Found in a article reported By JOANNA CATTANACH of the The Dallas Morning News "It was quite a display – just not one officials with the Dallas Museum of Art planned for."
"We have a right to express love just as much as everybody else," said Blake Wilkinson, founder of Queer LiberAction, whose group organized Saturday's "Queer Kiss-in."
What lengths am I as transgender woman willing to go to get a hug? Apparently I will stand on a sidewalk with a "Free Queer Hugs" sign. That would be a aberration from normality, until lately anyways.

Amazingly I got hugs! 10, 15 maybe 17.8 hugs per smile. Wow. Once in a while I was treated to a fellow Christian to a open conversation regarding homosexuality as
the Dallas Morning News story continues...
"One mother instructed her child to avert his eyes from the kiss-in participants. "Don't look at them," she said, grabbing and turning her son's head away. Others simply walked by, avoiding eye contact. One woman murmured, "It's twisted, very twisted." But another cited biblical principles, then exchanged hugs with a transgender activist, (thats me!) saying, "Hate the sin, not the sinner."
The good reporter was unaware of the calmness after we simultaneously found common ground agreeing Jesus has a plan for us and we are both loved by him in his radical inclusion. Then we hugged!
Maybe as the Morning News reported noted, this public display of affection was not planned on by Museum officials, but from the warmth and sincerity of the hugs I think it was welcomed, with open arms!
By kelli Busey
February 10, 2009
aw sounds fun, i want a hug! i guess ill give ya a virtual one for now.
The tears in my eyes are real QU. Whenever we do meet in person hug me!
Oh I will, I want a nice big cozy hug lol.
Thanks for coming out and for all your support Kelli. You were workin the free queer hugs sign, loved it! I hope your able to make the Freedom to Marry Day demonstration. See you soon!
Blake it is your activism that I am grateful for.
Lets keep our families united. Lets give our children an opportunity to know security.
Love is Love Is Love. You bet, I'll be there.
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