
"Man in the Womans Shower" says witness Mary Ann Ondray er, I mean Mary Ann Andree, I mean of whatever....

"Got Hate" and no way to express?

"We have a speical today on the ever popular 'shower' method." According to Mary Ann Jane Doe of the 'Concerned Citizens of whatever' "We have refined the shower method allowing the creation of an extremly dangerous precedent by getting close friends (or club members and even husbands) to cross dress, commit crimes and invade the opposite sex's most personal spaces, while they are most vulnerable."

"Apparently success was achieved in our last effort" according to Jane Doe, "Not only can someone claim at some point that this was a only 'test' of a law, but it gives credence to potential criminals that this behaviour is permissible hopefully perpetuating violence and validating our incredibly outragious claims."

"It's a win win for us haters" says Mary Ann Whatever Doe "We can lobby against human rights laws while actually promoting hate crimes and violence against woman and children!"

"Its all for a just cause. Our cause. Hate and Bigotry." says Doe Jane Whatever, "Now here is the kicker. You can even change the names of the perpetrators and continue to highlight this event as 'Evidence' of the dangers of enacting human rights laws and our husbands, clubmembers and good ole buddies can walk away, scott free in full view of law enforcement."

'Concerned Citizens for somethin or another' did not return latter calls regarding possiable 'Testing' of federal purgery laws.

Some related links found on the web


New Link &&&&&&&&

Click here to take action.


Queers United: Take Action to Support Civil Unions in Hawaii

Queers United: Take Action to Support Civil Unions in Hawaii
From Queers United;
The civil unions bill has already passed the Hawai'i State House of Representatives, but it has hit a roadblock in the State Senate. It's not too late for the Senate to take action and pass this legislation, but we need your help. We need your voices, speaking in favor of equality, to let the State Senate and Governor Lingle know that many residents of Hawaii reject discrimination and support civil unions. Please sign the attached petition in support of the civil unions bill.

Follow the link above to sign the petition now to demand civil unions and pass this on to friends.


Written by Brianna My Hero project

James Reeb was born on January 1, 1927 in Wichita, Kansas. He was a Unitarian minister who was very active in the fight for civil rights in the 1960s. Rev. James Reeb is my hero.

I believe that a hero is an individual who does something to positively influence the world. A hero is passionate and honest about what he/she does and always puts the needs of others in front of his/her own. Heroes do not take the easy routes in life. They stay committed to what they know to be true, no matter what obstacles they may face.

Rev. James Reeb fits my definition of a hero in many ways. Reeb was a white man living during the African American civil rights movement. Because of the color of his skin, James Reeb could have chosen to perpetuate his white supremacy by not speaking out against the injustices of that time. Rev. Reeb did not take the easy route.

The murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson gave the civil rights movement another spark. A march from Selma to the state capitol building in Montgomery, Alabama was organized by members of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to be on February 1, 1965. This march led to the arrest of 770 people. Two more marches soon followed this one. The second one was led by Martin Luther King. James Reeb was one of the dozen white UU ministers who had come to support Martin Luther King after a horrible confrontation with the state troopers called "Bloody Sunday." After the group of 1,500 people, including Rev. Reeb and Martin Luther King, had crossed the Pettus Bridge, the crowd was stopped by a wall of state troopers. In order to avoid further confrontation, King decided to turn back. Soon after the march, on the evening of March 9th 1965, Rev. James Reeb was attacked by a group of white men in Selma, Alabama. Two days later, Rev. Reeb died of his injuries. The death of Rev. Reeb triggered a national outcry against the racism in the South. Rev. James Reeb took a stand against something that he felt very passionately about. He risked his life by marching with and supporting Martin Luther King and sadly, like many others, his life was taken. During the time of the African American civil rights movement, it was considered very controversial for a person of any race to demand and fight for equality. I find it especially admirable that Martin Luther King and Rev. James Reeb chose to be non-violent in their battle for civil rights.

I attend a Unitarian Universalist Church that is named after Rev. James Reeb. He is an important person in the history of civil rights and I admire his strength in standing up for what he believed in and knew to be true. I use the stories of Rev. James Reeb as a way to give myself strength and hope knowing that he had the courage to take the harder route in life. My congregation and I strive to emulate the strength and courage that Rev. James Reeb, and many others from this time in history, have shown.

Our mission is to enlighten and inspire people of all ages with an ever-growing internet archive of hero stories from around the world. Now more than ever, children, teachers, and parents yearn for messages of hope and courage to face the challenges that lie ahead. The MY HERO web site hosts thousands of stories of remarkable individuals written by children and adults alike. These stories serve to remind us that we all have the potential to overcome great obstacles and achieve our dreams by following in the footsteps of our heroes.

Please visit with the My Hero project

Urge Maryland's Governor to Push for Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation

From Equality Maryland Take Action

Governor O'Malley's leadership can make the difference in the House and Senate Committees passing transgender anti-discrimination legislation this year. Transgender people experience bias far too often in employment, housing, healthcare, and public accommodations. When discrimination prevents or hinders a person from gaining or keeping employment, many other problems develop. Rent doesn't get paid, which leads to eviction. Data shows that 42% of transgender people in the DC Metro Area are unemployed and 19% do not have their own living space. Transgender individuals may also be denied access to social services like shelters or rape crisis centers; refused treatment, ridiculed, or denied recognition of their gender identity by health care professionals; or refused service at restaurants or stores.

