
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Member(DTAA) Rev. Allyson Robinson to Testify In New Hampshire

A proud moment.

DTAA's own Rev. Allyson Robinson, who is HRC's associate director of diversity will testify before a committee of New Hampshire lawmakers on House Bill 415, legislation to add gender identity and gender expression protections to the state’s non-discrimination statutes.

Rev. Allyson who was sadly unable to attend our conversation with Bishop Robinson was presenting witness in Florida at a Transgender Day of Remembrance found in the video below.


HRC Back Story, DC, USA

Human Rights Campaign testifies on NH gender identity and expression bill

February 05, 2009

Chris Johnson

Today Allyson Robinson (pictured), our associate director of
diversity, will testify before a committee of New Hampshire lawmakers
on House Bill 415, legislation to add gender identity and gender
expression protections to the state's non-discrimination statutes.
The legislation will also make additions to the state hate crimes law
to ensure that perpetrators of hate crimes against transgender people
are subject to the same extended sentencing terms as perpetrators of
hate crimes based on other prohibited bases, such as race, sex and
sexual orientation.

Allyson's testimony before the state House Judiciary Committee will
draw upon her experience not only as an LGBT advocate but as a
transgender woman with a family. Here is the full text of her
prepared testimony:

"Chairman Cote, members of the committee, thank you so much for
adding my voice to the others you're hearing today. My name is
Allyson Robinson. I work as Associate Director of Diversity for
transgender concerns with the Human Rights Campaign, America's largest
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization, and
I'm here today to testify on behalf of HRC's over 8,600 members in New
Hampshire. But more importantly, I'm here simply as a transgender
American to lift up my voice on behalf of the thousands of transgender
New Hampshirites who are rendered voiceless by the very real and
persistent threat of discrimination and violence."

"I am able to speak out for them because I'm one of the lucky ones,
one of the privileged few in our transgender community. I have a
wife, children, family and friends who love, support, and encourage
me. I have meaningful work that allows me to preserve my sense of
human dignity, with an employer committed to evaluating me solely on
the basis of my ability to do my job. I have a roof over my head and
I enjoy three meals a day; I haven't had to violate my moral
principles to keep my family clothed, sheltered, and fed. And I'm
fortunate enough to live in a place where I can dine in a restaurant,
shop in a store, or take my children to a public playground without
fear of being kicked out or having police summoned—a place where those
basic rights are protected by the law. All of these things are
blessings most people in America take for granted, but which no
transgender person can."

"And yet despite my good fortune, I want you to know that I'm often
afraid. Like so many other transgender Americans, the faces of the
hundreds of our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives to
targeted hate violence in recent years are constantly on my mind, as
are the stories of thousands more who have suffered humiliating
discrimination. Because of this shared experience, and the lack of
legislation to protect many of us, we look at people we pass on the
street differently. We worry when we notice someone staring at us or
our families in a public place. We get scared when we hear footsteps
behind us in a parking lot. When I get home from work each night, I
hug my wife and kids tight and thank God I've made it. This is what
it's like to be a transgender person in our country today, but
together we—you—can make things better."

"This moment, this very day, is perhaps the most crucial your
transgender constituents have ever faced. The decisions you make here
today and in the days to come will determine the way of life for
future generations of transgender New Hampshirites. For some, it will
make the difference between life and death. I urge you to affirm
their basic humanity, and mine, by passing this important legislation.
Thank you."

HRC President Joe Solmonese also submitted a letter to Chairman Cote
and members of the House Judiciary Committee in which he wrote:

"A person's gender identity or expression has nothing to do with
their ability to be a good employee, a qualified renter, or a solid
citizen. Like existing laws prohibiting discrimination based on, for
example, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, prohibiting
discrimination based on gender identity or expression helps ensure
that people will be judged on their merits, not on stereotypes,
misunderstanding, or bias."

"Right now, transgender people in New Hampshire simply have no
legal protection against even the most blatant and outrageous forms of
discrimination. HB 415 speaks directly to this gap in the law and
makes a clear statement that New Hampshire does not tolerate arbitrary
discrimination in any form."

"I hope that you will vote to pass this important legislation, and
that it will be enacted into law."

Human Rights Campaign testifies on NH gender identity and expression bill

Visit Reverend Allyson Robinson's DTAA page

Transgender News

A proud moment.

Posted by kelli Busey
Member Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA)
February 6, 2009


Straights for No on 8

As American citizens', we oppose Proposition 8 on the basis that it denies other American citizens basic civil liberties.

Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

As Californians, we will not take a step backwards, no matter how much funding special interest out-of-state extremists raise to "scare" us into changing our constitution.

This battle isn't just for homosexuals, but for all of us, so that our children can live in a world where love is celebrated and hate eradicated.


We are a nation full of diversity, to enforce specific religious views on our people is not only unjust but unconstitutional and anti-American.

PLEASE help in these perilous times to spread the word, volunteer, and donate. As "straights", let's reach out to others, conservative as they might be, and plead our case as humans, to treat everyone the way we, ourselves, would like to be Treated.

Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day ! click here !

We, the undersigned, share President Barack Obama's view that "for too long, issues of LGBT rights have been exploited by those seeking to divide us. It's time to move beyond polarization and live up to our founding promise of equality by treating all our citizens with dignity and respect."

Yet, on December 19, 2008, Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund filed legal briefs defending the constitutionality of Prop 8 and seeking to nullify the 18,000 same-sex marriages conducted between May and November of 2008.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this case on March 5, 2009, with a decision expected within the next 90 days. We, the undersigned, ask that the Court invalidate Prop 8 and recognize the marriage rights of these 18,000 couples -- and all loving, committed couples in California -- under our state's constitution.

As Americans who believe in the rule of law and fundamental civil rights, we know that Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund's shameful attempt to nullify these unions will not be vindicated in the eyes of history. We know that, ultimately, love will prevail, no matter how hard they try to fight it.


Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day ! click here !

No On Prop 8 .Com

Facebook Straights for No on 8!

Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Supports Marriage Equality

Gene Robinson's Prayer Kicks off Inaugural Events

From Christianity Today magazine - Gene Robinson gives the invocation at the "We Are One" concert, which kicked off inaugural ceremonies.


Queer Kiss-in Saturday, February 7 : Couple arrested in San Antionio for kissing in a mall!!

The Dreaded Lesbian Kiss!!!

You Read it correctly! A peck on the cheek from a same sex or same gender couple, a leg draped over another's and Get Busted or so to speak. We can not let this go unnoticed.

