Soulforce announces the ' SPRING 2009 CATHOLIC ACTION'
Please join us this spring in calling on the Vatican to support the safety and well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. We are working to gain support from the Roman Catholic Church for the United Nations Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
The United States, as of Wednesday March 18th, has signed on to the declaration. This is a great shift in U.S. policy, and we hope that you will work with us continue the focus on the Vatican.
There are many ways to participate:
You can join us by coming to New York City this April and participating in the actions there. Read details and register here.
You can join the growing group of local leaders organizing solidarity actions where they live. We will work with you to support efforts in your hometown. All are welcome at any experience level. If you are interested in being a local leader or a participant, click here for a list of participating cities, ideas for action and contact information. Or email Katie Higgins directly at Katie@Soulforce.org.
You or your organization can also join the campaign by signing onto the following statement of support. Click here to read the statement and for contact information.
The background of this campaign:
For the first time ever at the United Nations in December 2008, a statement was heard on the support of equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
French Minister of Human Rights and Foreign Affairs Rama Yade began the effort in early 2008 to create U.N.-backed protections for LGBT people. The Netherlands signed on as a co-sponsor on behalf of the European Union, and on December 18, 2008 Ambassador Jorge Arguello of Argentina read out the first declaration on LGBT rights in the General Assembly.
Unfortunately, some countries have not yet signed on in support of safety for all. The Vatican's permanent observer to the United Nations, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, was among the first to oppose:
"If adopted, they would create new and implacable discriminations. For example, states which do not recognize same-sex unions as 'matrimony' will be pilloried and made an object of pressure."
Read the official statement on the declaration from the Holy See here.
We have sent a letter to the Archbishop in New York City, calling on him to take a personal stand against defamatory language regarding LGBT people and work in open and good faith to bring the Vatican toward supporting safety for all humans.
We are inviting you to work with us this spring in solidarity actions across the country and internationally to unite our voices. Based on the idea of pilgrimage, we are looking for local leaders and participants who want to help create conversations about faith and LGBT equality and get active in their community. No experience is required - just the desire to work in solidarity with activists in a localized action with global impact to make justice the standard.
Download the text of the declaration
Read some of the actions and statements of the Roman Catholic Church
We will work with you to train, organize, and implement actions in your town. Contact us to learn more and become a part of the effort.
With questions or feedback about the campaign, please contact:Haven Herrin at Haven@Soulforce.org or Kara Speltz at Kara@Soulforce.org
Soulforce Homepage http://www.soulforce.org/index.php
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