Add Your Name To Overturn 8
For our third of five actions to overturn Prop 8, add your name to a scrolling list of our members.
Have one minute?
Add your name to scroll on the homepage of eqca.org. Show the world you support the freedom to marry and oppose equality being put up for a vote.
Have two minutes?
Call, email, text your friends and family to add their names as well. Follow up with at least three people personally and tell them why this is so important to you.
Add Your Name To Overturn 8
The day after Prop 8 passed, Equality California—on behalf of our members—challenged Prop 8 in the California Supreme Court. On March 5, our case will be heard.
And by being a member of EQCA—the only organizational plaintiff in the case—you are a part of this moment in history.
We know that being out as an LGBT person, or as an advocate for equality, is essential to our fight.
That is why we are asking you to come out in a big way—by adding your name to a scroll of supporters on the homepage of eqca.org.
Take a minute to add your name to publicly show your support for the freedom to marry and for protecting minorities from having their equality put up for a popular vote.
Add Your Name To Overturn 8
The brilliant attorneys at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Lambda Legal, ACLU, Munger Tolles and Olson, LLP and the Law Office of David C. Codell have worked tirelessly so we all live in a state where equality can’t be voted away. Now each of us must do our part.
While our opponents try to hide who their supporters are, we can show the world that we are everywhere and are proud to be on the side of equality. Add your name now.
Add Your Name To Overturn 8
And what about the people you care about and who care about you?
Forward this email to everyone one your list and ask them to become part of this historic moment by joining you. And follow up with at least three personally—tell them why it matters to you that they add their names to the list. And explain that the case is about more than marriage—as important as that is—but is about keeping other minorities from having their rights voted on.
Add Your Name To Overturn 8
By showing our neighbors, co-workers, family and friends that we are proud to be out in support of the freedom to marry and for the rights of other groups who will be at risk if Prop 8 is allowed to stand—and asking them to join us—we will build a true state of equality here in California.
In solidarity,
Geoff Kors
Executive Director
Equality California
P.S. This is the third of five actions to overturn Prop 8 before EQCA’s Lobby Day to Overturn 8 next week. Keep looking for more actions until the big day, February 17!
Add Your Name To Overturn 8
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