
Man gets 23 to life for murder of NY Transgender woman Camila Guzman

Source DNA Info

NEW YORK — A New York City man convicted of killing his girlfriend in a brutal attack with knives, a candlestick and a pillowcase around her neck has been sentenced to 23 years to life in prison.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. announced Equan Southall's sentence Thursday.

The 28-year-old Southall was convicted last month of murder in the August 2011 death of Camila Guzman, a Chilean immigrant. The two lived together in East Harlem.

Prosecutors say Southall stabbed Guzman the back and torso, used a candlestick to bludgeon her in the head and finally strangled her with a pillowcase.

Vance says the case shows domestic violence "can escalate in a heartbeat."

Southall's lawyer didn't immediately return a call Thursday. - WSJ


Swift Justice. 98.9 The Buzz suspends then fires two for transphobic rant

In what could only be described as swift justice 98.9 The Buzz has announced that Kimberly and Beck were suspended for a 12 minute transphobic screed. Towleroad broke this story Wednesday Morning and by that evening justice was served.. Thank you to our LGBT family's quick respone and an extra special thank you is due the Empire State Agenda.

The rant that got the two miscreant suspended then later (updated) this morning fired.

Via Rachel Barnhart WROC-TV The following can be attributed to Empire State Agands's Executive Director Nathan M. Schaefer:

“The ignorant and transphobic segment that recently aired on Rochester’s radio show, “The Breakfast Buzz” with Kimberly & Beck, is highly offensive to New York’s LGBT community. The segment, aired in response to Rochester’s announcement at our Spring Dinner on Saturday that municipal employees will have access to transition-related healthcare, contains sound bite after sound bite of misinformation and hate speech.

Not only did the hosts conflate sexual orientation and gender identity and make the ill-informed leap from medically-necessary care to elective surgery, they also degraded LGBT identities more generally, including the outrageous contention that transgender people are “nut jobs.”

Transgender individuals face disproportionate disparities when it comes to their health and well-being, including this type of harassment as we’ve seen on “The Breakfast Buzz.” The American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and many other organizations agree that transition-related health care is medically necessary and should be covered under public insurance plans. Providing transgender New Yorkers with medically necessary health care is actually a cost-saving measure. Taxpayers will likely see savings related to mental health, suicide attempts, HIV, substance abuse and other costs that occur when transgender people cannot get their transition-related health care needs met.

Rochester’s announcement that city employees will be covered is positive news that should not be misguided by the ignorance of radio hosts looking for ratings. This offensive segment underscores the need for increased education and for the passage of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), so that all New Yorkers know it’s not acceptable to discriminate against someone just because of who they are.

We call on the radio show and its hosts to issue a formal apology immediately and to seek the education we’re extending on issues of importance to its transgender and gender non-conforming residents.”


MDPETITION.COM Claims they have 1/3 of the signatures needed for referendum drive

If this is true (and who knows?) the haters will have to collect 13,500 more signatures by May 31st. That's not a impossible if they focus on people like the elderly tea putzer like the one in this video.

But if they ask informed people like the young man, (ouch whats with the 'T' word?) they don't stand a chance.

Source Your4State.com: Organizers with mdpetitions.com only have about a fourth of the signatures they need by May 31. They have a lot of work ahead of them but say they're confident they'll get the signatures they need to continue to referendum.

Delegate Neil Parrott, the chairman of mdpetitions.com, is hard at work going door-to-door trying to get signatures for a petition drive.

"We have a May deadline to get signatures, I've got the signatures pages right here, for the 'Bathroom Bill,'" said Parrott, (R) - Washington County.

The Maryland General Assembly passed a bill this session the governor signed into law last week making it illegal to discriminate against transgender people in employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations.

Opponents refer to the law as the "Bathroom Bill" over fears of what they say could happen in women's restrooms.

"It allows men, if there's a guy who's dressed just like me, he could walk into a restaurant and use the women's restroom as long as he sincerely believes in his heart he's a woman. That's what the bill language says. If anyone would challenge him and say, 'You can't go in there,' they could be successfully sued,'" Parrott said.

How much of what Delegate Neil Parrott says is truth? I don't want to get sued for slander so lets just say nothing, not one thing, nada. For folks on the fence you can read "Debunking MDPetition.com Neil Parrott falsehoods for opposing the Fairness for all Marylanders Act" to clear the air.

ARCADE FIRE Video "WE EXIST" is a real drag.

We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

I had a whole lot of emotions surging through me as I watched this video for the first time. I'm going to be blunt. It looked like a dude, Andrew Garfield. of spiderman fame, decided to put on a really bad wig and a skimpy top and to go the one place where she's knew she'd get beat up, a redneck country bar on dollar long neck night.

Then she struts in like a man, shoulders out, all macho. I mean what's up with all that?