Click for the Equality Maryland Action Alert

"Jennifer Gale" blood drive Twin Cities Criminal Defames Gay and Transexual people

Reported by My Fox Twin Cities Video found top right or at this link

Fake posters found in the Twin Cities area purportedly seeking donors for a Red Cross blood drive intentionally defamed both Gay and Transgender people. Fox news correctly reported a 'Derogatory' term was used to describe gay men, but the name of the church, 'Jennifer Gale' was not recognized by Fox news as defamatory towards transgender people.

The author of this poster intentionally choose to use the name of a recently deceased homeless transgender activist so as to include transgender people in this insulting message.

One in 50 US Child Homeless-Texas Ranks Worst at Number 50

March 10, 2009 by Kelli Busey planetransgender

Texas ranks last overall according to a report released March 10 by the National Center on Family Homelessness "America’s Youngest Outcasts: State Report Card on Child Homelessness".

The report is the first comprehensive compilation of data which enables a state by state comparison. Families that find themselves without secure housing are reluctant to enter the prison like state funded emergency shelters out of fear of being broken apart.

Many families now forsake this option and live on the streets and these numbers are rising exponentially in the face of spiraling double digit unemployment.

Children are the innocent victims suffering lifelong effects from insecurity, unavailability of education and medical care, social interaction issues, malnutrition and violence.

In short, Texas(50), Louisiana(46), Mississippi(41) and South Carolina(39) four of the five states that the republican governors have threatened to refuse extended unemployment benefits offered by the federal government are also rated among the very worst in the report.

These four states have all the necessary ingredients to produce a societal failure of unimaginable proportions. Drug usage, violent crime and a out of control rise in the prison population is already in evidence in Texas, it being
number one in the percentage of imprisoned per population.

The 10 best........10 worst states.

1. Connecticut.....50. Texas
2. New Hampshire...49. Georgia
3. Hawaii..........48. Arkansas
4. Rhode Island....47. New Mexico
5. North Dakota....46. Louisiana
6. Minnesota.......45. Nevada
7. Wisconsin.......44. North Carolina
8. Massachusetts...43. Florida
9. Maine...........40. Kentucky
10. Vermont........41. Mississippi

Take Action

With the release of the new report America’s Youngest Outcasts: State Report Card on Child Homelessness, the National Center on Family Homelessness challenges advocates, policymakers, funders, and service providers to end to this tragedy. Join this effort to ensure that all of our nation’s children have homes to call their own.

Click on this link to learn about ways to get more involved.

Full report at homelesschildrenamerica.org


Defamatory Language as Defined by The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.


ACLU of Florida : No place for discrimination in Gainesville

There is no place for discrimination in Gainesville.

Join the ACLU of Florida and Equality is Gainesville's Business in our fight against discrimination.

The far right has targeted Gainesville with its anti-gay agenda, and is trying to repeal human rights protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. This effort, which targets one of the most progressive cities in Florida, is part of a broader attack aimed at taking away protections from discrimination for LGBT people in Florida and throughout the nation. We must stop this effort and send the clear message: discrimination stops here!

Click Here to Check out volunteer opportunities, and get involved in ACLU of Florida and Equality is Gainesville's Business campaign to end discrimination.

No Discrimination Against Palestinian Refugees in Gaza

Amnesty International USA
No Discrimination Against Palestinian Refugees in Gaza

On March 6, 2009, Senator Kyl (R-WI) introduced an amendment to the Omnibus bill that would deny Palestinian refugees from Gaza resettlement protection. The US is not likely to resettle this population in 2009, and therefore, the amendment is not only discriminatory but also unnecessary. Contrary to 30 years of extending protection to refugees on the basis of need, the Kyl amendment seeks to discriminate against an entire group based on nationality alone. Tell your Senator that this discriminatory amendment must be defeated.

Take Action! Send your Congress person a message via Amnesty International USA

The 17th Annual Houston Transgender Unity Banquet - May 2, 2009

The 17th Annual Houston Transgender Unity Banquet - May 2, 2009

2009 Press Release!

The Houston Transgender Unity Committee has opened ticket sales for the annual Houston Transgender Unity Banquet, which will be held on Saturday, May 2, at the Sheraton Brookhollow (3000 North Loop West), 6:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. Tickets are $50 in advance ($60 at the door) and can be purchased through Ticketweb at the Unity Committee website, www.htuc.org. Tickets are also available at Vanity: A Trans-formation Studio (1440 Yale, 832/767-3252), the Heights boutique.

Proceeds from Unity Banquet ticket sales support the Peggy Rudd Transgender Scholarship Fund. The Unity Committee will present two scholarships at the banquet to trans-identified students pursuing higher education. The Rudd Scholarship application is available at the Unity Committee website. The application deadline is March 16.