Queer Kiss-in Saturday, February 7 Ross and Harwood By the DMA downtown
Noon (Dallas Museum Of Art DMA with that red propeller looking thing>>

Kiss IN FaceBook Event Page

National Freedom to Marry Day
Thursday, February 12
Records Building 509 Main St
11:30 am

Queer Liberaction

Human Rights Campaign : TEXAS Independence Day Advocate!

Equality. Justice. Independence.
Make your voice heard on Texas Independence Day.

Equality Texas Lobby Day
Monday, March 2 | 8:00 a.m.

Texas Capitol
1100 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701

Click here to RSVP

Thousands of Texas children dread going to school to face the taunts, jeers, humiliation, physical intimidation and pain inflicted by bullies.

Bullying is not a necessary part of growing up. All students deserve a safe learning environment.

Join us on Monday, March 2 and ask Texas lawmakers to support Equality Texas’ Safe Schools Bill and other legislation that will benefit LGBT Texans.

Click here for details

Crossing The Border!

To A T: Gender Journeys is found the most incredible writings.

Involving, Insightful and passionate. Enjoy!

"Crossing The Border, Coming Home to One’s Self
By Radha"

"She sat in the compartment alone, stared from the window as the train flew through villages scattered across the Franconian hillsides like jacks tossed into a circle prior to the game. Grey stone walls, red-tiled roofs and always the spire of the town-church above everything else, cross shining across the fields and the roads where the occasional car wended its way between here and there."

"Her breath made fog on the glass as she leaned almost into the window, better able to see out or wishing in some way to melt through glass and become part of the landscape she passed through."

Draw a breath with Radha in Crossing The Border, Coming Home to One’s Self!


Understanding "FAGGOT" and "TRANNY" are Hate Words

Mutual respect begins with self respect or lack of therein is why many transgender people hate and distrust gays people. (ref to the transgender people's comments on Instant Tea)

Understanding that both words FAGGOT and TRANNY are hate inspiring slur is a no brainer for most of the good intentioned, highly intelligent and literate LGBT community. Allies within the LGBT community would not consider using these words in a antagonistic manner or even suggest that one or the others group be accepting of ether of these hate words.

I responded reluctantly, after may years of trying to keep this embarrassing situation "IN HOUSE" by emailing and talking with staff at the Dallas Voice and with local independent movie producer Israel Luna. Finally unable to turn another cheek I responded to this intolerable situation with a planetransgender blog post DEMAND the Dallas Voice stops using "TRANNY" . . In the first paragraph of this post is this article I acknowledged the diversity of our community with....

"....unless we are a entertainer with published articles which we identify ourselves individually as a "Drag Queen or Tranny" please do not call us by these names."

I Fully expected the Editorial Staff of the Dallas Voice and it's "Official Blog Instant Tea" to comprehend the indignities wrought by the context and frequency of their usage of the word "Tranny" Googled on 2/3/09 139,000 (resulted in) for "Dallas voice Tranny" and to implement a policy enabling good will between gay people and transgender people.

The transgender community was flabbergasted when the Dallas Voice Official Blog "Instant Tea" responded by attempting to justify using defamatory language by how many times transgender people have been humiliated, degraded and marginalized in other media sources. They went on to ignore the paragraph above and instead made the conversation two dimensional. Then they enlisted a well known self identified female impersonator as their spokes man. Then HE, a cisgender man in woman clothing who takes these clothes off after a night of paid drag work and dons men's clothing attempted to be a authority on being transgender. RuPaul is a female impersonator. This is his personal space. Finding ones identity is what we are all about.

Rupaul is NOT TRANSGENDER by his own definition. He capitalizes monetarily on his ability to entertain while personifying a very funny comical almost cartoon like caricature of womanhood. This Capitalization is added by commercialization and RuPual is thrilled to be once again the center of controversy.

The Boasting Edge brought it's full editorial might to remind GLAAD that it's previous efforts in maintaining civility resulted in people shouting so many slurs as to obscure the original transgression.

"Years ago, RuPaul was roped into another controversy because she’s been very supportive of Shirley Q. Liquor, a drag comedian and former Texan, who was condemned by GLAAD for promoting "ugly racial stereotypes." Not that Shirley defamed gays. GLAAD caved to pressure because "Grey’s Anatomy" star Isaiah Washington (a black dude) was being spanked for saying "faggot." In short, GLAAD agreed to a prisoner exchange."

"....unless we are a entertainer with published articles which we identify ourselves individually as a "Drag Queen or Tranny" please do not call us by these names."

Rupaul is comfortable with "owning Tranny". You are a "Tranny" Rupaul. You "own Tranny" by definition.

Transgender people who responded to this outrage clearly define ourselves in our lives as transgender.

The next insult was provided by Israel Luna who produces segment video for the Dallas Voice on DVTV, began promoting his new movie "TICKED-OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIVES" on the same Dallas Voice Instant Teas article that responded on the transgender and allies communities objection to the indiscriminate usage of "Tranny" by the Dallas Voice and the Dallas Voice's Blog "Instant Tea

So recapping so far. 3 men who wear male clothing and one who wears women's clothing after 6 hours of preparation for paid drag work, use hateful and degrading language in an antagonistic fashion over and over and over on the Dallas Voice's "Official Blog".

None are transgender. Some are closely connected to the "Gay and Lesbian" paper the Dallas Voice.

One is a drag queen spokesman who chooses to be identified as a "Tranny" and feels Transgender people should too.

This why I have used restraint for so many years and worked diligently as an ally threw thick and thin, hoping that my influence on gay transphobia would somehow make gay people just a little less hateful.

Tammye Nash Editor of the Dallas Voice stated she in a comment on the Instant Tea Blog post;

"I have my own personal opinion about using the word “tranny” to describe transgender men and women. I don’t like it. I find it, at the very least, a distasteful word."

And yet the Dallas Voice's Official Blog "Instant Tea" continues to defame transgender people. What is your responsibility Tammy as an editor? Do you take credit for your "official blog"? I'm not being sarcastic, just curious. What does a newspaper editor do?

What became of earlier responses of outrage by Tammye Nash and John Wright of the Dallas Voice when I suggested that your usage of the word "Tranny" is responsible for the perception that transgender people are less valuable?

In an earlier conversation Nash communicated to me that she was happy I am an transgender advocate because there had not been any for so long in the DFW. In a latter communication she hoped I would not hate her. That was curious to me. What could Nash do to make me hate her? I do not hate you Tammye.

