For immediate release
Kelli Busey, Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)
Sept. 30, 2008
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies are thrilled to welcome to Dallas the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire for a public conversation with transgender people.
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Seminar Theater
400 North Olive Street · Dallas, Texas 75201 · United States
Map and Directions
November 22, 2008 from 1:00 until 2:00pm
Bishop Robinson will attend a "Transgender Conversation" with the Dallas Transgender Advocates, and Allies(DTAA) to share with us his wisdom and faith and to learn of the transgender struggle for equality.
Bishop Robinson has bravely stepped forward to answer questions regarding religion and it's influence on progressive social action, and to share with us what he has learned from the recent Lambeth and how his diocese situation parallels the Queer and Transgenders class struggle against social, religious and political exclusionary and revisionist agendas.
Who are the Dallas Transgender and Advocates Queers and Allies?
We are Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queers and allies. We comprise a nationwide network of diversity in ethnic, social, educational, economic, religious, gender identities, sexual orientations and political views. Our goal is to unite the Transgender Questioning Intersexed Asexual Queer community through realization of potential in soul and mind and moving forward as a whole in the cause of social, legal and religious equality.
Hosting entity
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies
Donations are encouraged and appreciated to defray expenses. All remaining funds will forwarded to Carmens Place, an Episcopal home and outreach for LBGT youth, Astoria, New York
Carmens Place
Allied and concerned organizations
Queer Today
Queer Today
Left In SF
Left In SF
Organisation Intersex International, OII-USA
Great News!
The Transgender Network of Texas (TENT) , The Dallas Peace Center and the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) have all announced support of the "Transgender Conversation "with Bishop Robinson!
The announcements of concern by these established and respected organizations will help in the promotion of transgender wellness and allows our effort a increased sense of legitimacy and purpose to previously uninformed viewers.
Thank you to all.
In what I consider an act of faith our press release was cross posted at Episcopal Integrity USA http://walkingwithintegrity.blogspot.com/2008/11/press-release-bishop-of-new-hampshire.html
I'm really glad to see that Bishop Robinson will be participating in this conversation, and that you invited him to it. In case you weren't aware of it, I wanted to let you know that there is a group called TransEpiscopal which was founded about three years ago to support trans folks in the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. Several of us founded the group not only to explicitly welcome more of us in, but also to recognize that we are *already there/here*. We can tend to get lost in the gay/lesbian shuffle in the Anglican Communion conversation, but we're very much present. We are laypeople, people in the ordination process, and clergy (there are several out trans clergy in both the Episcopal Church and the Church of England)-- we are trans, we are partners of trans folks (some of whom are also trans), and we are non-trans family and allies. TransEpiscopal has a private listserve, accessible at groups.yahoo.com, which has a peer support focus as well as some political-working/organizing conversation. We also have a public blog, on which several of us post periodically at www.transepiscopal.blogspot.com. There were also several transpeople at the Lambeth Conference this summer-- you can see posts related to that experience on the blog. Integrity/Claiming the Blessing and TransEpiscopal raised money to send me to Lambeth, and there were also several transfolks already in the UK with whom I participated on a panel called "Listening to Trans People" which was part of Lambeth's "Fringe Festival." So, thank you again for hosting this conversation, and peace, Cameron Partridge
Thank you Cameron!
I have since become a member of TransEpiscopal. It is a highly motivated engine of change!
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