Let Your Representatives Know You Care About Immigration Equality!Uniting American Families Act of 2009 (UAFA),
On Friday, February 13th, Representative Jerrold Nadler plans to reintroduce the Uniting American Families Act of 2009 (UAFA), a bill that will allow lesbian and gay Americans to sponsor their foreign-born partners for immigration. Please call your representative today and ask them to celebrate love this Valentine’s Day by cosponsoring UAFA!
Don't know who your rep. is or phone number? Click below for the PFLAG Link.
Take Action call your Rep. ask then to Co-Sponsor Uniting American Families Act of 2009 (UAFA),
Transgender Blogs
Thanks for sharing this action alert with your readers!
Thank you for sharing this action alert with your readers!
read my blog on a case pending with imminent deportation for same sex spouse. Horrific case and must be read. www.oblogdeeoblogda.wordpress.com
please, read "America can be such a sad place for so many"
by lgmediator
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