To respond to Tammye's observation that there was a lack of transgender activists in the DFW. None any that you are aware of Tammye, in that context, and none to be sure lately that have attempted to have an respectful intelligent conversation with gay people about the abusiveness of the Dallas Voice.(Wondering why sarcastically)

But we are doing wonders avoiding you and your staff on any subject homosexual people would use as weapons against us by working with youth, religions, homeless, police, hospitals, city and state government actively making the lives of the entire GLBT community fulfilling and rewarding by enabling good will within a productive society.

A thankless task when your reward from gay people is hate, hate and hate.

Mutual respect begins with self respect, and lack of their in is why many transgender people hate and distrust gay people.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

Glaad Publications and resources free download for the
GLAAD Media Reference Guide, 7th Edition defines,

"fag," "faggot," "dyke," "homo," "sodomite," "queen," "she-male," "he-she," "it," "tranny" and similar epithets.
The criteria for using these derogatory terms should be the same as those applied to hate words for other groups: they should not be used except in a direct quote that reveals the bias of the person quoted. So that such words are not given credibility in the media, it is preferred that reporters say, "The person used a derogatory word for a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person."

I can not hate all peoples who loves their own sex. That makes no sense to me.
Personally I am a pansexual so gay people and I have a lot in common from the sexual orentation standpoint. Odd Bedfellows to be sure.

Mutual respect begins with self respect, and lack of their-in is why many transgender people hate and distrust gay people.

Kelli Busey
February 3, 2009


Tell Three Campaign California Equality

Last Saturday, nearly 400 activists and leaders gathered in Los Angeles at the Equality Summit to strategize our next steps to win marriage back in California.

Over the next two weeks we will ask you to join us in taking some of those next steps in a series of actions leading up the Love and Marriage Rally at the Capitol on February 16 and Equality California’s massive Lobby Day effort in Sacramento to pass resolutions in support of invalidating Prop 8 on Tuesday, February 17. Each of the five action emails we send will have two steps that you can take to help win back marriage.

Today, I’m asking you to take the first of those actions by joining the Tell 3 campaign. That is tell three people in your life about what marriage means to you.

Choose someone you know who might not be completely supportive. Tell Three is about engaging the people who we need to educate about the freedom to marry.

For helpful and easy-to-use resources, visit tell-three.org and letcaliforniaring.org. Find out who to talk to and get tips on how to start a conversation. Send an email, or connect on Facebook and MySpace.

EQCA teamed up with Join the Impact, American Civil Liberties Union, Equality California, the Equality Federation, Freedom to Marry, The National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays to launch this important, user-friendly site.

All the research we have done before and after Prop 8 has shown that it’s not just knowing someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, it’s about making sure they know how important marriage—and nothing less—is to us and those who support us.

Please, take this opportunity to talk to three people you know today. This action could not be more important to gaining a groundswell of support for marriage

joining the Tell 3 campaign

Queer Liberaction's Queer love fest, women kissing women, men kissing men, free queer hugs





Queer Liberaction's kiss-in is just around the corner. A week before Valentine's Day our Queer love fest is to include women kissing women, men kissing men, free queer hugs, signs, placards and even a Queer kissing booth (which can be seen on the cover of this week's Dallas Voice!

If you haven't met that special someone yet maybe lady luck will smile upon you when you win one of our fabulous prizes while playing our Queer kiss-in games! There will be something for everyone whether it's sporting the wonderful Queer kissing booth, smoochin' your honey or handing out flyers and Queer chocolate kisses to passers by.

So often our voices are silenced because of our sexuality. We are bullied and beaten into the closet. By holding a queer kiss-in we are asserting our right in a very celebratory and fun way to unabashedly love someone of the same gender.
Please join us at Buli (3908 Cedar Springs) this Wednesday at 6:00 PM to help hand out flyers.



Father Marty kurylowicz Protecting Children by Helping the Vatican to Renounce Antigay Teachings

Found on Father Marty kurylowicz blogspot a wonderfully enlightening conversation.

"Early Childhood Psychological Development Growing up Gay. Please Join Us Protecting Children by Helping the Vatican to Renounce All Their Antigay Teachings"

"A friend asked me to explain a little bit more about the group; I have posted my response, below."

"Knowledge is power. This whole project is about educating people about human sexuality."

"We want to base this project Protecting Children on Pope John Paul II’s approach that there are NO IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES between SCIENCE and RELIGION"

Please continue to Farher Kurylowicz Father Marty kurylowicz blogspot


Russian Murdered Reporter's Co Writers : We can not fear "But you just have to write, write, write and keep writing. You have to."

Source Yahoo News article By Mike Eckel, Associated Press Writer In Russian Novaya Gazeta., English Version of Novaya Gazeta

"We are not afraid"

"The killers have no fear because they know they will not be punished. But neither are their victims afraid, because when you defend others you cease to fear."

Russia's sole surviving investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta. or New Newspaper, has lost 4 reporters of the 16 murdered execution style or who have died in suspicious circumstances, in a country where prosecutors refuse to present evidence, since 2000.

"In the latest killing, it appears lawyer Stanislav Markelov, who specialized in defending Chechens, environmentalists and human rights activists, was the primary target and Baburova may have been killed after she tried to intervene."
"That journalist was Anastasia Baburova, a 25-year-old cub reporter. She and a human rights lawyer were shot execution-style by a masked man with a silenced pistol as they walked together a few blocks from the Kremlin."

"Every two or three years, we lose someone," says Elena Kostyuchenko, a 21-year-old investigative writer for the paper. "But you just have to write, write, write and keep writing. You have to."
Novaya Gazeta.

Yahoo News Russian newspaper mourns another murdered reporter

English Version of Novaya Gazeta

By kelli Busey
Febuary 01, 2009


Gay Hate and Bigotry towards transgender people on"Queer Cincinnati"

"Queer Cincinnati" exposed it's bigotry in parroting a CNN article in which hyped and commercialized stereotypical gender diversity ignorance.

I will offer this CNN reporter one free pass. I will assume she was thrilled to have a news assignment as potentially controversial as this and that she is a straight woman, ignorant of gender diversity, became caught up in the moment and used whatever terminology was presented to her by the McDonald's Male employees and policeman. In her rush to become a journalist of note she disregarded human dignity and integrity in reporting to stereotype the un interviewed and silent other half of the conflict.

Not only did "Queer Cincinnati" mindlessly PARROT this violence enabling article it added it's own hate terminology GEEFULLY aware "Is it wrong for me to think, damn those girls are FIERCE?" that transgender woman die from this garbage.

To answer that question is a mighty test of my will power not to lower myself to your level. Your words "Queer Cincinnati" are all thats needed.....

