.

So whats up?

The often quoted Med Page published in May following the last public meeting reports what may not up:

"Gender identity disorder. Individuals who believe their biological gender doesn't match their gender identification will no longer be labeled with a disorder. Instead, if they seek psychiatric treatment, they can be labeled with "gender dysphoria."

The workgroup responsible for dealing with the hot-button issue considered a variety of other approaches, addressed later in this article. Ultimately they settled on a formal diagnosis -- potentially qualifying a patient for insurance-paid treatment if they want it -- but with a less pejorative name than "disorder."

So the name might change but what is the difference between the two words and what does it mean to trans people? The free medical dictionary defines....

Gender Identity Disorder:

"The psychological diagnosis gender identity disorder (GID) is used to describe a male or female that feels a strong identification with the opposite sex and experiences considerable distress because of their actual sex."

Gender Dysphoria:

"unhappiness with one's biological sex or its usual gender role, with the desire for the body and role of the opposite sex.

Not much difference between the two words is there?

Please understand this is just conjuncture since no further official information available untill the DSM-5 is published in May 2013.
But given that one D word is being substituted for another what's the end result?

We remain pathologized by the APA



Regard or treat (someone or something) as psychologically abnormal or unhealthy

Which in my opinion denies  us our rightful place among the worlds well adapted productive citizens.

So try as hard as I may I failed, kind of. Who knows. I did give space to those who wanted conversation. But most importantly, those who wanted our total removal from the DSM as well.

 But now its just a waiting game. The APA has what it wants, our undivided attention, our money, the guidelines to normality, acceptability and our chances at success in life.


Gabrielle Ludwig: Transgender Basketball player At Center Court

"Come out and be Gabrielle the player," head coach Corey Cafferata tells her. "You worked hard to get here. This damn team in here, everyone has your back!"

Ludwig nervously runs her hand over the sock approaching the tattoo on her leg. She has long been eager yet apprehensive about this moment. Can she still play? What will she hear from adults in the stands? What will her opponents on the court whisper? And can she keep her emotions in check? Glancing up from the dirty rug, she says she is calm. She didn't know if this day could ever arrive: Tonight, before spectators who will cheer and curse her, she hits the reset button on her life.

Read more of this celebration of life on USA Today

Twenty Tennessee Equality Organizations to Rally Dec 9th

"Most people realize that AIDS came from the homosexual community—it was one guy screwing a monkey, if I recall correctly, and then having sex with men. It was an airline pilot, if I recall.
My understanding is that it is virtually—not completely, but virtually—impossible to contract AIDS through heterosexual sex."

Michelangelo Signorile interview with TN Sen. Stacey "Don't Say Gay" Campfield 

Why should the rest of us care? The weakest Link, Tennessee has the most oppressive Anti LGBT Legislature in  the USA.

Twenty Equality Organizations will gather December Sunday 9th rallying for the full range of equality issues--for safe schools and against bad legislation like the Don't Say Gay and License to Bully bills, for legal recognition of our relationships, and safety for our community from violence and hate, including hateful legislation like the Police the Potty bill that targets transgender people.


Video: Islamic Thugs Shut Down Jakarta Festival Waria Berbudaya [Cultural Transgender Festival]

JAKARTA – A transgender festival was forced to shut down on Monday night after an Islamic group armed with sticks turned up at the event to protest against it.

UPDATE  Festival Organizers claim police are in cohorts with the Islamists leaving them unprotected. Source: Jakarta Post

The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), a fundamentalist group that aims to implement shariah law in Indonesia, claimed the organiser of the Miss Waria contest in Pasar Festival, South Jakarta, did not have a permit from the police.

“The local community did not want the contest to be held in their area. They asked the police if there is a permit for the contest, but there is not,” Salim Alatas, chief patron of the FPI’s Jakarta chapter told the Jakarta Globe.

“We will deny if there is such thing as a transgender contest in our country. It’s morally destructive and not educating.”

Witnesses said that FPI members wore helmets and were armed with sticks, but Mr Salim denied the claims, saying that his men were unarmed and came in peace.

South Jakarta’s Setiabudi Police precinct head AKBP Lalu Muhammad Iwan confirmed that police did not issue a permit for the event.

Festival organiser Merlyn Sofyan, winner of Miss Waria when the event was first held in 2006, denied the show was a transgender beauty contest.