MTV's article proclaimed, "We Exist" the new LGBT "Anthem," but sometimes when we write our thoughts are betrayed technology. Such is the case with MTV's article with the HTML link "http://www.mtv.com/news/1825966/andrew-garfield-drag-gay-acceptance-dancing-we-exist-arcade-fire-video/ " conflating transsexualism with sexual orientation.

OK so it's a Gay/Drag anthem. I can live with that. But using a hot cisgender actor for sensationalistic reasons instead of a of a trans woman? PQ says its because Arcade Fire has a Messiah complex. But wait this isn't The Dallas Buyers Club, there was a trans woman who coached him.and Lady J didn't wait months to tell us.

Mouse's anyone?

Of course, I am speaking as someone who made that first step a decade ago. Have I forgotten how traumatic that was or how ridiculous I looked in my really bad wigs and makeup the first days? I guess I have. Well, maybe that mouse in your pocket could be me. But WHAT was Arcades Fire's intended message?

According to Billboard Arcade Fire frontman Win Butler said "We Exist" is a song about a son trying to tell his father that he's gay. At Coachella last month, during the concert as a pretext to the video being recorded, Butler urged the crowd to get behind the same-sex marriage movement in a more demonstrative way saying "The right to marry anyone you want is a human rights issue."?

But couldn't we just stay with MTV's first take on this and call it a drag gay same sex marriage anthem without seeming overly sensitive?


Transgender teen's move to a "cottage" at Niantic Prison called "interim" by DCF

A Cottage. An Apartment. Connecticut DCF has used these terms to placate the community and lead us to believe that Jane is now in a homey place with TVs exercise equipment, fluffy bed and a kitchen all her own.

Please. Jane's been moved from one isolation cell to another solitary cell. Looking at the google map of York I would dare anyone to tell a welcoming place exists within its walls.

“She’s deteriorating,” attorney Aaron J. Romano told The New Haven Register

The girl, 16, who has been identified as Jane Doe to protect her identity, is not charged with any crime. State Department of Children and Families officials say she has to be at York Correctional Institution in East Lyme because she allegedly physically attacked staffers and other residents at juvenile psychiatric treatment centers.

He was dismissive of the decision to move her to what DCF officials have called a “cottage” or “apartment” at York. DCF spokesman Gary Kleeblatt released a statement describing a bedroom, private bathroom and a “programming/recreation area.”

“She is not in a ‘cottage,’” Romano said. “That word creates the illusion of Mother Goose.”

As for it being an “apartment,” Romano said, “She’s in prison! It’s a disgrace to see DCF again attempting to distance themselves from what they’ve done: putting a child in jail. They’re trying to cover it up with their use of language.”

The move was described as "interim" by DCF.

The May 15 editorial by the Hartford Current wants to know exactly how long is interim?

ll parties to the controversy seem to agree that moving the 16-year-old transgender girl called Jane Doe from the mental health unit of York Correctional Institute, where she had been housed since April 8, to a cottage on the grounds of the prison in Niantic is an interim step.

Her living conditions also seem to have been improved.

But the move to the cottage can be considered positive only if "interim" means a very short time.

Jane Doe can't be allowed to languish at York, either in a cell or a cottage, while lawyers, bureaucrats, politicians and advocates continue to argue.


Its way past time for Jane to be freed from solitary. Its way past time for her release from prison. Interim has expired.

Get Jane out of prison now.

"Tranny Bingo" Dissembling gay privilege down under

Indi waving the trans flag from Australia 
Transgender woman Indiana (Indi) Kelly Edwards has asked that a group of Australian drag queens change "Tranny Bingo" to a name that is not a defamatory slur. It seems like a reasonable enough request but one we know is difficult to accomplish. Planetransgender has been "taking on tranny" for years. Even though there has never been a moment when we could declare victory, in the process we have changed the way we and others think about the trans community. We have gained respect not just from the gay community but from society as a whole in the UK and the USA. A fact not missed by the drag and gay community in Australia.

The conflagration came to notice when the Herald Sun published a 'news' article "Sydney drag queens fight trans-gender warrior Indiana Kelly Edwards over right to use the word tranny". It wasn't a news article in the sense that it only projected one side of the story spun in a way that made transgender people's objections insignificant and inconsequential.

I will now deconstruct Penny Tration Trans misogynistic excuses he used in the Sun article
“In Australia there are few negative connotations attached to the word ‘tranny’, unlike in America,” he says.
“I think the campaign is being waged by people who are trying to involve American activists in an Australian debate.
“We have events in the gay community called Poof Doof and Fag Tag."

Mr. Tration does not get to nationalize slurs, not in this day and age. He acknowledged that America has come to understand that 'tranny' is defamation but he failed to note the same is true for the UK . Australian gay men have the same obligation to do no harm the same as the rest of the world's gay population.

And apparently a Poof Doof is a gay dance rave and Fag Tag is when a group of gay men take over a normally hetero venue for a night, which has absolutly nothing to do with trans defamation.

Mr Tration continues:
Claims the campaign is being led by a “small group of people who are making a lot of noise. But if you do the research there’s not a lot of support behind it”.