>>Re Posted without permission in full from Queer Cincinnati.<<

"When Drag Queens Attack"

"On the back of the tranny controversy...When Trannies Attack"

>>>>CNN Clip auto starts when blog is opened.<<<<

"I thought this was appropriate. Is it wrong for me to think, damn those girls are FIERCE? Took off their hoop earrings and their stilettos and all."

"But seriously, don't piss off a drag queen. For your own safety. Bitches wanted their chicken nuggests and fries!"

"That seems to be the lesson here. Good for the White Castle employees in Northside to hear."

"Just kidding. I repeat: that was not a threat."

"Just saying. They're slow. And rude."

"...and I want my mozzerella cheese sticks.'

"I would have like to have seen the discussion in the news room. "So, what do we call them?" It's funny they settled on transvestite.'

"(Thanks to DumbWhore, my new friend on Twitter, but NSFW.)
3 comments Posted by QueerCincinnati.com at 1/28/2009 07:41:00 PM
Labels: drag queens, GAY STUFF, Tennessee "


PLANETRANSGENDER WAS ON QUEER CINCINATTIES BLOG LINK. I HAVE ASKE THE OWNERS OF THE BLOG TO REMOVE ME. It is always a huge disappointment when people who have used you to promote their own personal causes in reality hate you.

At least when I protest at a Church that is using improperly quoted Bible passages to promote hate the parishners and I are each aware it is a heart felt conviction that brings us together at that moment. You state that you "Love US", that is the exact same thing we hear from the misinformed well meaning Christians. I never have been laughed at and my pain has never been a matter of humor for straight Christians.

"Queer Cincinnati" you are below contempt.

Queer Cincinnati would you consider it "FIERCE" if the McDonald customers had been a homosexual? Or would you adhere closely to the GLAAD media guide the the near death beating of a gay man as the Dallas Voice did in reporting it?

Would it be "Fierce" then to laugh at "Trannies" and "Drag Queens" as they stood up for their rights to be respected?

"Queer Cincinnati" you are below contempt.

"I would have like to have seen the discussion in the news room. "So, what do we call them?" It's funny they settled on transvestite."

And you called them "DRAG QUEEN." You are s fine example the homosexual transphobic influence of movie's like "Ticked off trannys with knifes".

It is an OUTRAGE you call yourselves a glb(T) blog. You owe transgender and true Queer people an sincere apology.

By Kelli Busey
Feb. 01, 2009


Amnesty International : Gaza War Crimes and violations of international law

Amnesty International researchers’ found evidence of war crimes and serious violations of international law.

Hours before Israel announced a ceasefire, an Amnesty International fact finding mission gained access to Gaza. Their initial reports are disturbing: the team found first hand evidence of war crimes, serious violations of international law and possible crimes against humanity by all parties to the conflict.

AI researchers continue investigating attacks against southern Israel and are currently documenting the true scale of devastation wrought on civilians in Gaza. The stories they report are harrowing.

In the early afternoon of January 4th, three young paramedics walked through a field on a rescue mission to save a group of wounded men in a nearby orchard. A 12-year-old boy, standing by his house, assisted the operation by pointing to where the men could be found. An Israeli air strike on the area killed all four.

The bodies of the four victims could not be retrieved for two days. Ambulance crews who tried to approach the site came under fire from Israeli forces.

Our researchers later traveled to the scene of the strike with the two ambulance drivers who witnessed the attack. They met with the boy’s distraught mother and found the remains of the missile. The label of the missile read, “guided missile, surface attack” and cited the United States as the country of origin.

US Weapons Used in Attacks

Label on the remains of a US-made missile that killed three paramedics and a child. The U.S. has to support investigations about misuse of US weapons in attacks against civilians. Tell Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to support an independent investigation

This is just one of many similar stories.

Under the Geneva Conventions, medical personnel searching, collecting, transporting or treating the wounded must be protected and respected in all circumstances. Clearly, this was not the case on Jan. 4th.
Since we last emailed you, more than 87,000 of you have written Congress and former administration officials. These emails, along with the massive outpouring of letters from around the world from other Amnesty sections, are making an impact. Just this week:
the United Nations pledged $613 million in aid for Gaza
60 members of Congress signed a letter to Secretary of State Hillary of Clinton calling for humanitarian support for Gaza
And hours ago, the US pledged $20 million in aid1-2
We have a small window of opportunity to build on this momentum: urge Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to push for a full-fledged independent investigation

urge Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to push for a full-fledged independent investigation

Open Letter to Focus on the Family, AFA and Dallas Voice's Official Weblog "Instant Tea"

"Instant Tea" dallasvoice.com/instant-tea, the "Official blog of the Dallas Voice" a weekly paper which describes it's self correctly as the "Voice of the Dallas Gay and Lesbians" has with out remorse willfully and with malintent ignored the straight, gay, lesbian and Transgender people who have written "Instant Tea" and attemped to explain why the word "Tranny" is hurtful. To add injury to pain the blog "Instant Tea" like "Focus on the Family" both capitalize gleefully on this pain and suffering resulting in hate filled ephialtes being used to headline movie productions by segment producers for the DVTV (Dallas Voice TV).
Whether segment producer Israel Luna is producing a movie titled TICKED OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIFES for the Dallas Voice or not, is inconsequential. The damage by association is unavoidable and can not be reasoned or explained away.

I live my life as I must. I am a transgender woman. I do not meet all physical stereotypical expectations of our current society in presenting as a cisgender woman. I am a regional truck driver who lives in the deep south where 9 out of 10 radio stations are 24 hour religious broadcasts funded by the AFA, a mouthpiece for focus on the family. I spend many nights alone in a thin aluminum box, vulnerable, as I did last night, sleeping in my truck in a extremly filthy truck stop operated and patronized by people who for generations have been saturated daily by radio, print and hate inspired ministers.

When transgender and GLB people are beaten to an within an inch of their lives or murdered it is because the Dallas Voices Official Weblog "Instant Tea" and Donald E. Wildmon of the AFA have promoted Homophobia and Transphobia.

Justifying this behaviour, be it quoting hand picked misinterpreted bible quotes, monetary greed or simply a low self image momentarily sedated by INSTANT attention, are in reality just outlets for expressing hate.

Hate is like water. It flows easily to the lowest point.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation"s publication "Media Guide" is applicable to ST8 AND GLBT Media equally.