“It’s called Festival Waria Berbudaya [Cultural Transgender Festival], not a pageant where contestants are judged by their looks,” Merlyn told the Jakarta Globe.

“Festival Waria Berbudaya is an attempt to answer the wrong perceptions in our community by producing decent human resources of waria [transgender people]. It’s not going to be instant, but we’re trying to nurture them.

“If we’re talking about religion, who has the right to judge other people?”

All 20 contestants left the contest peacefully and continued the event at the Legal Aid Foundation in Central Jakarta.

Source: Bangkok Post


Video: Helena LGBT Human Rights Ordinance Advances Amid Fears Based on Hearsay

LGBT human rights activists and opponents of equality gathered in Helena Montana to voice support for and against the Non-Discrimination Ordinance.

Trans people and our allies also spoke against the proposed amendment restricting public accommodations provisions for trans people.

Apparently orchestrating the opposition was Joseph La Rue, legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom in Scottsdale, Ariz. a quasi religious organization, who spoke against the Ordinance.

Source: Independent Record: "The amendment to section 1-8-4 read: “However in any place of public accommodation where users ordinarily appear in the nude, users may be required to use the facilities designated for their anatomical sex regardless of their gender identity. Such requirements shall not constitute discrimination for purposes of this section 1-8-4.”
"The amendment, Thweatt explained saying he was ambivalent about its merits, would allow the owner of a business to remove a person who, for example, was born male but is now a transgender person who had exposed genitalia in a sauna."

"The explanation was in reference to reports of this happening at Evergreen State College, in Olympia, Wash. The college has disputed specifics of the incident. In a similar case, a parent of a swim club member complained of indecent exposure but local prosecutors there declined to charge the person."

I find it outrageous that Council Member Thweat would site ONE  instance of hearsay to validate to discriminating against transgender people.
Support our equality by signing the Helena Human Rights Petition


CBS CSI: - "Strip Maul" Transgender Peoples Nightmare

"Strip Maul" Strips trans people of diginity.

While the officers are searching for 'wacko's' at the mall they encounter a person in womans clothing who identifies as a female, but with one bizarre twist, she's trans and claims to be pregnant.

The trans person's scene's are always at key moments. It's obvious CBS is well aware that a trans person acting bizarrely will sell this episode. Eventually the trans person begins to threaten herself and her baby and does kills herself.

That scene was deleted from the online version but according to Nick Adams, GLAAD’s Associate Director of Communications "In the next scene, Joslyn has been released from the chair, but now she is even more hysterical, claiming that her water has broken and the baby is coming. She again violently attacks everyone in the room, grabs a pair of scissors and repeatedly stabs herself in the stomach. The show lingers on a shot of her bloody body lying on the floor of the station. Immediately after the commercial break one of the detectives says, "Hospital said our pregnant transvestite was D.O.A."


APA Changes: DSM-5 Transgender Disorder to Dysphoria. It's Official, Kind of

Source AP December 1st 2012: "The board of trustees for the American Psychiatric Association voted Saturday in suburban Washington, D.C., on scores of revisions that have been in the works for several years. Details will come next May when the group's fifth diagnostic manual is published. "

"The trustees made the final decision on what proposals made the cut; recommendations came from experts in several task force groups assigned to evaluate different mental illnesses."

The only thing for sure is that they are -- Eliminating the term "gender identity disorder." Minnesota Public Radio 

The APA will not officially disclose the actual changes until the DSM-5 is published, but from earlier in the year we have a pretty good idea anyways...


Source Med Page Today:

Whats changed:

Gender identity disorder. Individuals who believe their biological gender doesn't match their gender identification will no longer be labeled with a disorder. Instead, if they seek psychiatric treatment, they can be labeled with "gender dysphoria."

The workgroup responsible for dealing with the hot-button issue considered a variety of other approaches, addressed later in this article. Ultimately they settled on a formal diagnosis -- potentially qualifying a patient for insurance-paid treatment if they want it -- but with a less pejorative name than "disorder."

What the APA refused to change:

Transgenderism as a V code. In seeking to destigmatize what was called gender identity disorder in DSM-IV, one proposal was to list it -- with or without a new name -- as a so-called V Code. In DSM-IV, this was a chart code used to flag items of clinical interest that were not diagnosable or treatable conditions in their own right -- such as problems at school or noncompliance with treatment.