He says the activists argue that when drag queens remove their costumes, they can easily blend into society.

“Well, guess what, when we remove our wigs we become gay boys who have faced homophobia our whole lives,” insists Penny Tration.

Number one, it is a small group of people making noise. In fact we are less than 1% of the worlds population and to the best of my estimate only a 10th of those individuals are in a place or have a will to confront the seemingly endless onslaught by gay and straight people.

Yes the violence and suicides experienced by transgender people is that extreme so our voice might sound weak to you Tration.

But we are so sick of gay people cavalierly using defamation that offends us we're forced to speak up. It's not a popularity contest where the one with most votes wins and its not a freedom of speech issue as the tranny bingo ">petition would lead one to believe. Why oh why don't you call it "Faggot bingo"? Why? Because it wouldn't be amusing for you personally Mr Tration.  You self identify as a gay cisgender male and it wouldn't be 'sexy' for you to use defamation that you hear before someone beats the shit out of you.We will not accept this.

As far as taking off your wigs goes. Using the homophobia that you have encountered does not give you license to use defamation that hurts another minority. Not all gay Australian men are endeared by as 'faggot'

This drag queen didn't change before leaving the bar
and was called a "Dirty Tranny" as he was being beaten in a McDonald's.
Welcome to our world Alexei Paige.

Indi appeared on the Australian morning show Tenlive Tuesday. After the hosts warmly welcomed Penny Tration to the show and talked about how fun tranny bingo is they looked over to Indi as if to say, well I guess we have to hear from her for it to be story and allowed her a moment to speak.

Indi told planetransgender ""firstly for the record I never claimed it (the moniker 'transgender warrior'). [It] was imposed on my by the Herald Sun who interviewed Verushka Darling."

Saying that she felt she was up against a seasoned performer she wanted to explain that "Privilege in context of this interview I was actually referring to cis gender privilege. it seems we are being dictated to by people who have cis gendered privilege on what is or isn't offensive or harmful to us. As key stake holders I feel we should at the very least have a say in this. What I am hearing from gay men and /or the drag community is that we don't and we need to shut up. IMO its not their call to make. I would in this case and all things considered err on the side of safety."

So one of the largest Australian gay media sites is hosting a conversation about the word 'tranny'. Reportedly, some trans people aren't allowed to speak. Guidetogay.com denies these accusations saying the comments might appear to disappear after they are indexed by Facebook.

The Charing Cross is delighting in defaming transgender people. Here's what you can do about it. Write a review on the facebook pages of the establishments that are hosting 'tranny bingo' and ask your friends not to patronize them.

Coopers Hotel Facebook
The Town Hall Hotel Facebook
The Charing Cross Waverley Facebook
The Sugar Mill Sydney facebook
Please sign the Petition asking that "tranny" not be used for commercial gain

How do you feel Carrera's photo shopped naked Life Ball posters?

There's a few different ways a person could react to artist David LaChapelle's posters of Carmen Carrera. According to LaChapelle, the posters are inspired by the Life Ball’s theme, “’The Garden of Earthly Delights’ and Hieronymus Bosch’s utopia of a diverse society, living together passionately and peacefully, as if the Fall of Man had never happened and people had never been expelled from Paradise.”

“Gender lines are blurred and every person is unique in how they see themselves,” LaChapelle explained in a statement. “For me the body is more than something to be looked at as an object of sexual gratification. The body is a beautiful housing for the soul that we are celebrating in this picture.”

Carrera points out that the artwork’s statement, “I’m Adam, I’m Eve, I’m Me” has a special resonance for her. “Your gender should not matter in your heart or in the way you express your personality... My message is: beauty has no gender. At the end of the day beauty is beauty.”

The Life Ball is an annual HIV/AIDS charity event that this year will take place on May 31 in Vienna, Austria. It seeks to showcase the variety of ways and expressions individuals are using to fight HIV/AIDs.

When trans people look at those images, we invariably feel shock that a trans woman would allow her body to be put on display in a way which plays to haters memes. Especially so soon after she and Laverne Cox tore Catie Couric a new one for having the unmitigated gall to ask if they had sexual reassignment surgery.

Imagine Cuoric is feeling a little but put apon right about now. And how will this affect media coverage in the future?

In any case it  sends a really mixed message to the media erasing the advocacy they had accomplished just months before. For most of us in the real world it makes a world of difference how people perceive us, so in that sense her posters did us no favors.

The low road....

The Daily Mail wasted no time taking the conversation to the lowest denominator, and if you read the comments, its clear they reached their intended audience. But in the end its a waste of time trying to appease the haters, but giving them ammunition to take shots at us?

So what is the "Life Ball"? I  don't think I've heard of it before and if I had I didn't pay it any mind and probably wouldn't have now, were it not for Carrera's posters. It looks like a huge gay party fundraiser, HRC style but lets give it a chance.  I downloaded to Scribe the sites info........


Houston Mayor capitulates to haters throwing transgender people under the bus?