Scott Turner Schofield, the Atlanta-based transgender performance artist, is the 2009 Unity Banquet keynote speaker. During the banquet, representatives from other local transgender groups will make presentations about their work. These groups include Helping TransGenders Anonymous, STAG/Some Transgenders Are Guys, Transgender Foundation for America TG Center, Tau Chi chapter of Tri-Ess, the Society for the Second Self, and Texas Association for Transsexual Support,

Unity Banquet sponsors (as of February 19) are Charles Armstrong Investments, Houston GLBT Political Caucus, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church, Phyllis Randolph Frye, Zukowski Center for Plastic Surgery, Denise O’Doherty, and Legacy Community Health Services.

Unity Banquet sponsorships are available at a range of levels, from $75 to $2,000 to underwrite the Brenda Thomas Education Table, named in honor of Thomas (1943-2006), the activist and educator and longtime Unity Committee executive director. Interested individuals and companies may contact the committee via www.htuc.org.

A silent auction held during the banquet will raise additional funds to support Unity Committee programs.

The Houston Transgender Unity Committee is the nonprofit consortium of area trans organizations. In addition to the Unity Banquet, Unity Committee projects include Unity Month in April and Transgender Day of Remembrance in November. Committee representatives frequently speak to schools, businesses, and organizations.

“Disordered” No More: Challenging Transphobia in Psychology, Academia and Society

IFGE 2009 Conference Workshop Presented by
Joelle Ruby Ryan, Ph.D Candidate, Julia Serano, Ph.D. and Kelley Winters, Ph.D.

Transgender people have long been the whipping boy/girl for all of society to use as a source of revenue and those who question this maginalized. Challenging the continued transgender subordination and the associated industries profiteering are three scholars who's dissertations debunk and and expose the lies that have empowered profiteers and rendered helpless us who must live authentically or die.

Online report compiled by Lynn Conwayfound here.

Trans News Updates: 3-9-09 Compiled by Lynn Conway


Amazing Grace

A dear friend shared this with us this morning. What a wonderfull way to start a Sunday!

Thanks to Renee at Gender Power


Unforgivable ; Republican Governors play politics with Poverty

Our country is in real trouble right now, with unemployment spiraling out of control. President Obama's stimulus plan provides money to expand unemployment assistance. But a group of Republican governors, led by Louisiana's Bobby Jindal, is trying to score political points by blocking that assistance from reaching the people who need it. It's cynical and disgusting.

These governors are playing with people's lives. They're trying to further their political ambitions while showing they could care less about the fate of everyday folks--even in their own state.

Please join me in calling them out and forcing the media spotlight on them. I just signed ColorOfChange.org's open letter demanding they do the right thing. Together, we can help make sure that in times of hardship folks get the assistance they need. It only takes a moment:


It's incredible. President Obama's stimulus package provides money for states to extend unemployment benefits for people in dire need of help, but a handful of Republican governors--Bob Riley of Alabama, Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Rick Perry of Texas, Sarah Palin of Alaska, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana--are putting politics over people.

All six governors have threatened to turn down these funds. Four are 2012 presidential contenders, and they all have a vested interest in seeing Obama fail. They're attacking the President's policies to increase their own profile and cozy up to the most die-hard conservatives. They also claim that taking the stimulus money would leave their states in debt when it runs out in three years. But that argument rings hollow--state legislatures could reduce benefits to pre-stimulus levels at that point.

While these governors posture, Black folks suffer the most. In all of these states, Black unemployment is at least twice that of Whites--and in Louisiana and Mississippi, the two Blackest states in the Union, the unemployment rate among Black people approaches three times that of their White neighbors.

Please join me in telling these Republican governors to stop putting their personal and political interests above the good of all their states' citizens. Demand that they accept all of the stimulus money designated for unemployment benefits. And please ask your friends and family to do the same by passing this message on.


AFL-CIO Calls On California Supreme Court to Invalidate Proposition 8

For Immediate Release
March 5, 2009
Pride at Work, AFL-CIO

Miami, Florida – As the AFL-CIO Executive Council gathers in Miami this week, hearing addresses from Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis dealing with the economic crisis and its impact on workers across the country, the Executive Council has spoken up again for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers by passing a resolution, in unanimity, calling on the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8.

The resolution strengthens a previous resolution, passed in 2005 that called for the full inclusion and equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the workplace. The most recent resolution, passed yesterday, on the eve of the day that the California Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the Proposition 8 case, states that Prop 8, “ended the right to marry enjoyed by gay and lesbian couples in California and cast a cloud over the legal status of thousands of California marriages...depriving one class of citizens of rights enjoyed by all others.”

The National AFL-CIO follows the lead of the California labor movement, which has vociferously opposed the passage of Proposition 8. In July 2008, the California Federation of Labor, in a resolution introduced by Pride At Work Co-President T Santora, mandated that unions include information opposing Proposition 8 on union slate cards and other election materials. In 2006, the California Federation Labor called for an end to marriage discrimination and for marriage equality for LGBT workers. California labor unions donated millions of dollars to the campaign to defeat Proposition 8. Most recently, over 50 unions in California signed an amicus brief, calling on the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8.