It was rejected, as were suggestions that the condition be dropped from DSM-5 altogether.

Read more ar 'Med Page Today' published May 10, 2012


Video: It's Over, Stacie Laughton Signs Resignation Letter

November 30th at the 17:30 mark on this lenghty video Transgender woman NH Representative elect Stacie Laughton signed her resignation letter.
This video did answer one question I had, why did the rest of the Democrats remain quite? Answer: Her seat broke the super majority the Republicans had (now have again) in the New Hampshire House.


FTM Classmate's Petition Convinces Board To Allow Him To Pee At School

It's the Principle of the matter.

Principle of causality, as efficient cause. Aristotle defined it as "Everything that moves is moved by another".

In this case it was James Spencer's High School classmate's petition  asking that he should be allowed the most basic of rights. The right to use the correct bathroom without endangering and ostracizing himself.

Transgender people worldwide would be delighted if public accommodations were not the rallying point for the opponents of our equality. It's such a basic right, but given that hatred is the glue that binds together our opponents the toilet maybe the most fitting place to start.

Principle as a final cause: "Final cause is the end, or goal, which guides one to take the necessary actions to obtain it."

So now that James can use the bathroom like the rest of humanity he will be able to continue his life's work, enlightening cultural morality.

Principle as moral law:

"It represents a set of values that orientate and rule the conduct of a concrete society. The law establishes an obligation in the individual's conscience that belongs to the cultural field in which such values are accepted. It supposes the liberty of the individual as cause, that acts without external coercion, through a process of socialization."

Definitions for Principle found in Wikipedia


planetransgender Takes on The "Dr". Oz Reparative Therapy Show

1000 Gay organizations screamed bloody murder over DR Oz Reparative Therapy show wondering why he would raise the level of creditability with conversation of such disproved quackery with this show.

Something I as a transgender person was wondering to....

But then after the show and the inevtable payola rolled in OZ Claimed he seen the light. Well #ucking Hallelujah.

He posted this on his Dr Oz blog:

The Reparative Therapy Controversy
by Mehmet Oz, MD

On today’s controversial show, we discussed forms of therapy that are designed to turn a gay person straight. Currently, there are still a handful of therapists who still perform this on teenagers and adults who are uncomfortable with their sexual orientation – despite the fact that the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, and other respected medical organizations oppose this therapy, claiming that it doesn’t work and that it may be potentially harmful.

I felt that we needed to include all parties who have considered reparative therapy to hear the stories of people who have tried these treatments. Although some viewers may disagree with this tactic, if we want to reach everyone who might benefit from understanding the risks of this therapy, you have to present multiple perspectives. Based on the need to pass the September 30 California law banning the practice in minors and continued media attention on groups advocating both sides of the reparative therapy decision, the debate continues and the venues are often basements and backrooms.

Some guests argued that they have been changed through these treatments, but I was overwhelmed by the pain of individuals hurt by the experience. After listening to both sides of the issue and after reviewing the available medical data, I agree with the established medical consensus. I have not found enough published data supporting positive results with gay reparative therapy, and I have concerns about the potentially dangerous effects when the therapy fails, especially when minors are forced into treatments.

My biggest epiphany occurred after hearing where the opposing groups found some common ground. The guests who appeared on my show on either side of this debate agreed that entering into any therapy with guilt and self-hate is a major error. Trying to change who you are instead of loving who you are leads to broken spirits and broken hearts. Encouraging self-acceptance is the only way to help alleviate the shame experienced by those who are struggling with their sexuality – and help them reach a place where who they are matches who they want to be."

Being a blogger and student I appreciate you that you have a cerebral cortex but abhor your greed. Fuck.

You're a Doctor? Then act like one.

Gay Reparative Therapy: Statements from Major Medical Organizations

After independently assessing the available medical evidence, the following organizations have submitted statements regarding gay reparative therapy:

American Psychiatric Association: “The potential risks of ‘reparative therapy’ are great, including depression, anxiety and self destructive behavior, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self hatred already experienced by the patient.”

American Psychological Association: For over three decades the consensus of the mental health community has been that homosexuality is not an illness and therefore not in need of a cure.

American Medical Association: “[We] oppose any psychiatric treatment, such as ‘reparative’ or ‘conversion’ therapy which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation.”

American Academy of Pediatrics: “Therapy directed specifically at changing sexual orientation … can provoke guilt and anxiety while having little or no potential for achieving changes in orientation.”