Mayor Parker capitulated to haters allowing businesses owners to subjectively
discriminate and demonize transgender people after amending her proposed
"human rights" ordnance.

The pressure was too much for Mayor Annise Parker. The mayor a political aspirant for state office appeased the haters changing her proposed human rights ordinance Tuesday to allow proprietors to decide if a person is truly transgender. This will allow proprietors to subjectively bar trans people from public accommodations.

This is an outrage. What if the bill were to be amended to allow business owners to determine if a person was white enough to use their public accommodations.

Who wait, that was how it used to be in Houston? So Parker please remind me again why you call this a human rights ordnance?

The amendment  didn't appease opponents who protested after Parker's announcement.
Look at these people Parker. These are the people you are giving permission to
discriminate against us.

The Houston Chron reports
Mayor Annise Parker and supporters of her proposed nondiscrimination ordinance announced a compromise Tuesday in hopes of deflecting controversy over a small provision that had dominated discussion on the measure.

A paragraph specifying that no business open to the public could deny a transgender person entry to the restroom consistent with his or her gender identity had outraged conservatives. Church and Republican political leaders have used the clause to claim the ordinance "provides an opportunity for sexual predators to have access to our families."

Members of the gay, lesbian and transgender community were equally outraged, however, by a clause that would give businesses an out if the defendant had a "good faith belief" that the person's claim of being transgender was disingenuous.

The proposed amendment would remove that paragraph of the expansive ordinance. Transgender people barred access to a restroom still would be able to file a discrimination complaint to the city's Office of Inspector General under the process outlined for all protected characteristics, such as race and veteran status.

"The base ordinance is still the same," Parker said. "It says you can't discriminate."

How about if you ammend it to allow a propritor to decide if you are too gay and allow him to bar you Parker?


Trans teen Jane Doe's 33rd day in solitary despite the Govenors call for her transfer. Why?

"I can’t take another month of this." Jane Doe tells Governor Malloy. She's talking about her confinement to solitary which amounts to nothing more that torture.

The below is the letter Jane sent to Malloy via Cool Justice:

Dear Governor Malloy,

"I am writing you to let you know that today is my anniversary. I have been sitting in this prison for a month now and there is no plan to get me out. I am suffering in here. I’m having trouble sleeping and I’m not eating much. I cry in bed every night. I can’t be myself in this place. I feel forgotten and thrown away. As you probably know, these feeling are not new for me. This is the way my life has been going since I was a little kid. My lawyer says that Commissioner Katz is the only one who can fix this but when I wrote her a letter it didn’t help. She has given up on me. If you’re her boss you can do something, right? Everyone says I need to be somewhere where I can get help and Katz keeps telling everyone that she is working to get me out of here but I don’t believe her. I think this is just another one of her stories that isn’t true. I want to call her a liar but people tell me that I shouldn’t say that about someone important like her. All I know is that she has said a lot of things about me that aren’t true. She was on TV telling people I blinded someone and broke their jaw. That was a lie. She said that she never asked that I go to Manson. That was a lie. She told everyone that I should be going to that new girls program at Riverview. That was a lie. Now she is telling people she is trying to get me out of here but nothing is happening. I hear people talking and they are saying that I am going to be here till I’m 18. I am done with DCF. They just want to make up stuff about me so that everyone thinks I am some kind of wild animal. Is it Ok for them to do this? To just lie about me and throw me in prison and forget about me? If I was in charge I wouldn’t let this happen. If you’re the Governor then you are in charge of everyone who works for the state. DCF is supposed to be helping me, right? If this is helping me then I’m all set with being helped. I would be a lot better off being on my own. It seems like you’re my last chance to get out of here. Don’t forget about me. I can’t take another month of this."

Jane Doe

Governor Malloy told Katz to get her moved...

Malloy spokesman Andrew Doba said in an emailed statement, “the Governor has spoken with (Department of Children and Families) Commissioner (Joette) Katz, and the Commissioner agrees that Jane Doe must be moved to another setting as quickly as possible.

But Jane Doe's attorney hasn't seen anything hopeful yet saying...

“I think the DCF is playing a game, they’re stalling for time to keep her in there, they are refusing to negotiate,” Bloomfield attorney Aaron Romano said Friday. “They are not sitting down at the table with Jane Doe’s lawyers. The only person who can make anything happen at this point is Governor Malloy. My phone line is open.”

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says transgender service ban "...should be reviewed"

AP:  The prohibition on transgender individuals serving in the U.S. military "continually should be reviewed," Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Sunday.

Hagel did not indicate whether he believes the policy should be overturned. However, he said "every qualified American who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity if they fit the qualifications and can do it."

A panel convened by a think tank at San Francisco State University recently estimated that about 15,450 transgender personnel serve in the military and in the National Guard and Reserve.

But its not going to be easy especially since most of enlisted common areas are communal more than likely making sexual reassignment surgery a prerequisite.

