
Fort Worth Texas Post Rainbow Lounge Raid Implemented 19 of 20 LGBT Recomendations!

I am so proud to be a citizen of Fort Worth Texas.
Our mayor and city council ROCK!
The support of north Texas gay brothers and sisters ROCK!

The one item not incorporated yet by the city, insurance for sexual reassignment surgery for it's transgender employees is still being considered and may be implemented by 2012.

The only truly troubling issue as pointed out by the Fort Worth Telegram is the disparity in the ratings granted by police and firefighters and the other civil employees as to the need and relevance of the training being offered. Clearly the police will benefit the most from this training.

We need to urge the city council to approve heath care for its transgender employees. 19 out of 20 is good but lets bat 100!

Click the picture of the Mayor or here to view movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reform is better to transgender of persons.This is good Implementation.