National Association of Social Workers: Social stigmatization of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people is widespread and is a primary motivating factor in leading some people to seek sexual orientation changes

The Epiphany "DR" Oz had was he was in serious danger of losing his biggest fan base by lowering himself with such self promotional crap.

Trans Teen Dashad Sage Smith Missing VA Police Need Our Help

Erik McFadden Person of Interest in Trans Teen Disappearance

Charlottesville Police Department Press Release

The Charlottesville Police Department needs your assistance regarding the disappearance of
Dashad Laquinn Smith.

Smith was last seen on Tuesday, November 20th. Smith had phone contact with Erik Tyquan McFadden (Facebook picture included) on that day and then told friends he was going to meet someone on West Main Street. He was seen a short time later in the 500 block of West Main Street.

Smith has not been seen or heard from since. Erik McFadden, who at the time was living on 14th Street NW, confirmed to investigators that he did have phone contact with Smith and planned to meet him on Tuesday near the Amtrak Station on West Main Street.

McFadden stated the meeting never took place. Police have reason to believe that McFadden has now left the Charlottesville area.

If you have information on Dashad Laquinn Smith or Erik McFadden or any knowledge of this case please contact Sgt. Marc Brake at 434-970-3970 or Crimestoppers at 434-977-4000.

On Facebook Find Dashad "Sage" Smith


No Pussies No Games: Boycott Russian Winter Olympics Подшлемники для каждого

There is a growing movement on Facebook to show solidarity with the Russian feminist Group Pussy Riot by Boycotting the Russian 2014 Winter Olympics.

There is even a vote to honor Pussy Riot Time Woman Of The Year. This is important as mainstream media not only recognizes Pussy Riot but places the group among the Worlds Most Influential Woman.

Update 12/1/12 I have spoken with colleagues in Russia and have been encouraged to author a petition demanding their release before the Russian Winter Olympics. I did so. Please sign No Pussies No Games: Boycott / Demonstrate at The Russian Winter Olympics

Now that Putin has signed the "Gay Propaganda" law and it's companion law criminalizing offending the Orthodox Church, how could people of conscious participate in the Russian 2014 Olympics?

Pussy Riot's artists persecuted during a trial mocking the Russian judicial system were made examples of by Putin for trying to open their comrades minds to consider what is happening in their country.

Its time to make this know, Russia and the world will not quietly acquiescent to Putin's tyranny.

Russia passes Anti Gay Law

Putin signs a law prohibiting 'offending' the Orthodox church

And even world leaders are openly questioning Putin..

Click Here to VOTE
This struggle for human rights is going on now but who is Pussy Riot?

"Even though they put us in jail, we have not lost"

About art as a political statement and the freedom of speech in Russia.

What is happening in Russia?

Is the country in the process of obtaining a new, authoritarian state ideology, with the church taking the place of the party?

The Pussy Riot affair is only one among many attacks on the freedom of speech and artistic freedom in the country.

Oslo World Music Festival is the initiator and arranger of this seminar, in cooperation with the Nobel Peace Center, Amnesty International and Norwegian P.E.N.

Yozh (Groundhog)-- member of Pussy Riot, artist, film director and feminist. Involved in projects connected with problems in education, health protection, prison system, gender rights, women's rights, immigrants' right. Has participated in several Pussy Riot stunts speaks:

Pictures of families homes in Sochi, the city of Olympic Games as they are being torn down leaving them only moments to evacuate. This is being described in mainstream media as "heroic efforts" by the Russian goverment.


Stacie Laughton First Elected Transgender NH Law Maker to Resign Before Taking Office

Stacie Laughton a convicted felon who was elected without informing her supporters of her criminal record is drafting a resignation letter before actually assuming the office she was elected to. NH RSA 607-A:2:1  states a person may not hold public office until they have completed probation.

Source Nashua Patch: "Although she did fulfill the terms of her 12-month sentence on conspiracy to commit fraud, since two of the convictions against her were suspended pending 10 years good behavior, she has six more years to wait for her chance to run for office.

"I'm extremely disappointed," Laughton said Tuesday during a phone interview, after conferring with New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley and Gene Martin, the party's director of research and legislative outreach.

