
Sex-change for Free : Tamil Nadu India

BREAKING NEWS From planetransgender april 16, 2009 "Tamil Nadu : Forced Prostitution In Exchange for Sexual Reassignment Surgery(SRS)"

Laying in the southeastern corner of India is Nadu Tamil. The state of தமிழ்நாடு with culture predating recorded history has transitioned back to the future as a world leader of progressive thinking by offering sexual reassignment surgery. In a country suffering from current western transphobic influences, the present treatment of India's transgender people often mirrors that of it's contemporaries, with indifference and cruelty being the norm. This has not always been true of India and once again the ancient reverence of humanity is manifesting in popular culture.

Published by Indian Express.com the article by Vinay Sitapati is much more than a story about getting a Sex-change for free, it is the story of societal success..

"In the midst of all this, Tamil Nadu stands out in how it treats transgenders. The state has set up a Transgender Welfare Board with a budget of 50 lakh rupees per year. That’s around 100 rupees per eunuch — meagre but without parallel in the rest of India. More than money, it’s the schemes themselves that are eye-catching: special ration cards for eunuchs and “admission to transgenders in Government colleges,” to quote DMK MP Kanimozhi. But it’s Tamil Nadu’s decision to pay for sex-change surgery that is truly path breaking." read on Sex-change for free


Unknown said...


planet trans said...

Thanks Pia. I am ignorant of most other cultures. I live on a sort of island, north America. Much of what I wrote about in that article is from research and Wikipedia

Please tell us more about you.

Anonymous said...

Section 377 :- Side Effectts of Legalizing GAYSEX Will Destroy Social Fabric in INDIA ?
Huge Financial Corruption in MsmCBO or NGO in INDIA Encourages by NACO and others ?

Wordpress :- http://shemalejasmin.wordpress.com/
Blogger :- http://section377india.blogspot.com/
Blogger :- http://sideeffectsof377.blogspot.com/
YahooGroups :- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/section377india
Hjiras,Gandu’s,MsM,Kinar,Aravanies,6no’s,Mamu & Dogs Not Allowed ??

Section377 > GAY Get FUCKED on Roads freely ?
Section377> HEJADS do CRIMAL ACTIVETES freely ?
Section377 > HEJADS do SEXWORK on Roads freely ?
Section377 > GAY & HEJADS and MsM,s Terrible ?
Section377 > No Opinion HEJADS are Crimals of Society ?
Section377 > Hjiras & Dogs Not Allowed ?
Section377 > MsM have 89% are AIDS Check MSM CBO in INDIA ?
Section377 > Hijads have 89% are AIDS Check MSM CBO in INDIIA ?
Section377 > MSM CBO & NGO have a PLHA centers ?
Section377 > GAYSEX will Destroy Social Fabric in INDIA ?