“I applaud the AFL-CIO on their continuing support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers within, and outside, the Federation,” said Nancy Wohlforth, Pride At Work Co-President and AFL-CIO Executive Council Member. “Denying LGBT couples the right to marry has tremendous impact on the ability of LGBT workers to access full parity in the workplace. Many benefits that heterosexual workers take for granted, such as FMLA, sick and bereavement leave, healthcare benefits, and pension benefits are routinely denied to LGBT couples because they cannot legally marry. Invalidating Proposition 8 is the only way to bring LGBT workers in California full equality in the workplace and beyond.”

The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a voluntary federation of 56 national and international labor unions. The AFL-CIO union movement represents 11 million members, including 2.5 million members in Working America, its new community affiliate. Pride At Work advances the issues of importance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workers within all labor unions, including the AFL-CIO, Change To Win Federation, and independent unions.

Same Sex Kiss Day!

Newest Tweeter friend SameSexKiss has a wonderful idea.
Here is........THE PLAN!
Show up at a Starbucks on Tax Day at 7:15 AM, 12:15 PM, 5:15 PM, or 8:15 PM , buy a cuppa joe, then..... share a kiss with your sweetie, or a friend, or even a long-time crush! RAWR!

LGBT couples have yet to be granted the same rights to file our taxes jointly on a Federal level, and we can still be fired for being openly gay in the workplace. That's why you're encouraged to be seen on Tax Day, April 15, 2009, spreading your love with a KISS!

Got no one to smooch? Not comfortable kissing in public? Not Gay? Check out SameSexKiss for lotsa options!


EQMD : Urge Committees to Support Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Urge Committees to Support Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Urge Committees to Support Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation
Transgender people experience bias far too often in employment, housing, healthcare, and public accommodations. When discrimination prevents or hinders a person from gaining or keeping employment, many other problems develop. Rent doesn't get paid, which leads to eviction. Data shows that 42% of transgender people in the DC Metro Area are unemployed and 19% do not have their own living space. Transgender individuals may also be denied access to social services like shelters or rape crisis centers; refused treatment, ridiculed, or denied recognition of their gender identity by health care professionals; or refused service at restaurants or stores.

Every person in our state deserves an equal opportunity to make a life for his or herself free from discrimination and violence. Discrimination against transgender Marylanders is wrong, far too prevalent, and must be stopped.

The lack of protections based on gender identity and expression has gone on long enough. Edit the below text to tell your state legislators to cosponsor this common-sense legislation.

Talking Points
The Washington Transgender Needs Assessment survey estimates that 42% of transgender people in the DC Metro Area are unemployed; 31% have incomes of less than $10,000/year; and 19% do not have their own living space. The most common barriers cited by those who lack housing are their economic situation (38%), housing staff insensitivity or hostility to transgender people (29%), estrangement from birth family (27%) and lack of employment (23%).
Similar bills in other states have been non-controversial. The New Jersey bill adding protections for transgender individuals was signed into law in December 2006, passed by a margin of 33-3 in the Senate and 69-5 in the Assembly. According to a Gonzales poll taken in August 2006, more than half of Maryland voters favor making it illegal in Maryland to discriminate against transgender people.
Discrimination in housing and public accommodations is a large problem for transgender people.
Many are evicted or forced to leave home.
Landlords may not want to rent to a transgender person.
Public facilities such as stores, restaurants and bars may ask transgender people to leave because of the perception that other customers may be upset.
Transsexual individuals often lose their jobs during or after their gender transitions.
Without protections from workplace discrimination many transgender Marylanders will continue to be pressured to hide their true gender identity to keep their jobs.

Urge Committees to Support Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Equality Maryland supports Freedom of Association and Assembly Protection Act of 2009

Does that qualify Equality Maryland a threat to society?

The people who ordered the Maryland State Police to spy on Equality Maryland apparently think so. According to EQMD Executive Director Kate Runyon these activities include monitoring email lists, keeping files on currant and past members and posing as activists in order to gain access to ongoing activities.

The apparent spying began after Equality Maryland spoke out in favor of the Freedom of Association and Assembly Protection Act of 2009. These bills mandate that law enforcement use of covert techniques and compiling of criminal intelligence dossiers about Marylanders' political views and activities be based on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.

From Equality Maryland
Every person in our state deserves an equal opportunity to make a life for his or herself free from discrimination and violence. Discrimination against transgender Marylanders is wrong, far too prevalent, and must be stopped.
Urge Committees to Support Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Calif. Supreme Court Hears Arguments to Overturn Prop 8

An emotional accounting of the arguments to invalidate Prop 8

by kelli Busey
March 4, 2009

Today the California Supreme Court heard arguments that the changes made to the California Constitution by a popular vote should be removed.
As thousands of opponents waited outside and hundreds of thousands nationwide watched the justice's put the opponents on the defensive as to why the changes to the constitution represented a revision as opposed to being an amendment.

What the judges were reluctant and some even refused to consider was the constitutionality of removing an 'inalienable right' that is guaranteed by the constitution from a minority by the majority. Each time this argument was brought up the judges stated that their interpretation of the law restricted by the briefs filed by the opponents, placed this argument outside consideration in this case.

This would beg the question. Is the court the proper place to revise or amend the constitution, or should it be done in full consideration by the legislature?