Laughton said she also conferred with her own attorney, who advised her that she could fight it, but did not have a strong case.
Read more at Nashua Patch

Carnival To Drag Stars At Sea: Caribbean Adventure - Revenge of the Wench Queens: Dressing In Drag Is Not Allowed

Just 6 day before the biggest gay drag cruise of the year Carnival Cruise sent a email to all the queens who purchased tickets on this cruise. Ticket vendor "Al and Chuck" posted this on their facebook wall in response:

Dear Valued Guests and Friends,

We hope that this brief note finds you well.
By now, we are sure that most of you traveling with us on the upcoming Drag Stars At Sea: Caribbean Adventure - Revenge of the Wench have received Carnival's letter regarding their regulations concerning costumes and masks (under which traditional "DRAG" falls under).

We are sympathetic to your sentiments that you have ...expressed via email and social media. As a gay man who has been partnered for 25 years, I have suffered many forms of discriminations because I am part of the GLBT community. But please take note, Carnival's regulation is NOT an example of discrimination. Carnival is an ally of the GLBT community. Please understand that this cruise could not even be happening on the GLORY if Carnival was not an ally of our segment of society. When they say they are a "family friendly" cruise line they mean it in both the traditional and metaphorical sense of the phrase.

Carnival's "no costumes rule" is NOT meant to be an insult to the gay community. As a gay business, we would not have organized this cruise if they were prejudiced against gay people. This rule goes for both GAY and STRAIGHT passengers that travel on all Carnival cruises. It is in response to the post-911 world we live in. It is meant to protect passengers and guests - NOT to marginalize a few.

Additionally, we know that transgendered (note to al, it's transgender) members of our community will be aboard with us during this event. Please do not worry, Carnivals rule is not meant towards you. Your right to live your identity is always supported.

Finally, Drag Stars At Sea is a cruise venue for you to meet the stars of RuPaul's Drag Race UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. Just as you would not go in costume (other than on Halloween) to a club to see them perform, neither should you on the GLORY. Again, our desire was always to bring this incredible talent together in one place for you to enjoy along with all the other benefits of the VALUE of a mixed guest cruise. We pointed out to you that a private charter (and they are excellent cruises) can be DOUBLE what you are paying for this experience. This is an opportunity for your favorite entertainers to shine for YOU! We will of course, still have our parties and events aboard (the rules of which are outlined in your travel package) for you to join in on the fun.

Ultimately, let's use this opportunity to set an example so that all the world can see that the GLBT community can follow rules and regulations just like everyone else. Finally, I want to say from the bottom of my heart, we have done our absolute best in creating this event. We have tried to communicate effectively and bring you the best possible experience, which we believe would not be available to you any other way. At the end of the cruise, I hope you will agree with my sentiment humbly expressed here.

Chuck and I look forward to meeting you on board....we promise you the best time of your lives!

Al Ferguson"
Al and Chuck are still selling tickets to this cruise even though you are not welcome. I am though Queens unless I'm mistaken for one of you. They made that exception for transgender people's identity.

"....family friendly" cruise line they mean it in both the traditional and metaphorical sense of the phrase.
Wait, wait-y just a trans/gay/cis/drag intersectional moment. WHAT? So by Al's good graces and his interpretation of Carnivals discriminatory rules I am not so metaphoricaly freakishly threatening to national security I can cruise authentically? Sweet!  Oh oh..But what happens when I show up in my brand new string bikini Al? That will send the kiddies running for the national security stun gun for sure and I'll be walking with the queens. splash.

Carnival needs to rename this adventure. "I smell the wretched stench of neoconservative bible throwing bitches cruise"


Stacie Laughton, First Transgender NH Lawmaker A Convicted Felon

Only one person in the Granite State knew of the criminal history of the first transgender legislator elected in New Hampshire.  But it wasn't for sure any of the pro LGBT writers like me as I scrambled to applaud her win.

Evidently Laughton served 4 1/2 months for 2008 for conspiracy to commit credit card fraud. Laughton's probation ended on November 22, 2010. She was ordered to pay $1,991 in restitution, of which $1,706 remains unpaid. And the rap sheet goes on and on....

Stacie Marie Laughton posted these two statements on her Facebook page this weekend.

"I am sorry for the people that can't let my past go. I have made mistakes just like everyone else. No one is perfect. I don't want to talk about my past nor do I care about my past. I live for today and my future. If you want to talk about me please by all means do so. At least your leaving someone else alone. That is all I have to say about it."