GLAAD Media Reference Guide, 7th Edition
Click link below for a free copy
GLAAD Media Reference Guide, 7th Edition

Defamatory Language
Click the link below for a free download in it's entirety
Defamatory Language

"fag," "faggot," "dyke," "homo," "sodomite," "queen," "she-male," "he-she," "it," "tranny" and similar epithets.
The criteria for using these derogatory terms should be the same as those applied to hate words for other groups: they should not be used except in a direct quote that reveals the bias of the person quoted. So that such words are not given credibility in the media, it is preferred that reporters say, "The person used a derogatory word for a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person."

I was blessed by a minister when I finally gave into a friend's insistence to come to a church one Sunday. I was curious, this Church with a very odd name seemed very important to my friends. The friend is ST8 and the minister is gay. My life was forever changed that day. The change does not happen over night but gradually day by day I am amazed by love. I now and forever will be a disciple of Christ. I do not allow hate to limit and set the parameters of my life.

I work for Love and and Love defines who I am.
Love and Hate are human emotions. It is a human ability to define each.
My place of worship "Agape MCC Ft Worth Texas" Agape is an ancient word, one of the first which was used to describe Christianity. It's translation is as it was and forever will be "No Greater Love".

Phone: (214) 754-8710
Fax: (214) 969-7271

Robert Moore, Publisher
Tele. Ext.112

Tammye Nash, Senior Editor
Tele. Ext.128

John Wright, News Editor
Tele. Ext.113

Ben Briscoe, Staff Writer
Tele. Ext.117

Kelli Busey
Transgender Woman of Faith
Friday January 30, 2009


DVTV Movie Producer Promotes newest movie "TICKED-OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIVES"

Israel Luna who produces videos for the Dallas Voice on DVTV, is promoting his new movie "TICKED-OFF TRANNIES WITH KNIVES" on the same Dallas Voice Instant Teas article that reported on the Queer communities objection to the nondiscriminatory usage of "Tranny" by the Dallas Voice and the Dallas Voice's Blog "Instant Tea."

Luna in referencing the relatively low level response (we are but 1% of the general population) of the queer communities to this article as a justification for his stance that hateful and hurtful language is acceptable and permissible.

Totally inexplicable is Luna's failure to correlate the struggle of transgender "minority within a minority" as it is portrayed as "Tranny" knife wielding lunatic by the Gays with the reason why we both were participating in the Liberaction rally to generate support for Gay Marriage.

Pictured left from to right at the rally, Israel Luna, Blake Wilkinson and our megaphoned kissing both shouting "Come kiss Me"!

Blake Wilkinson the founder and organizer of Liberaction which was formed in response to the Prop.8 disaster in which a majority victimized a minority and who's rally we were both attending commented on the Instant Tea Web log article linked below;

Blake Wilkinson ,Liberactions reaction:

"I think that if Transgender people are expressing to the rest of the GLBT community that they feel the word “tranny” is offensive then fair-minded people should not use it and the city’s GLBT publication shouldn’t use it either. It seems pretty simple to me."

"The same is true when Gays and Lesbians speak with straight people that say things like “he’s a gay” or “she’s a homosexual” or talking about our “lifestyle”. Usually those that say these things know no better than those GLTB folk who use the word “tranny”. It seems to me that it’s a question of education. Gay, Lesbian and Bi-sexual people should be the first to take this lesson to heart because of our similar experiences."

The Dallas Voices Official blog "Instant Tea" is attempting to generate readership by exploiting our objection to hateful, transphobic and immoral exploitation of the most vulnerable component of the GLBT community, transgender people.

I object to the moneyifcation and profiteering of this practice and have in the past resisted participating in their transbaiting as not to be a pawn in the the hate machine, but now is the time to speak up.

Let them know how you feel and leave a comment on the Instant Tea blog article.

Please leave a comment on planetransgender article "Demand Dallas Voice Stops Using Tranny"

Thank you so much for caring,

kelli Busey
January 29, 2009


City shrouds anti-bias ordinance in secrecy

By John Wright, Dallas Voice
May 22, 2008

"6 years after LGBT activists succeeded in getting an ordinance passed, no one knows if it works or not."

"In the nearly six years since they were ultimately successful, the city hasn’t prosecuted a single case of job discrimination under what is known as HR Ordinance 46".
"As of April 7, 2008, there had been 22 job discrimination complaints filed under the ordinance, according to the city’s Fair Housing Office, which investigates the complaints. The ordinance took effect on Oct. 1, 2002."

"Of those 22 complaints, only one resulted in a “mediated resolution,” while one was withdrawn, 17 were found to have no cause, and three were deemed nonjurisdictional (because the accused party was a government entity or the complaint involved an employer with fewer than 15 employees.)"

Read Full Story at Dallas Voice

Homeless Transgender in New York Ciry

Source Topix Trans Formed: To Be Homeless & Transgender

Nowhere to go: To Be Homeless & Transgender in Dallas Texas

Press Release
For Immediate Release

Kelli Busey
Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies

Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies (DTAA) and the City of Dallas TX working together to make "The Bridge" homeless shelter transgender accepting.

Dallas Texas. Dallas TX enacted Ordinances in 2002 prohibiting discrimination in housing and the workplace based on gender identity and sexual orientation. It was not until the death of a mayoral candidate and homeless transgender woman Jennifer Gale after spending a night exposed to subfreezing temperatures did it become apparent the cities homeless shelter did not house transgender people according to the transgender person's self determined gender identity. Transgender people were judged by a shelter staffer as to whether the applicant was female or male regardless of information supplied on intake. The transgender homeless person was then required to sleep, shower and use bathrooms without protection in whatever accommodation chosen by the staffer.

This condition created a unsafe environment for transgender people. Many transgender people would then refuse to stay in the cities shelter and forgo the opportunity to learn how to move from the streets to become a vital contributing member of society.

Dallas transgender Advocates and Allies invited the City to a conference in which it would conduct a gender 101 and introduce the City of Dallas to who transgender, queer and the gender diverse people are. The next step was to use the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force study "Transitioning our shelters: A guide to making homeless shelters safe for transgender people" to suggest options to make the cities shelter safe and accepting for the gender diverse.

According to DTAA member Kelli Busey "My initial reaction to this effort was that the conference was a success. The city managers who were present although dismayed by the unaccountable absence of the invited Bridge personal at the meeting, became involved and enthusiastic about the prospect of caring for our GLBT homeless population. We will be monitoring the city to insure it implements policy that will make it compliant with it's gender and sexual protective ordinances. We will also offer our assistance to the City of Dallas to conduct ongoing Gender 101 classes for Bridge employess. The need for this was made apparent at the meeting by the observation of a Dallas City manager who noted that when the Bridge was initially opened there was a concern expressed for making it GLBT accepting but "It was never followed up on."