In 2010, Congress passed legislation allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly. Hagel said the issue of transgender serving in the military is more complicated. He said "these issues require medical attention" that at times cannot be provided in austere locations.

ABC US News | ABC Entertainment News

I served on mountain tops and lived in caves before I transitioned. It can't get much austere than that. However, that was before the end of don't ask don't tell and long before the word 'transgender' was ever said by a secretary of defense. Did we have females with us? Yes, we did. They changed the jobs classification from combat to admin after I reenlisted. How did they do? Not so well generally speaking but that had more to do with racism, sexism and cronyism than their actual abilities as soldiers.


CONGRATULATIONS Conchita Wurst for Winning the EuroVison Song Contest!!!

Such a tribute to gender diversity and acceptance as never seen before as the talented by Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with a score of 290. Ms Wurst has recently become an object hate for the Russian legislator (reads Putin's Puppets) who wrote the county's draconian propaganda law.

Conchita simply thanked him for the attention and that she disn't care what they thought.

I can't think of a more spectacular way for the west to show we care about acceptance of gender diverse peoples. That a a rocking good songstress! CONGRATULATIONS CONCHITA!!

Here she is in todays win. This is a win for the entire free world!


Indian Hijra blessed Seatbelt crew video go's Viral

The women are considered sacred in India's culture and their blessings are often sought - especially for newborns and newlyweds - because they're believed to bring luck and fertility.
In the video, the Hijra dress in matching saris and act as flight attendants and they fill the lanes between cars at a busy intersection during a red light.

"May I have your attention please? If you're going to drive like a pilot then you should know some things. Your car doesn't have an oxygen mask. Under your seat you won't find a life jacket," a woman asks using a megaphone. "But you do have a seatbelt. So why aren't you wearing it, honey?"

Most motorists are pleasantly shocked at first. But the Seatbelt Crew is always met with smiles.
The Seatbelt Crew then gives her simple instructions to put it on.

"Your pretty face won't look so good after an accident," she warns and then chides some motorists for filming her instead of wearing the seatbelt.

As the light turns green the cars drive off, and the Hijra give out their blessings as promised to those who are wearing their seatbelts.

Published on May 5, 2014
We wanted to remind reckless motorists about a very basic safety procedure they'd forgotten.
In rather unforgettable fashion.

A public service initiative by VithU and Ogilvy and Mather, Mumbai.
Read more: Daily News

Police searching for Drag queen Larry Bernard for homicide charges filed Tuesday

Drag queen Brad Hall, (Breneisha) died after
toxic chemicals were 'pumped' into him to feminize
his body

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) - An arrest warrant has been issued for a transsexual pageant queen accused of illegally injecting silicone into a transgender woman who later died.

In January, 25-year-old Brad Hall (aka Brenisha Hall) died after receiving illegal silicone injections which put her in a coma months earlier.

33-year-old Larry Tremell Bernard, who also goes by Armani Nicole Davenpoort, is accused of giving Hall the medical procedure.

Last year, New Orleans police arrested Bernard for practicing medicine without a license. She has since been out on bond and is currently living in Dallas, Texas.

Once apprehended Bernard will be booked on one count of negligent homicide.

Negligent homicide carries a penalty of up to five years behind bars.

If you have information into the whereabouts of Larry Bernard (Armani Nicole Davenport) you’re asked to call Crimestoppers (504) 822-1111. You can remain anonymous.


Join in person a vigil and demand that Nigerian Islamic militants #Bringbackourgirls

My silence and inaction = acquiescence to slavery.

Nigerian Islamic militants have abducted into slavery over 260 secondary school girls. They are deathly afraid that empowered with knowledge they would not as adults stand for their religious intolerance and extremism.

I've always imagined if I had lived, when slavery was legal in the states, I'd been one of the railroad conductors. A conductor to freedom from slavery. Well now is my chance.

 But, I hesitate thinking its happening if a distant country, let them handle this. I mean hasen't Obama sending help to find them?

 But what of the fearless defender of freedom, I imagine I'd been?
It's time to walk the walk. I am a grass roots human rights advocate. I have the ways and means to be at a vigil. I have this platform to invite others to do the same.  There are rallies taking place in the next 7 days I'll be in Houston Texas May 10th Saturday at 12pm in Macy's old parking lot. Across the street from the Galleria which is located at 5085 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77056. Event page.


GLAADS Trans100 the slickest trans assimilation scheme ever, or just a great thing?

I'm not saying its a bad idea, in fact its a great idea. Every year put 100 people front and center who have contributed to transgender progress in highly positives way. But what about those who just managed to make it one more year struggling in some back ally, eating out of a garbage can?

A person can be nominated via web form by anyone. And for or the narcissists in the crowd, you can even nominate yourself.  According to the Trans 100 about page you need to be pretty active and a sucessfull  advocate. Hard to do when you are in the ally but that doesn't lessen your value my friend.

Someone, most likely GLAAD staff then selects "Curators" from the trans community who vote anonymously sending those selections back to GLAAD.