1588 voters voted in the most recent election I thank them for their vote of confidence in me. Over the years I have worked hard to change myself to better myself so that I may be a better servant to my community. While I work hard everyday to better my community republicans from across the state have nothing better to do then to dig into my past to use it against me from this moment on all that m...
atters is the hard work and dedication that I will show for the citizens of my district. We all have things in our past that we are not proud of and that we can not erase, but we are all human beings and human beings are capable of change. So please keep an open mind as we move forward together."
Read the lowdown on Laughton at the Laconia Daily Sun. It ain't pretty.

I really don't know if Laughton broke any laws in New Hampshire but I do know she broke a scared bond of trust. By not making her past public knowledge before running she has compromised all transgender peoples integrity especially other politicians. There won't be a Radfem, anti trans politician or hater of any kind that will not use this to the fullest extent they can.

I mean as a transgender blogger and advocate am I supposed to run a criminal history check on our community's icons before I write about them? Oh course we all have history, some more than others but....if you are going to run for office and use my communities good standing to do so you better be forthcoming about any felonies.


Russian Judge Exonerates Madonna But Threatened to Eject Journalists

...for laughing. You remember the Moscow and St Petersburg concerts this summer when Madonna stood up for Pussy Riot and gay people. She was slapped with a 10 Million dollar lawsuit by Christian hate mongering fundamentalists much like Illinois Family Institute. They claimed this performance basically emasculated a entire generation of Russians.

That sent the typically stoic machismo Russian media present into fits of laughter because really, Madonna was pretty fucking hot. Really hot. Well, in case you haven't heard the Judge tossed the lawsuit.

November December's Frock and Roll for Your Pleasure:)

Click that little square ^ up there for a full screen

Open Frock in new window

Uganda Kill Transgender Bill Is Up For A Vote. AGAIN

The kill gay bill  is on the way to the Ugandan Parliament, again.

"They beat her to a pulp". Not a totally uncommon tragedy worldwide for transsexuals but what makes the situation untenable for transgender Ugandans is receiving medical care afterwards is nearly impossible.This is how bad the situation is for trans Ugandans before a draconian Kill LGBT bill.

For a trans or gay person thats just One Day In Uganda

The bill in it's previous versions included language demanding the death penalty but according to Melanie Nathan  that provision might have been removed. However it would still mandate life in prison for people convicted of "Aggravated Homosexuality". Important to note, footage of the LGBT people in the below video is old and totally out of context to the current situation in Uganda.

SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda) Statement defines what this means:
This Bill's provisions are draconian. Among them, the Bill states that:

“Any person alleged to be homosexual would be at risk of life imprisonment or in some circumstances the death penalty”

“Any parent who does not denounce their lesbian daughter or gay son to the authorities would face fines of $2,650 or three years in prison”

create a gif
“Any teacher who does not report a lesbian or gay pupil to the authorities within 24 hours would face the same penalties”

“And any landlord or landlady who happens to give housing to a suspected homosexual would risk 7 years of imprisonment”

Similarly, the Bill threatens to punish or ruin the reputation of anyone who works with the gay or lesbian population, such as medical doctors working on HIV/AIDS, Civil Society leaders active in the fields of sexual and reproductive health; or even religious leaders providing guidance and counseling to people who are unsure of their sexuality or any other consultations. There are claims that the bill has been watered down, however we reiterate our position that we condemn this bill in its entirety.

The existing law has already been employed in an arbitrary way, and this Bill will just intensify that effect. Since it’s first reading, increased campaigns of hate have continued uncontrolled. The violence directed at homosexual Ugandans has resulted in the unwarranted arrests of many people and closure of educational workshops for LGBT persons. We have documented about 17 cases in and outside various courts all over Uganda. These acts of violence have now resulted in murder and suicide of LGBT Ugandans. SMUG’s Advocacy and Litigation Officer David Kato who was brutally murdered at his house in January 2011.

We've Stopped This Bill Before and We MUST AGAIN! Please sign the Petition AND Share

The reality is the Government with the encouragement of American Christians are using us as scape goats to distract and encourage a willing disgruntled majority to hate on our minority while they profit from the rape of their own county's children.

We are acting globally again but without your voice we are one less. Please sign the Petition AND Share.

I love you for doing that. Thank you family.