Press Release
For immediate Release
January 28, 2009


Chicago: ACLU sues on transgender birth certificate

Source Radical Queer News;

Chicago: ACLU sues on transgender birth certificate

CHICAGO, Jan. 27 (UPI) — The American Civil Liberties Union says it will sue Illinois for refusing to issue a new birth certificate to a citizen who underwent a sex-change operation.

Attorneys announced the lawsuit in Chicago Tuesday, saying the state Department of Vital Records had routinely changed birth certificates for transgender people for more than 40 years before recently pulling the plug on the practice.

The ACLU called birth certificates a fundamental document people need to legally and accurately establish their identity.

Full story at United Press International, Inc.

Supreme Court: law bars sex harassment retaliation

Supreme Court: law bars sex harassment retaliation (Reuters).

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – An employee is protected from being fired in retaliation for answering questions during an employer's investigation of suspected sexual harassment, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday.

The unanimous court ruled the federal civil rights law's anti-retaliation provision for employees who report workplace sex or race discrimination also extended to an internal investigation of a supervisor or another worker.

"Nothing in the statute requires a freakish rule protecting an employee who reports discrimination on her own initiative but not one who reports the same discrimination in the same words when her boss asks a question," Justice David Souter wrote in the

Full Article at Democratic Underground


DEMAND the Dallas Voice stops using "TRANNY"

Thank you Nikki Dreams for this wonderfully sensitive and enlightening video. I hope everyone who watches this comes to appreciates how harmful it is to the self respect of transgender people when you call us "Trannie" and unless we are a entertainer with published articles which we identify ourselves individually as a "Drag Queen or Tranny" please do not call us by these names.

The Dallas Voice and it's Web Log which bill themselves as a "LGB Paper" have been a constant recipient of my emails and phone calls to both the Editor, Tammye Nash and News Editor, John Write, both of whom I consider an allies, protesting their use of these derogatory names. I have explained that we suffer from the use of TRANNY as Black people do being called "Nigger" by non Afro Americans or Hispanics hate "Wetback" or Jewish people rail against 'Kike".....this list of bigotry inspired names is used by haters........and how others will capitalize on their insensitivity resulting in the marginalization, Victimization and violent murders of Transgender people.

I have resisted the Dallas Voices invitation to post letters to the editor protesting this because I feel it would exploitative on the Dallas Voices part. My indignation would be used as a promotional commercialization aid for the sales of this very hateful language.

!Please save lives and Take Action! Copy the message below and Send the Dallas voice a email!

Phone: (214) 754-8710
Fax: (214) 969-7271

Robert Moore, Publisher
Tele. Ext.112

Tammye Nash, Senior Editor
Tele. Ext.128

John Wright, News Editor
Tele. Ext.113

Ben Briscoe, Staff Writer
Tele. Ext.117
Dear Dallas Voice,
Our community is comprised of Queer, Transgender, Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Intersexed and Questioning people who deserve the same respect as your staff expects to be shown in there personal daily lives. You would scream bloody murder if I called you "Faggot" do not call our people "Tranny". We demand our own community stops leading the way for hate and violence targeting transgender people.
Related Posts on planetransgender

"Angie Zapata's Life and Death : changed how we are treated"

"Boston Herald "TRANNIE" is what a 16 year old calls a gear shift. Not a HUMAN."

DEMAND the Dallas Voice stops using "TRANNY" also published at,

Pams House Blend
Queer Toda.com
Dallas Transgender Activists and Allies(DTAA)

DEMAND the Dallas Voice stops using "TRANNY", auto linked at

Queers United

Dallas Voice and it's Weblog and outside publications referencing articles by the Dallas Voice containing the word "Tranny"

Dallas Voice's official Blog Instant Tea responds with post"Planetransgender takes action against the word ‘Tranny’" Visit Instant Tea and leave a comment!

Hot tranny Hawaii | Aloha art

2009’s first hot tranny: Katelyn Cusanelli
January 8th, 2009

Hand Puppet Land blog postings

Oregon Live "Dallas bar owner bans drag queens and trannies"

Weblog headlines Local Gay Hate Crime and uses Tranny in later article

SHE-DICK sings 'Galactic Tranny' ... Dallas Voice DVTV News. Candi Shell

2006-2009 outside.in stories about 'lgbt' in Cityplace

Pegasus News Dallas gay bar to ban drag queens on “Trashy Tuesday”

(Dallas Myspace)theres a pic of me in the dallas voice and ive got this stupid look on my ... OMG you tranny whore shouldnt you be kissing some red necks ass right now

Crews Inn rep says drag queens allowed in on certain conditions; performers vow to continue fight

Dallas Voice Joan Rivers shares the stage with the Turtle Creek Chorale, ... recently as “halfway through becoming a trannie,

The list goes on forever and I have to go to church now.

By Kelli Busey,
Transgender Woman
January 25, 2009

Human Rights First Thanks President Obama

Human Rights First

"If there was any doubt that a new day is dawning in America, it has been washed away by the events of [last week]."

"I am speaking about the three executive orders that President Obama signed yesterday. They represent a significant victory—a victory for which Human Rights First has fought relentlessly over the past seven years. And you have been there right alongside us the entire way."

"Standing next to the president as he signed these orders were 16 members of Human Rights First's coalition of retired military leaders. Over the past several years, Human Rights First has brought together more than 50 generals and admirals to speak out against disastrous policies of torture, ill treatment, and indefinite detention."

"Taken together, these executive orders end coercive interrogation practices by the CIA and other U.S. agencies, shut down secret detention facilities, and order the closure of Guantánamo within one year."

Please take moment now and send a thank you to President Obama for his action. Let him know that you will support him in making sure that America's leadership is fully restored.

Posted by Kelli Busey
January 25, 2009


Belovedness and The United Methodist Constitution: Does All Mean All?

Sometimes in my wandering I happen to come back to the United Methodist and am instantly thrust into the very passion of Christianity.

A blog post found on "Religion is a Queer Thing" by Rev. Tiffiany Steinwert, pictured right,

"Belovedness and The United Methodist Constitution: Does All Mean All?"

"There is a story that another UM pastor, Janet Wolf, tells about one of her parishioners. This story about Fayette has become gospel for me in understanding the fullness of the meaning of baptism in our Christian tradition. You see Fayette, although new to the Church understood the power of baptism deep her in soul."

"She came to Janet’s church one summer, pacing back and forth outside the open doors, listening intently to the music, the laughter, the words. Occasionally she would crouch down on the front steps engrossed, amazed and astounded at what she heard. Little by little that summer Fayette moved from the sidewalk to the steps, from the steps to the door and finally one day from the door to the pew."