Getting the curated message out.

A recent Rolling Stones article first quotes Hayden Mora of the Human Rights Campaign, then Tiq Milan, GLAAD's senior media strategist and a host of high profile trans people who were selected to be honored.

That's brilliant message control.

But what about the selections that GLAAD disproves of?

Controlling the message

Trans man Mark Angelo Cummings said he was told he was selected but after he made a statement critical of Janet Mock for her interview by Pierce Morgan, he was deselected. Cummings feels strongly that his criticism of Mock was the sole  reason for him not being a trans 100 honoree.

The facebook status Cummings posted on his profile..
I am seeing a very strange twist in our community, and why are we all of a sudden admiring individuals who have recently come out as advocates with little to no experience in that role. One is an actress, the other stealth for many years working at Peoples magazine behind a cubicle and now decides to write a book and is identifying as a fierce advocate? Both trans woman of color, which seems to be a very prominent twist these days as if they are the only ones in the trans community who have suffered and constantly harp on how bad they have it, leaving behind the rest of us. Separating themselves, creating their own groups and associations and hijacking the community at large.

Now all of sudden we see this rage, this uproar, this hatred towards "Cis" Gender individuals, there years of hurt is coming out in their attempt to advocate and it is creating one ugly picture. in addition, they are leading a war path, a path that will lead us into an abyss. I believe we need to stop this movement before it back fires and redirect our efforts to showing love and compassion and stop seeing color.... Mark Angelo Cummings.

Since that time Cummings has been demonized, called a racist and has been the subject of intense ridicule by trans people of color., That lends a lot of credence to his belief that he wasn't selected because of his views critical of a person of color by GLAAD.

To be clear I do not agree with Cummings about his criticism of Mock. I thought she is brilliant and an amazing trans representative. However, taking what Cummings said out of context, labeling him a racist and troll him over the Internet and getting things he posted taken down, is censorship. That is wrong, highly destructive and counter intuitive.

And so are the Parker Marie Malloy led Twitter gang bangs of cis and trans people.

And what of others who call the Trans100 out for being problematic? They are berated, intimidated and if not picked as a GLAAD Trans100, told they are questioning the process simply out of sour grapes, or worst.

That happened to me.

Recently, after I had cross posted Mark Cummings arctile from FB "Trans Role Models" which was subsequently deleted by the page mods, I was attacked via PMs and simultaneously on the article by Parker Marie Malloy. During this attack, I was baited into saying something about a Monica Roberts for which I applogized for sayingBut the one who baited me immediately broadcast my faux pas on social media in a straw man attack  accusing me of being a white supremacist racist. Really!?!

The only reason I posted Cumming's article was because I wanted to spark a debate about the Trans 100 selection process but for others, they saw it as an opening.

Silencing those who question the Trans100.

After the conflagration that Parker began I was removed as a contributor at the TransAdvocate without so much as a word. Roberts is an editor at that publication so its really not hard to figure out why I was dumped. That and both Melloy and Roberts are Trans100 receipents. That and, well Roberts always intensly disliked me for some reason.

And Parkers attack wasn't just some serendipitous event.

That was a premeditated malicious attack on my being in which this person got a whole gang come after me. Those people have no idea who I am or what I have done, or what I am doing, and they could not care less. They have a victim. Incredibly, I have on multiple times defended that same person when people accused her of using these exact same Nazi tactics, and had just done so a few weeks ago after a Huffpost Gay video was posted ridiculing her..

I have a suggestion for GLAAD. Why not take nominations just like you have but make a completely random selection. That would be a true trans 100 everyone could get behind. Even me.

 I have a suggestion for people who use words that offend in wide racial brush strokes. That's not going to help the trans agenda. You are ostracizing people. Attacking those with these tactics is only going to tear our community apart and set our agenda back.

And my advice to my new antagonist Parker Marie Malloy? People have told me since that you have attacked them in much the same fashion. Like chicken little sooner or later no one will listen. You have great writing skills. Don't waste it on foolish, childish, hateful games.


กะเทยไม่เคยนอกใจ - วิด ไฮเปอร์ อาร์ สยาม Love story goes viral

The music video that tells the story of love between a transsexual woman and her best childhood friend, has gone viral on YouTube.

Video musical de una TRANSEXUAL. Hay partes q no me gustan como el masoquismo pero por algo empieza la inclusión social.

เพลงรักป๊อปร็อก ทุกคำชัดเจน ตรงไปตรงมา เป็นความรู้สึกที่ หนุ่มวิด ไฮเปอร์ อาร์ สยาม ขอพูดแทนใจสาวประเภทสองทั่วประเทศทุกๆคน อยากให้เข้าใจดอกไม้ปลอมๆอย่างพวกเธอ ถึงแม้ร่างจะเป็นชาย แต่หัวใจเธอคือผู้หญิงที่ต้องการความรัก ความจริงใจเหมือนคนอื่น หัวใจไม่ปลอมจ๊ะ

There will be people who object to the video's blatant misogynistic underpinnings. We have to realize there is a difference in every societies understanding of transsexualism and how linguistics is a multiplier.