TransWoman Donna R. Perry A Person of Interest In Three Spokane Cold case Murders

1989 photo of Perry who was then in his late 30's
Convicted felon, post-op Donna R. Perry AKA Douglas is being held on unrelated weapons charges is now a person of interest in the 1990 cold case slayings of three prostitutes in Spokane.

*Update 12/24/12 Police find 22 caliber rounds, the same kind used to murder Sapp, Lowe and Brisbois in a car previously owned by Perry.

According to a 1990 LA Times article Yolanda Sapp, Nickie Lowe and Kathleen Brisbois "were all heroin-addicted prostitutes whose bodies were left along the Spokane River. They had been shot and dumped from a car."

Source: Spokesman.com "The case broke wide open on Sept. 14 when the Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory technician found a database hit on Perry, who was arrested in March in Spokane and was in federal custody in Carswell, Texas."
"Perry was arrested here after a retired detective saw her buying ammo and a pistol magazine at the White Elephant store in Spokane Valley. The detective knew Perry is a felon who is prohibited from possessing firearms."

Its not all about impersonal 'cold cases' that happened perhaps before many readers were born. its about family. I found this on a Spokane reporter Chelsea Kopta facebook  wall:

The press release from the Spokane County Sheriff Dept:

Detectives would like to speak with (maybe one of us?) any known associates of each of the three victims, as well as anyone who may have had contact with Douglas Perry during the late 1980's to early 1990's. In particular, detectives are searching for anyone that may have purchased a firearm from Perry, during this period of time.

Anyone with any information that may assist detectives with these cold cases are asked to contact SCSO Detective Jim Dresback at 509-477-2714 JDresback@spokanesheriff.org or SPD Detective Mark Burbridge at 509-625-4262 info-mburbridge@spokanepolice.org.


US Opts Out On UN Vote to Condemn Extrajudicial Executions of LGBT People

The US envoy to the UN did not return my calls on the 19th of November after I explained to her assistant I needed to know how the US was going to vote on Resolution 17/19  on the 20th.

That's because she knew my country wasn't going to vote  to affirm the worlds commitment against murders like the HUNDREDS of trans people we mourn worldwide every year on the 20th, the TDOR.

The United States abstention is as good as them saying fuck you tranny on our TDOR. We don't care enough about you to at least protest your murders. The Statement by Ambassador Susan E. Rice on the Draft Resolution on Extrajudicial, Summary, and Arbitrary Executions would at first glance make it appear the US voted in favor of holding the world accountable, but we did not. The offical State Department statement is just blowing smoke up our collective asses. 

The fact remains our  country did not stand up for trans people at the UN on the TDOR.

Well, the "General Assembly Will Condemn in Strongest Terms Use of Extrajudicial Executions of gay and transgender people" in spite of the United States in reality, not caring.

By abstaining we were in the company of the most murderous countrys in the world for LGBT people. China. Russia. Syria. Lybia. Only Iran voted no. We are now in company with countrys that have no reported transgender murders, not becuse there are no transgender or gay people as they claim, but becuse when we are murdered NO ONE CARES and even if someone did they would not dare report it.

Obama Is this why I voted for you? You know you are on notice now. You better do better than that and yes, I am holding you personally responsible to insure our lives don't become a political hockey puck at the UN or the CIA.

Maine Court Ruling Denies 5th Grade Trans Student Her Right To Life

Transgender 5th Grader's Ostracizing Saddens Dad, could have ruined his daughter but delights the School's Lawyer.

RSU 26 attorney Melissa Hewey says the school was doing everything in its power to help the child, and meet the needs of the other children at the school. She is happy the judge agreed.
"That's the part of the decision that my clients and I are particularly pleased about," Hewey said. "Because from our perspective the school went above and beyond to try to help this child and to try to help the family, and to be accused of doing something less was really hard on my clients, and it was really a good feeling to have the judge vindicate them." - WCSH Portland
Was I so horrible?
I can tell you from my own experience how cruel and dangerous a school can become when as an adult I was restricted to using the facility bathroom. As part of my transitioning plan in 2007 I enrolled in a medical school but was devastated after being misgendered constantly by the instructors. So I complained, and within days seemingly out of retribution, I was told I could no longer use the women's room by the administration.
That public accommodations denial did nothing to abate the harassment, only made it worst. Instructors and students emboldened by the administrations decision continued to misgender me and when I was out of earshot of others they started whispering threats, tripping me and poking me hard in the back mimicking knife attacks in the hallways.
This makes me sick. This woman is portraying the adult oppressors as victims? What of the Child's life for crying out loud? I think the supreme court ought to seriously consider whether the school's administrators should retain there jobs. I ended up quiting the school, remained un and underemployed to this day working as a cashier and in warehouses. I pray justice will be served for this Maine student and her family. She deserves the life transphobia denied me. Full story at WCSH 6