One Justice asked basically whats the harm if thy upheld the removal of rights from a minority? Wouldn't the minority be allowed to protest?

The ruling should be forthcoming within 90 days.

Also found are factual accounts of the prop 8 arguments on March 5, 2009

About Get Busy, Get Equal ACLU

The National Center for Lesbian Rights

AP Press Calif justices hear arguments in gay marriage case

Cal Prop live on CNN streaming Video March 5

Live Streaming Video Supreme Court Video on CNN CNN


Ugandan Anti GLBT Seminar Condemed by IGLHRC and SMUG

For Immediate Release, March 4, 2009
Contact Media: Hossein Alizadeh, 212-430-6016, halizadeh@iglhrc.org
Source : Walking With Intergity

(New York, March 4)- The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) and Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) condemned a seminar designed to attack lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Ugandans under the cloak of religion. The 3-day seminar in Kampala, which opens Thursday, March 5, features an array of U.S. speakers known for their efforts to dehumanize LGBT people and for their belief that homosexuality can be "cured." The speakers include Scott Lively, Don Schmierer, and Caleb Lee Brundidge—leading voices in the crusade by religious extremists to roll back basic human rights for LGBT people in the United States. Brundidge is affiliated with Extreme Prophetic Ministry in Phoenix, Arizona. Schmierer is on the board of the so-called "ex-gay" organization Exodus International. Lively is well known for his belief that the Nazi Holocaust never happened.

"The American religious right is finally showing its hand and revealing the depth of its support for homophobia in Africa," said IGLHRC's Executive Director Cary Alan Johnson. "This seminar will increase violence and other human rights abuses against LGBT people, women and anyone who doesn't conform to gender norms. This newest form of colonialism is deplorable and must be stopped."

The seminar is hosted by the by Family Life Network (FLN), a Ugandan non-governmental organization founded in 2002 that claims to be committed to the "restoration of Ugandan family values and morals." The FLN opposes access to safe, legal abortions. It also opposes the use of condoms and promotes abstinence-only programming as its approach to HIV prevention. The FLN makes the sensationalized claim that homosexuality is "spreading like wildfire in schools." The event organizers have invited parents, teachers, government workers, politicians, counselors and faith leaders. The seminar costs 25,000 Ugandan Shillings a day (approximately $12.60) to attend. Books and materials are extra.

"This seminar is just another way of encouraging hatred and abuse," said a spokesperson from SMUG." We condemn their discriminatory words and actions that only lead to violence. Suffering is all that they are bringing to Uganda—all in the name of God."

"There is a lot of misunderstanding about human sexuality," said Ugandan Bishop Dr. Christopher Ssenyonjo, who was expelled from the Anglican Church for supporting gay people. “This workshop is going to bring more conflict, greater hostility, increased intimidation. We need love ... in the long run, love will overcome."

The U.S. religious right has a history of exporting homophobia to Africa With support from anti-gay organizations and faith leaders such as Family Watch International and Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, Pastor Martin Ssempa from Makerere Community Church has attacked not only gay men and lesbians, but also women's rights and HIV activism. Pastor Ssempa has stated, "there should be no rights granted to homosexuals in this country." In 2007, he organized a multi-denominational rally against LGBT rights in Kampala, where one cleric called for the "starving to death of homosexuals."

In response to this ongoing pattern of violence and abuse, SMUG launched its Let Us Live in Peace campaign, aimed at decreasing violence against LGBT Ugandans. The campaign was launched shortly after human rights defenders Victor Mukasa and Oyo Yvonne filed a lawsuit against the Attorney General related to an illegal raid on Mukasa's home. The plaintiffs won their case in December 2008—a landmark victory by organizers in a country that still punishes homosexuality by life in prison and has repeatedly made efforts to silence human rights leaders. FLN organizers cite this victory in the promotional materials for the seminar, saying that it shows that a "well organized homosexual machinery" is taking over Uganda, "wreaking havoc in individuals, families and the society."


Brave New World a New Mormon Lesbian Friend

New Brave Friend Sasha who's post on her blog at http://www.cardcarryinglesbian.com/


Why I am working for same sex marriage

Many transgender people feel it is a vindication of their
prognostication that because Gay and Lesbians are struggling for
marriage equality and there is no concrete evidence of unconditional
commitment by the Human Rights Campaign to support a gender inclusive
ENDA that HRC has no intention to 'return' for us.

I work for human rights. I make no distinction as to who will benefit
by my work.

I have so many dear friends who are suffering so. The lives of each
of their family members have been turned upside down since the rights
of the minority which they belong to have been removed by a popular

Stop and think about who your friends are. Children and adults who by
grace are in loving families that they may have otherwise never known.

Without further definition as to who they are and who the majority is
I am compelled to action. We only have today to be true to ourselves
and friends.

Sounds familiar? We protest loudly with righteous indignation when
our allies "threw us under the bus". Now it is our opportunity to
raise above anger, above self involvement and jealousy to be the ally
that we wish to have. We can only claim this title if we care enough,
now, today.

Lets Make today our living stonewall. We can make this statement. I
will not leave you behind. I will stand with you and fight for you.
You are my friend.