Source empresasgayfriendly.com Thailand -. The video of the love story of a transsexual woman has reached more than 9 million views in just a few weeks .

The story is told through a Thai pop song titled "Transgender woman never lies" , played by Hiper Rsiam Vid . The message of the video is the normalization of gender diversity, but sins in his image and lyrics to show a submissive woman resulting certainly sexist.

The video, lasting 10 minutes, tells the struggle of a boy in love with his best friend in childhood; over time are reunited but one of them is now a gorgeous transsexual woman. They fall in love, but then the conflict arises when the transsexual reality of one of them is revealed.

How did it end this story of true love? (english subtitles)

New Korean cop thriller "A man on high heels" trailer

"Ji-wook is a cold-blooded detective who would brutally assault and stop at nothing to catch criminals. However, despite his perfectly masculine appearance, Ji-wook struggles with a secret desire to be a woman. At last, Ji-wook decides to get a sex-change. However, a gang Ji-wook had brutally arrested by force plots revenge against him. While Ji-wook resigns and secretly dreams of transforming into a real woman, people close to him get caught up in a conspiracy... and killed. When the one person he must protect, 'Jang-mi', also falls in danger, Ji-wook faces a crossroads in making his choice."

This review at Twitch films makes a lot assumptions based solely on the preview and the poster. The author feels its a great concept. Kind of violently revengeful for me but in the spirit of fair mindedness and non judgemental-ism, who knows? It could be good.

Am i dating myself when I say I treasured my platforms in the 70's. I adored my wife for giving me those shoes (and her hand-me-down-clothes) long before I had ever heard of the word transgender.

Ohio state transgender inmate Whitney Lee wins fight to resume HRT

Ohio Transgender inmate Whitney Lee had been receiving HRT continuously since 1999, but those treatments were discontinued by the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction in February 2012.

Last month, a federal Judge Algenon Marbley issued a temporary order reinstating her treatments after a prison psychiatrist ruled that she wasn't transgender.

After a two-day hearing, Judge Marbley ordered the state on Friday to permanently continue the treatments.

Lee had been receiving HRT while an inmate in federal prison. She is due to be released in October.

Source: The State.com


Video Gender variant person beaten in Daytona Beach. *trigger warning

William Jackson
Gender variant person beaten in Daytona Beach. Chief says it maybe a hate crime as the attackers used slurs when beating Jackson.

Source WFTA
"The incident started when Jackson said he broke up a fight between his girlfriends and another group of girls. About 30 minutes later, he said the men jumped him at the Citgo on International Speedway Boulevard.
The beating was caught on video and posted to Facebook. It shows numerous men punching and kicking Jackson near the gas pump in front of the convenience store."

"In the video from early Sunday morning, Jackson can be seen wearing a black and white dress. He said the reason the men attacked him was because likes to dress like a woman."

Daytona Beach Detectives went to the State Attorney's Office with this video and asked for an arrest warrant for Aggravated Assault during a Hate Crime. The attorneys would not give a warrant for the attackers arrest and detectives were told all they had was simple battery at best. Write or call State Attorney R.J. Larizza and ask him and his office to take a 2nd look at this brutal Hate Crime! If nothing is done about the attack of William Jackson - it send the message that Daytona Beach condones attacking gay, bi, transgender and trans-sexual people! That should be great for Tourism! Email: larizzar@sao7.org or Phone: (386) 239-7710; Fax: (386) 239-7711


Debunking MDPetition.com Neil Parrott falsehoods for opposing the Fairness for all Marylanders Act

Maryland Republican Neil Parrott has launched an online petition drive to force a vote on the states new transgender inclusive bill, Fairness for all Marylanders Act of 2014.

During the conference Del. Parrott and House Minority Whip Kathy Szleiga said they oppose SB 212 saying it "opens bathrooms to predators, not necessarily transsexuals, but predators as they will take advantage of this bill and use the opposite gender bathroom and owners of those restrooms, like the one right behind this wall, would have no legal recourse."

In 2011, Parrott and Szleiga voted against HB235, which was much like this law  except it didn't include public accommodations. Their contention that they oppose this bill because it includes 'bathroom' provisions and would have supported legislation without it is a lie. It's especially odious that they say they are doing so because they are concerned with children's safety citing fictitious or irrelevant incidents.

"The most egregious part of this bill will require businesses to open up their public facilities (bathrooms, saunas, shower rooms, locker rooms, etc.) so that men can use the ladies’ room and women can use the men’s room."
This statement from the MDPETITION.com website is not just fear mongering, its also unequivocally false.