Please read and share Religion is a Queer Thing.

TWO Calls On Officials To Investigate Ted Haggard's Former Church

Saturday, Jan 24, 2009

Contact: Wayne Besen
Phone: 917-691-5118
E-Mail: wbesen@truthwinsout.org

Truth Wins Out Calls On Authorities To Investigate Ted Haggard's Former Church.

Hush Money Scandal Emerges From New Life's Closet, Says TWO

NEW YORK - Truth Wins Out (TWO) today called on Colorado officials to investigate New Life Church, after the Associated Press revealed that New Life paid money to keep a male volunteer from publicly disclosing a romantic affair with the church's former minister Ted Haggard.

According to the AP, New Life's current Senior Pastor, Brady Boyd, said that the church reached a legal settlement to pay the man for counseling and college tuition, with one condition being that none of the parties involved discuss the relationship publicly.

"Until conservative churches stop shaming gay people and learn to accept them, we will see more tawdry scandals," said Truth Wins Out's Executive Director Wayne Besen. "These calamities are a direct result of the closet."

Rev. Boyd denied that New Life paid hush money and said, "Our desire was to help him. Here was a young man who wanted to get on with his life. We considered it more compassionate assistance - certainly not hush money."

TWO called on Colorado officials to look into the matter.

"Authorities should investigate to ensure that this volunteer was not manipulated or coerced into silence," said Besen. "The leadership of New Life has little credibility and should not simply be taken at their word. At a minimum, Boyd should resign for using his position of power to pressure a vulnerable member of his congregation into silence."

In 2006, Denver escort Mike Jones disclosed that he and Haggard had a three-year relationship where money was exchanged for sex. Shortly after, Haggard stepped down from New Life. Next week, HBO will air a documentary on the rise and fall of Haggard. The disgraced minister will be promoting the show in media appearances throughout the week.

There is speculation that the HBO special spurred the volunteer to contact a Colorado Springs television station to discuss the situation.

Truth Wins Out is a non-profit organization that defends the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community against anti-gay lies. TWO also counters the so-called "ex-gay" industry and educates America about the lives of GLBT people.



Queer Liberaction kicks off "Milk Box" Dallas January 24

What is Queer Liberaction's "Milk box" you might be asking yourself. It is a way to celebrate our freedom of speech, but instead of getting up on a soapbox we will be getting up on a Milk box in honor of Harvey Milk. Our rights might be able to be taken from us, but they will never be able to steal our voice.

Help Queer Liberaction kick the Milk box off right this Sunday at 4:00 PM. We will meet at the corner of Throckmorton and Cedar Springs in front of the old Crossroads Bookstore to publicly speak our mind and educate Dallas's Queer Community as to exactly how we are being oppressed. Angry over the current state of things, or tickled pink? Come tell Dallas Gays and Lesbians about it or just come and listen and help hand out flyers. Anyone and everyone is welcome!

If you haven't already done so, be sure to put our upcoming events on your calendar. QL will stage a Queer kiss-in on Saturday, February 7 at noon. This will take place by the Dallas Museum of Art at Ross and Harwood in Downtown Dallas. Also, be sure to attend our big Freedom to Marry Day demonstration at 11:30 am on Thursday, February 12. The festivities will begin in Founder's Plaza outside the Records Building at 509 Main St.

Queer Liberaction is also in need of a few things to help make the Freedom to Marry Day demonstration a success. Please contact us if you're able to help us with any of the following.
* Limousine rental for a couple hours* Flowers, bouquets of flowers* Rice, flower petals to throw, bubbles* Poster board* Professionally printed banners * Donations

Queer Liberaction


Texas Independence Lobby Day March 2nd

Equality for all Texans! Support House Bill 538

Make your voice heard on Texas Independence Day.

Date: 3/2/2009 from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Central Time)

Hosted By: Equality Texas
Lindsay Marsh, Field Organizer

RSVP by: February 27, 2009 at 5:00 pm (Central Time)

Don't miss this opportunity to share your concerns and your lives face-to-face with the Texas lawmakers elected to represent you.

Opening Welcome Reception on Sunday, March 1st from 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Doubletree Hotel Austin - University Area, located at 1617 North IH-35
Cash bar and free hors d'oeuvres

Lobby Day Schedule on Monday, March 2nd

8am – 9am Breakfast & Registration (TBA)
9am - 10am Group photo & Press conference (Capitol South Steps)
10am – 11am Lobby Training (Capitol Extension Auditorium E1.004)
11am – 12pm Team Lobby Visits (Assigned Capitol offices)
12pm – 1pm Lunch (provided); Capitol City Men's Chorus Performance (Capitol Rotunda)
1pm – 2pm Team Lobby Visits/Lobby Your Legislator (Assigned Capitol offices)
2pm – 3pm Thank you letters/debrief (Capitol Extension Auditorium E1.004)
Host Hotel

Doubletree Hotel Austin - University Area, located at 1617 North IH-35
Special room rate of $109, plus local taxes
Queen/Queen, or King. Free Wi-Fi
For reservations, call 512-479-4000; Specify "Equality Texas Discount Rate"

Make your voice heard on Texas Independence Day.

Equality Texas · PO Box 2340 Austin, TX 78768 · 512.474.5475 · 512.474.6297 fax

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TEXAS to decide fate of Gender inclusive "ENDA" HB508

"Equality For All Texans Support HB 538"

kelli Busey
January 22, 2009

Dallas County Free's the Condom(Condoms for Everyone)

Much to the dismay of the religious right wing and "political conservatives" the failed abstinence only policy has been trashed and condoms are once again being distributed by city health.

Unable to ignore the increasing human suffrage the Dallas City council voted to change its policies to one that protects the most vulnerable.

Pegasus News reports
"The condom ban was enacted prior to the introduction of life-extending antiretroviral medications for people with HIV/AIDS, and one LGBT health advocate compared the policy at the time to “ethnic cleansing.”

"But the Republican commissioners who enacted the ban said the health department’s practice of distributing condoms and needle sterilization kits, which began in the mid-1980s, encouraged illegal and immoral behavior. It would be eight years after the condom ban before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Texas anti-sodomy law."

Also Found on

RH Reality Check
Reproductive Health Reality Check

Dallas Voice
Dallas AIDS data may end condom distribution ban

failed abstinence only policy

kelli Busey
January 22, 2009

TransTexas to TransOhio

TransOhio Blog on what it is like to be born transgender and living in the Transgender oasis of Columbus in the middle of Ohio.