You are my ally.

kelli Busey
Transgender woman of faith

Web Cast viewing of California Supreme Court Arguments March 5 2009

There will only be 20 seats available for the general public at the Supreme Court so where are the rest of us 20 million going to be?

Some of us will try to watch it online, but as we have experienced, the server will probably be overwhelmed and the signal lost, so here are some options.

On your computer Web Cast from Cal Channel.com starting at 9:00am PT and ending about noon PT.

West Hollywood Auditorium

Watch on the Jumbotron at the United Nations Plaza in San Francisco outside San Francisco City Hall

In California local channels

West Hollywood at L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center Locations RSVP needed

MARCH 4th Californians Rally on the Eve of Justice

March forth on the eve of Justice!

There are numerous gatherings, vigils and marches scheduled for March 4 2009 which is the day before the California Supreme Court begins hearing arguments to invalidate Prop 8

There are planned events statewide. For locations, times and details visit these sites;
San Francisco Pride
SF Pride Facebook
Marriage Equality.org

To read the parties' filings and the dozens of amicus 'friend of the court' briefs filed on behalf of Civil Rights Organizations, Bar Associations, Academics, Women's Groups, Faith and Religious Groups, and many others go to www.courtinfo.ca.gov

Equality should not be put up for a popular vote.

• Prop 8 is a radical and unprecedented change to the California Constitution that puts all Californians at risk.
• Prop 8 defeats the very purpose of our constitution, which is to protect minorities and to make sure the law treats everyone equally.
• This is the first time the initiative process has successfully been used to change the California Constitution to take away a fundamental freedom from a particular group and to mandate government discrimination against a minority.
• If prop 8 is upheld, the courts will no longer have a meaningful role in protecting minority groups or women, since any decision prohibiting discrimination could be reversed by a simple majority.

By kelli Busey
March 03, 2009


Texas Virtual Lobby Day

Texas Equality Virtual Lobby Day March 2, 2009

Can't Make It To Austin For Lobby Day?


Equality Texas will make this a breeze!

Send Email To Your Legislative Representatives

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
Your Representative (if you live in Texas)
Your State Senator (if you live in Texas)

Show Your Transgender Support

Non-Discrimination: HB 197
Relating to the prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression

By Rep. Roberto Alonzo and HB 538 by Rep. Mike Villarreal, because putting an end to discrimination in a state that values hard work and individual effort is simply the right thing.

Safe Schools for All Students - HB 1323 by Rep. Mark Strama, because Texas should provide a safe learning environment for all students.

Hate Crimes Act Enforcement - HB 616 by Rep. Marc Veasey, because it is time to look at the James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Act.

Hospital Visitation & Medical Decision Making - HB 353 by Rep. Eddie Rodriguez and HB 1455 by Rep. Donna Howard.

Competitive Insurance Benefits - HB 861 by Rep. Elliott Naishtat.

Visit with
to find what stage these bills are at in the approval process.


Julie Bindel Clearing House

"This blog is for people to add links to quotes from Julie Bindel about transgender issues"
Transgender and queer folk in the UK have been experiencing transphobia tenfold what we endure in the states. Our Nemesis Joe Solmonse masks his transphobia behind the good intentions of the majority of HRC members.
The UK's major lesbian and gay advocacy group, Stonewall makes no such effort. They honor openly transphobic people such as Julie Bindel.
In UNITY we will overcome.


Perú: Exija la investigación en ataque contra Travesti

Perú: Demand Investigation into Attack on Transgender street worker

Found on Blabbeando Blog a TV news magazine show filed this piece on an attack captured by television cameras: Members of a neighborhood watch group in Tarapoto, Peru, attack transgender street worker, cut her hair off, take her clothes off and make her 'do tricks' by beating her with sticks until she falls on the ground.

Las autoridades de Perú deberían respetar y proteger los Derechos Humanos de todos los ciudadanos sin discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de genero.

Peruvian authorities should respect and protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Complete story at Blabbeando Blog

Click here to Take Action!
Our Emails have brought this injustice to attention worldwide. It is your email that will help end the silence and bring about justice.

Click here to Take Action!


Brooklyn NY Party! : A 'Fish out of Water' Film Fundraiser

Date From February 28, 2009 10:00 PM
Until March 01, 2009 4:00 AM

Location Monkey Town
58 N. 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY [map it!]

Order Tickets at Brown Paper Tickets
The first and only fair-trade ticketing company!

Price $10.00

Info Line 312-771-8546
Website fish out of waterfilm.com

Contact Kristen Kaza
Chicago, IL

Chicago production company Yellow Wing Productions hosts "Bait & Tackle: A 'Fish out of Water' Film Fundraiser" for their upcoming documentary at Brooklyn's Monkey Town Saturday, February 28th at 10:00pm to raise funds for the films upcoming release. The evening will feature performances by DJ Chaz Requina (Palms Out), DJ Patrick Wimberly (Chairlift) and Elizabeth Harper & the Matinee, as well as the New York City premiere of the film's extended preview. Featured art will be for sale with proceeds benefiting the film, and the first 50 guests will receive a gift bag.