From the bill's text: "The bill does not apply to a private facility in a place of public accommodation, if the place of public accommodation makes available, for the use of persons whose gender identity is different from their assigned sex at birth, a space that is functionally equivalent to the space made available to users of the private facility. The bill defines “private facility” as a facility (1) that is designed to accommodate only a particular sex; (2) that is designed to be used simultaneously by more than one user of the same sex; and (3) in which it is customary to disrobe in view of other users of the facility.

There is a well-organized coalition supporting fairness for all Marylanders. One of which is TransMaryland whose leader Jenna Fischetti is working to educate the public. She explains the meaning of “gender identity” in this bill:

“Gender identity,” means the “gender-related identity, appearance, expression, or behavior of a person, regardless of the person’s assigned sex at birth.”

The Act provides that a person’s gender identity may be demonstrated by the “consistent and uniform assertion” of their gender identity or any other evidence that the gender identity is “sincerely held as part of the person’s core identity.”

So, the Act’s definition of “gender identity” said Jenna "only includes an identity that is sincerely held as part of a person’s core identity." 
"This definition was proposed by Republican Senator Joseph Getty, and is consistent with the definition adopted in 17 other states that have enacted gender identity protections, including Delaware, Connecticut, and Massachusetts."

Legislative efforts to include transgender people has taken place nearly every year since 1997. The effort to define the language that allows transgender people the same rights as everyone has been a arduous journey contrary to what Neil Parrott have you believe.

WBAL reports thst in 2011 and 2012, MDPetitions.com gathered enough petition signatures to put the DREAM Act, congressional redistricting and the same sex marriage law before voters in the 2012 General Election.

Voters overwhelmingly approved all three issues in the 2012 election defeating referendum efforts.

However given Parrott's tactics its important that the truth be known. Maryland should remain a fair place for all.


Transgender Sailor Landon Wilson discharged for transition tells his story

Landon Wilson
Shortly after 2 a.m. on Dec. 7, when a superior tapped him on the back and summoned him outside, one of the secrets that mattered most to Wilson began to unravel.

“This Navy record says female, but this paper says male,” the grim-faced sergeant major noted, displaying two sets of personnel records. “So, what are you?”

After an awkward pause, Wilson, who joined the Navy as a woman but who has long felt like a man, provided the answer that set in motion the end of his military career: “I am male.” Read more at The Washington Post


Drag Queen Armani Nicole-Davenport may face silicone injection murder charges

Armani Nicole-Davenport performed in this years Diamond of the south

Larry Tremell Bernard, 32, who goes by the drag name Armani Nicole Davenport was originally charged with one count of negligent injuring in the death of Brenisha Hall after the coroner, unable to define the toxic substances in her blood determined she died of natural causes.

Bernard, a drag queen from Dallas is accused of injecting Hall and another person with silicone on Oct. 24. These injections called "Pumping" are a cheap but often fatal alternative to cosmetic surgery. Hall later complained she couldn't breath and was taken to the hospital, where she lapsed into a coma and died.

Five months later on April 25th the Orleans Parish Coroner's office has ruled Hall's death a homicide. However, it may be harder to get a conviction because the original cause of death was said to be of natural causes.
While prosecutors decide on additional charges Bernard remains free on the original bond of $25,000

Protest for transgender 15-yo imprissoned in solitary draws 50 DCF in Hartford and NYC

Jane Doe, a 15 year old transgender girl of color remains in solitary confinement at the York Correctional Facility in Niantic CT. Jane hasn't been sentenced or guilty a crime. Jane is seving time for being transgender after committed in a extremly biased buacracy.

Joette Katz, commissioner of the Department of Children and Families in defensive op-ed explained her rational for sending a child to solitary confinment, argubedly the most inhuman incarceration legaly allowed by law. citing her being a danger to female staff and residents of DCF facilities 13 times. Katz never once acknowlaged that Jane is transgender but she does see as a danger to woman.

Transgender woman Çağla, slain in Istanbul, wounded friend said medics wouldn't touch her

First responders refused to carry Çağla's to the ambulance or even
close her eyes. Photo KAOS GL
Çağla Joker 21, shot in her heart, cried out to her best friend, Nalan, who tried to help and was stabbed in the back. The April 22 attack, considered a hate crime by most, is the latest in an ongoing onslaught on Turkey's transgender community.

Other transgender friends also heard her cry from her living room window. They came running but all they could do was cry and carry her lifeless body to the ambulance after attendees refused to.

Video captured two youth running from the crime scene in Istanbul’s Tarlabaşı neighborhood towards Istiklal Street. The police arrested two suspects, one a 17-year-old has reportedly confessed saying he shot her because she is transgender.

“They did not want to touch the dead body of our friend, we carried her”
Attitude of the police and health staff came as no surprise: “The police came and did not do anything. Just looked around a bit. They did not even question anyone properly. And the ambulance did not want to carry our friend. We took her down the apartment on our own.”

Protesters carrying signs which say state killers. The Turkish government has driven the LGBT population to the fringes of society with unrelenting persecution.

One person commented that the only way to end this will be solidarity. No truer thing has ever been said.

Translation: LGBTI News Turkey