"Ohio is one of only three states in the United States that does not allow the gender marker on an individuals birth certificate to be changed—a key document for obtaining other legal documents, such as a marriage license. Idaho and Tennessee are the other two."

The said truth is the same life destroying effect that Ohioans suffer from this states refusal to amend or reissue birth certificates are felt interstate and and even globally.
It had become a matter of extreme contention at my job over this discrepancy after Human Resources called after being notified by the Social Security Administration that the person they were filing SS tax on was male, not female.
I was born in Cleveland Ohio and have been unsuccessful at amending my birth certificate and will not be allowed by the SSA to change my gender marker until that time.
Last week my first line supervisor finished a humiliating phone call which I ended after he said, "well why don't you quit and we can rehire you as a man." (Its a grand gosip topic in the office now) Wow. What a twit.
Now the jackals have grasped this perceived weakness as an opportunity to threaten my pay on a daily basis, the buzz word is suspension. Daily.
The state of Texas issued a court order which the DMV could not deny that required them to change my name and gender marker on my CDL which I depend on to make a living.
If my employer decides to fire me for being a legal citizen I will take them to court and hopefully own their prize real estate abutting Walmart in Lowell Arkansas.
In the mean while. Yeah. Losing a job for a transgender person can be a death sentence.

Also found on
The Other Paper

By Kelli Busey
January 22, 2009


Task Force: Robinson's exclusion from HBO televised coverage 'profoundly disappointing and disturbing'

January 19, 2009

Inga Sarda-Sorensen
Director of Communications
(Office) 646.358.1463
(Cell) 202.641.5592

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force responds to the exclusion of Bishop Gene Robinson from HBO's televised coverage of Sunday's "We Are One" inaugural event.

Rea Carey, Executive Director
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

“Bishop Gene Robinson is an inspiration to millions worldwide because he lives out the ideals of courage, humility and truth-speaking. It is profoundly disappointing and disturbing that HBO viewers did not have the opportunity to watch Robinson, a genuine hero to so many in our community and others around the globe, give his powerful prayer at Sunday’s ‘We Are One’ inaugural event. Our nation becomes better and stronger when given the chance to hear from the diversity of its people. This did not happen with Bishop Robinson, and absolutely should have.”


The mission of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is to build the grassroots power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. We do this by training activists, equipping state and local organizations with the skills needed to organize broad-based campaigns to defeat anti-LGBT referenda and advance pro-LGBT legislation, and building the organizational capacity of our movement. Our Policy Institute, the movement’s premier think tank, provides research and policy analysis to support the struggle for complete equality and to counter right-wing lies. As part of a broader social justice movement, we work to create a nation that respects the diversity of human expression and identity and creates opportunity for all. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., we also have offices in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis and Cambridge.

Prayers for Bobby Lifetime January 24th at 9pm ET

Don’t miss Lifetime’s new book-to-movie premiere of Leroy Aaron’s “Prayers for Bobby” January 24th at 9PM ET.
Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Sigourney Weaver stars in this emotional true story about a 1970s religious suburban housewife and mother who struggles to accept her young son Bobby being gay. What happens to Bobby is tragic and causes Mary to question her faith; ultimately this mom changes her views in ways that she never could have imagined.

Cast, crew, and interviews

Obama first Day : reconstituting American Justice

Justice will prevail.

Within hours of taking office, President Obama took the important first step to close Guantánamo: halting the unconstitutional military commissions by ordering the prosecution to seek a 120-day suspension.

It’s the first step in what we hope will be a series of bold measures to free America from the civil liberties outrages and human rights abuses of the Bush era.

The pundits and political experts told the ACLU we should “hold our horses” -- that it wouldn’t be right to expect swift action from Obama. You and half a million ACLU supporters didn’t listen to them -- and neither did our new President!

Let’s match President Obama’s first step forward with a powerful show of support and encouragement.

Sign the ACLU’s “Thanks for acting on Day One” message to President Obama.

Close Gitmo.com


Integrity Celebrates Bishop Gene Robinson’s Historic Presence In The Inaugural Celebrations

Monday, January 19, 2009
Integrity Celebrates Bishop Gene Robinson’s Historic Presence In The Inaugural Celebrations

January 19, 2009

LOS ANGELES--"There are miles to go before we rest in this journey toward being truly a nation of liberty and justice for ‘all,’” said Integrity President Susan Russell, “but when Bishop Gene Robinson took his place at the podium at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday we all moved closer toward realizing that goal. In addition to offering the invocation at Sunday’s Inaugural Concert, we are thrilled that Bishop Robinson will be among the invited guests at the prayer service on the Tuesday morning, will attend the swearing in ceremony, will view the Inaugural Parade from the Presidential viewing stand, and will attend the National Prayer Service at National Cathedral on Wednesday.

"Any disappointment that Bishop Robinson’s powerful opening prayer was not part of the HBO broadcast pales in comparison to the power of his iconic presence at the Lincoln Memorial on this historic occasion. Bishop Robinson’s invocation included prayers for patience, safety, and compassion, and to 'Bless us with anger--at discrimination, at home and abroad, against refugees and immigrants, women, people of color, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.' It will echo through the ages as words of hope, vision, and promise.

"We look forward to both the opportunities and challenges ahead as we enter a new era of partnership in our common commitment to overcome bias, bigotry and discrimination for all Americans."

Press Contact:
The Rev. Susan Russell, President
(626) 583-2741 office
(714) 356-5718 mobile
president@integrity usa.org
Posted by Integrity USA at 5:28 PM

Indonesia Transexual Fourm : Goverment Stop Harrasment, Beatings and Murders

Indonesia, a predominately Muslim country not know for it's progressive attitude towards transgender people is the site of the first ever conference aimed at ending discrimination in the island country.
According to a Jakarta Globe article,
"On Friday, the group is scheduled to meet with members of the House of Representatives’ Commissions III and IX in Jakarta to deliver a list of demands for equal access to public health care, social welfare and employment, as well as new policies to end discrimination against transgender citizens, said conference organizer Widodo Budi Darmo of Arus Pelangi , or Rainbow Stream, a national federation of the gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual communities."

“Our main agenda is to empower transsexuals so that their existence is acknowledged,” Yulianus Rettoblaut, head of the Indonesian Transsexuals Communications Forum, or FKWI, said on Sunday, the opening day of the conference.

Yulianus, 47, who was nominated in 2007 to serve on the Indonesian Human Rights Commission representing the transgender community was denied that position due to a test administrated by the House of Representatives, possibly due to her sexual orientation.

Also found on
Transgender News

By Kelli Busey
Jan. 19, 2009