"Were so excited to bring Fish out of Water to New York," says Ky Dickens, the film's Director and Executive Producer. "Were looking forward to connecting with its GLBTQ community and their allies to get their support for our film."

Fish out of Water, Chicago's Yellow Wing Productions first documentary, tackles the seven Bible verses used to condemn homosexuality and justify marriage discrimination. With slapstick animation and quirky interviews taken everywhere from truck stops to mega-churches, Fish out of Water delivers a voice to the oppressed and informs the misled.

The evening will feature a special extended trailer created exclusively for the Bait & Tackle event, as well as live DJ sets and a performance by Elizabeth Harper & the Matinee. Harper, who Time out New York calls "A beauty with a voice like a sleepy winter afternoon," will put on a special midnight set as the evenings entertainment highlight.

Monkey Town is located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at 58 North 3rd Street. (L Train to Bedford Avenue.) Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. This is a 21+ event. Tickets are available at brownpapertickets.com. For more information about Monkey Town, visit monkey town.com.

For more information about Fish out of Water or the Bait & Tackle fundraiser, contact Kristen Kaza: kristen@fishoutofwaterfilm.com 312-771-8546 or visit www.fishoutofwaterfilm.com.

NOTE: No one under 21 years old will be admitted.

Fish Out Of Water Facebook Page Fish Out Of Water Facebook Page

Facebook Event Page Fish Out of Water Facebook event page

NYC Alert: Fish Out of Water Party! Think Pink Radio.com

Calander on line North Jersey.com



Gainesville residents divided over discrimination amendment


New York Post Old Style KKK or New Style Freedom of Speech?

The New York Post published a cartoon of a policeman holding a smoking gun and a dead monkey on the pavement. You know the one. I will not publish it, to do so, in my opinion would only perpetuate the commercialization and objectification of black people by cheap sensationalism. It's time to call a racist a racist. There has to be an accounting.

That said I hope you will join the Young Turks on Alternet in a intelligent conversation and form your own opinion.

My opinion is the New York Post drawing is racist trash. And I think we are capable and responsible to of raise our morality above this.

I have joined the color of change and signed the petition demanding that we hold the New York Post accountable.

By kelli Busey
February 25, 2009


First Texas Transgender Caucus and Lobby Day

First Transgender Caucus and Lobby Days!

Why is THIS Lobby Day SO important for the Texas Transgender community?

HB 538 prohibits employers, employment agencies and labor unions from using an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity as the basis for employment decisions, such as hiring, firing, promotion or compensation, or from subjecting an individual to different standards or treatment based on that individual's sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

This Bill has been submitted to committee. It's passage is especially critical since during the present economic downturn transgender people will suffer first and longest. The Texas Legislature only meets Bi Annually and we have momentum for Equality.

Sunday, March 1st
5:30 - 7:30 pm Opening Welcome Reception (Doubletree Hotel Austin -University)

7:30 - 9:00 pm Transgender Caucus (Wildflower Room, Doubletree Hotel)

Monday, March 2nd Lobby Day

8:00 – 9:00 am Breakfast & Check-In (First United Methodist Church, 1201 Lavaca St.)
9:00 am Press conference on the South Steps
9:30 am Photo Opportunity on the South Steps
10:00 – 11:00 am Lobby Training (Capitol Extension Auditorium, Room E1.004)
11:00 – 12:00 pm Team Lobby Visits
12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch provided by Equality Texas at First United Methodist Church
1:00 – 2:00 pm Team lobby visits and Constituent visits with your Legislators
2:00 – 3:00 pm Debrief and write thank you letters (Capitol Extension Auditorium, Room E1.004)

Register with Equality Texas to attend Lobby Day

Click Here for general Info at Equality Texas

Click Here for Detailed FAQ's about the Transgender Caucus and Lobby Days


Buffalo bands together defeats Westboro Baptist

On a street corner in Buffalo New York in the raw February wind gathered everyman and woman. Some wore angel wings, some with American Flags and homemade signs held high.

All were banded together in solidarity to shield a Church from the Westboro Baptist Church hate mongers who thought a memorial for human rights advocate Alison Des Forges was taking place. Des Forges died in the crash of Flight 3407 from Newark to Buffalo on February 12, 2009.

The three Westboro members left after a few moments.
"Hatred in the name of Jesus is a despicable thing," said Zion Lutheran Pastor Randy Milleville.

By Kelli Busey
February 23, 2009

Sean Penn Wins for "Milk" Acceptance Speech

Sean Penn Wins for "Milk" Acceptance Speech

TransGriot: Gay Media, RuPaul Isn't A Transgender 'Expert', So Stop Trying To Pass Him Off As One

TransGriot: Gay Media, RuPaul Isn't A Transgender 'Expert', So Stop Trying To Pass Him Off As One Monica Roberts wrote on her Blog Transgriot "One of the things that's an irritant to many African descended transpeople is not only the lack of media attention we get vis a vis our white brothers and sisters, but the frequent use of people who aren't African-American transpeople as representatives to speak for us."
Visit with Monica and get a inside perspective of what it is to be a Transgender Woman of African Descent.