TDOR Dear Prudence Question: "He to She" A Transitioning Husband

Originaly posted in Slate titled
"He Becomes Her" on Novemeber 20th by Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, is on Washington Post weekly to chat live with readers. An edited transcript of that chat is below. (Send questions to Prudence at  prudence@slate.com.)

Q. Transgendered Husband: I believe transgendered people should be treated with the same respect and imbued with the same rights as cisgendered people. I have always felt this way, and I have several transgendered friends. Then my husband, whom I love very much, told me he wants to become a woman—or, she has always felt like a woman trapped in a man's body, and if she doesn't begin transitioning, she will be emotionally crippled. Initially, I promised to remain married to her during her transition and for some time afterward, to give our marriage a chance to adjust to her transition and sex change. It has been three months, and as much as I love my husband, I am miserable. To a certain extent, my love for my husband is rooted in his manhood. The more my husband transitions into becoming a woman, the less romantic love I feel for her. I just don't think I can remain her wife. I am heartbroken and feel as though I am a widow, which sounds so dramatic. My husband is emotionally fragile right now, because she's lost some important people to her because of her transition. Everyone commends me for supporting her and sticking with our marriage, so I feel like a fraud now too. She loves me so much; I cannot imagine how to tell her I want a divorce, that she has lost me because she is transgendered. Or is it better to be a bad person and leave? And yes, I am seeing a counselor.

A: Of course people change and grow during the course of a marriage. Marriage would be stiflingly dull if that wasn't the case. But if your husband confesses to you he plans to start growing breasts, he has so materially changed the contract of your marriage that I completely understand that you feel the husband you knew has died. In a way, he has and is being reborn as someone new, and you are not obligated to stay in the marriage under those circumstances. People would not expect you to stay (and you probably wouldn't) if he said he realized he was gay, or he wanted to enter into a polygamous relationship. This feeling he is a woman trapped in a man's body is not a new discovery for him, and he withheld absolutely crucial information from you prior to your marriage. It's great that you still love him and want to be an emotional support for him. But you must be emotionally fragile too, and there is nothing wrong with your realizing your husband's change of life requires you to make your own.


I thought this was a very enlightened question and response, for the most part. But sadly where I saw it posted on the web there was no option to comment available. Many in community have begun transition while in a relationship. I would love to hear you. What's your thoughts about this Q and A.

TDOR First In The Castro As The Transgender Flag is Flown

The Transgender Flag Flying Over The Castro

On November 19, 2012, in honor of the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, the trans-flag was flown on the famous Castro flag pole for the first time, offering, as one speaker said, "proof that times are changing." ~ Castro Biscuit

It was a hard fought bitter campaign for trans and our allies as the powers that be in the land Harvey Milk finally relented and allowed the transgender flag to fly instead of the gay pride flag for one day. But will it be the last and only time?

If some gay folks have there way it will be the only time a trans flag is flown over the Harvey Milk Plaza even though different versions of the gay flag fly with some regularity. According to the Castro Biscuit they (MUMC) also declare that this would be the last ‘non-Pride flag to be flown over the Castro’. One member of MUMC went as far to say, “we can’t fly every flag we get a request for-what if the Nazi’s came asked to fly theirs?”

Also on Huff Post


Jeza Bella Says: Right Wing, Drag Queens Got God

Hey neocon right wing religious bible throwing zealots, drag queens got some god says Jeza Bella. Just a note of interest should you ever stop condemning and start wondering....why JC spent so much time breaking bread and teaching among gay, transgender, prostitutes and drag queens.

Curious? want to experience how it feels to look up at Christ from a less holy than thou position? Check out her open letter to you and I.  Yes, even though the letter is addressed to neocons it pertains equally to me as well. I spend a fair amount of time bashing drag queens like Ru Paul and never really gave much thought to them as spiritual souls. Guilty as charged.

Hey! That Queens got a big gay sucker and god.

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