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address

DENVER, Jan. 30 — National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director Rea Carey presented the annual State of the Movement address today at 21st National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change, where 2,000 activists have gathered to strategize on how to advance LGBT equality in this new political climate.

Click Here for the NGLTF site, press release and full text of her speech

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address (full speech, part 1 of 3)

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address (full speech, part 2 of 3)

Rea Carey's State of the Movement address (full speech, part 3 of 3)

Click Here for the NGLTF site, press release and full text of her speech


Kentucky Senator files gay adoption ban in the Kentucky Senate

Kentucky Senator files gay adoption ban in the Kentucky Senate

Found on United We Stand (Official blog of Kentucky Equality Federation)

"Kentucky Equality Federation has collected over 500 signatures to oppose Senate Bill 68! This is in addition to the signatures Kentucky Fairness Alliance has collected!"

"Please continue to sign the action alert to oppose Senate Bill 68. Our children are not political pawns!"

"This is not only a gay adoption ban, but it would also prevent unmarried heterosexual couples from serving as foster parent or adopting children if they are not in a 'marriage that is legally valid in Kentucky."

The bill reads: "Create a new section of KRS Chapter 199 to prohibit the approval of foster care, relative caregiver services, or adoption of a child by an applicant who is cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of a marriage that is legally valid in Kentucky; create the short title "The Child Welfare Adoption Act"; exempt children placed for adoption prior to the effective date of this Act; amend KRS 199.470 to conform."


Massachusetts Transgender Inclusive Bill in Full Swing

According to a Berkshire Eagle article Massachusetts may become the first state in the country to offer its residents full marriage equality and transgender protections under law. The bills lead sponsor Senator Benjamin B. Downing of Pittsfield, believes he has a majority of legislative support established to insure its passage in the 2009 session but success is dependant on the bills co-sponsors steadfast resolve.

As usual there is the regular potty protesters. But as usual this argument "Carries No Water" (pun intended). Criminals are abhorrent of portraying any perceived vulnerability and cross dressing in the act of a felony would put that person in prison for a very long time where pedophiles and deviants are regarded as the lowest of life. As has been proven across the country in areas where gender protective laws are in place this is a more than adequent deterrent.

Show you Transgender support by visiting.....

Queers United Praise Massachusetts For Moving Towards Transgender Equality

By kelli Busey
February 21, 2009


Reann Ballslee : George Mason's Uni-diversity Homecoming Queen

Now this Drag Queen has Class! Apparently 30,000 people think so too! Ryan Allen AKA Reann Ballslee when she performs in Washington DC area celebrates after being elected Homecoming Queen by the Class of 2009 at George Mason University!
According to the AP release George Mason picks drag queen as homecoming queen Ms. Ballslee says "Reann is very sassy, very silly. She's an entertainer throughout. She's not afraid to do a high kick if that's what it takes," Allen said. "She's got a little camp but is not as campy as some queens."

Homecoming gender Uni-diversity!

by Kelli Busey
February 20, 2009

Buttars wrist slapped but status quo is maintained. For Now....

KSL.com video on side bar to the right>>>> > > > > > >

Utah Legislator Chris Buttars latest tirade against LGBT people cost him the chairmanship of the powerful Senate Judicial Committee. This action was confirmed by the ranking Senate Majority leader Waddoups in a public statement viewed by thousands via live Internet on 2-20-09.

Waddoups stated that the Buttars right to free speech will be honored but he was "freeing" Chris Buttars and the Judaical committee so that they may work without the burden of controversy. Waddoups also said by doing this Buttars would be free to pursue his political objectives in regards to LGBT rights issues.

When Waddoups was questioned whether this was considered punishment he responded it was not. When asked if this Censure of Buttars would preclude him from repeating as he has a history of doing, anti GLBT and racist tirades Waddoups responded "I am very bad at predicting the future". Waddoups like the rest of the politicians questioned did not indicate whether they are in agreement with Buttars regarding LBGT issues.

Waddoups attemped to conclude the meeting amid heated requests he clarify why Buttars was not at least removed from his seat on the Rules Committee if not removed completely from the Utah State Senate.

Buttars wrote in the Utah Senate Blog

"I was disappointed to learn of the Utah State Senate’s Censure on Feb. 20, 2009. However, this action will not discourage me from defending marriage from an increasingly vocal and radical segment of the homosexual community."

Buttars will essentially be free to "kill them all" as LGBT bills have to first come before the Rules Committee before moving on in the Senate.

Evidently we are "radical" because we will no longer accept being traumatized by the likes of Chris Buttars, but in Utah for now, the status quo is maintained.

By Kelli Busey
January 20, 2009

Live Video Feed from UTAH Senate BUTTARS Statement 2-20-09

Planetransdender is carrying the Live Feed from the UTAH SENATE 2-20-09. Buttars Statement scheduled for at 9:30 M0untain time.
Click Here for Utah Senate Statement Live Feed at Planetransgender


Chris Buttars Should Resign

Utah Congressman Chris Buttars attempted to divert criticism of his latest inflammatory racial, transphobic and homophobic tirade by claiming the documentary producer had mislead him about the interview.

The Documentary producers responded that Buttars Lies.