
Boy Scouts Of America Dishonored: Sexual Predator File Posted Here

"Oh You belong to the Boy Scouts? Scouting boys tonight?

It was a common joke used by neighborhood girls when they wanted to embarrass, humiliate or intimidate us on our scout meeting days.

I always dismissed them as I did all bullies as being needy and insecure idiots but in my heart I knew there were some truth to the taunt. I knew even before puberty that I was more comfortable with same sex company. Was I somehow impure?

The Boy Scouts thought so kicking out anyone LGBT  who dared to live authentically and they called us immoral?

But there were Scout leaders who made me very uncomfortable. I could never quite make sense of them. They seem such loners, detached, yet so dedicated on our long weekend camping trips always maintaining the highest Scouting traditions.

Now it is starting to make sense. I would never accuse any of my troop leaders of any wrongdoing however  Kelly Clark Attorney at Law did and has published the file the Boy Scouts, clergy and police have fought so hard to keep secret.

Is your former Scout leader listed as well in the "Perversion Files"? The file only covers twenty years. Its the tip of the iceberg.

But in my heart of hearts I know my life has benefited immensely by my Boyscout days because I have done my best to live it as a Bisexual Transsexual Life Boy Scout.

Just yesterday as I recall now, I corrected the Walmart Pharmacists clerk when she forgot to charge me for my hormone scripts and while walking out I offered my assistance to a elderly man in a wheelchair who seemed disorientated at the foyer. Its because of the following creed I am at peace with myself:

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

To my brothers and sisters who have been hurt by these monsters, my heart goes out to you dear soul. Live in shame no more.


Meteor Drag Queen Performer Paul Ryder: The Transphobia YOU spread HAS tried to Kill Me

Shame on you Paul Ryder for your role in this advertisment.

Following the Twitter Hashtag  #MeteorShame  begun by the Transgender Network of Ireland  to kick start the campaign to end the awful Meteor advertisment  I found a very verbal opponent of the ad Co-chair LabourLGBT Louise Hannon. Her opposition was also noticed by one of the drag queens in the advertisement, Paul Ryder who replied to Louise with this tweet:

However Ryder isn't at all aware or could care about the harm he is causing. Looking at his Facebook it's obvious he couldn't care less.

Ryder let me help you to understand. Louise is not the only one becoming aware of the harmful contribution to the trans community. So regardless of your personal concerns, you should be aware you are doing your reputation and your marketability great damage by not taking responsibility for your role in the Meteor Advertisement.

You could make this right by saying you are sorry for the harm you are causing and contacting the other Drag artists in that ad and ask them to come forward with a public apology for there role as well.

Anything less is good as signing a employers dismissal notice to a trans person, or telling a cop to harass us or loading a gun for the next murderer.

Some reactions since posting this article:

A tweet posted by a follower of Paul Ryder in a conversation about what should happen to me. It's the most violent reaction to date for my audaciousness confronting a man for his transmysiogony.

It occurred to me some what belatedly, that the teeth that Mr O Reilly threatened to kick in were in fact not my teeth at all. The picture he saw was taken by a professional photographer for a local newspaper. He did a nice job photoshoping my teeth. See, I hadn't had dental insurance for decades before that picture.
Mr. O Reilly, I'm sure that the photographer would be very accommodating if you'd like to kick in his camera lens or have a go at his computer.
But he was a very big man Mr O Reilly, and a Texan to boot.
And this beauty from NG Blog. SOME men hate it that a transgender woman would have a media platform and would dare use it to demand accoutablity from them for transphobia.
  SOME many gay men.

You can find that NG post here. I have had a long association with that blogger Nelson G. Oddly enough begining with his helping me get my blog back after being violated for confronting gay misogony in 2008.  I posted about the timing of Congressman Barney Franks use of the transphobic phrase "men with penises in the womans room"  when talking about Trans Rights and the publication revealing his boy friend for the past decade was in fact a rent boy .

Related posts:

Transgender Equality Network Ireland Press Release

Irish Times Meteor Dials Up Trouble

Gay Community News

Galick News "Meteoric Mistake"

Memphis Approves Sexual Orientation and Gender ID Protections

As expected Memphis passed the amendment to it's cities employees non discrimination policy to include sexual orientation but totally unexpected was the reinsertion of gender ID including trans people as well!

The Amendment originally included trans protections.

Upon learning that the amendment had been rewritten to exclude transsexuals behind closed doors  at the last moment before the vote I began a petition asking Memphis to protect Trans people. Four hundred people signed sending a email message each time to every council member. I will close that petition now and thank the Council for there vote.

To all those of us who signed the petition, we can only speculate as to what effect our effort had but since we were the only petition to address trans exclusion specifically, and mainstream media  made absolutely no mention of our being written out, I can assure you, we helped.

My friend and great ally Rafael McDonnell, Communications and Advocacy Manager  Dallas Resource Center (RCD)  posted this on my facebook profile:
"From an activist friend of mine in Memphis: Memphis City Council passes non-discrimination ordinance and resolution prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity!(though the title is wrong)"
From the Commercial Appeal "Memphis approves protections against discrimination for sexual orientation":

The Memphis City Council on Tuesday approved a nondiscrimination ordinance that includes workplace protections for sexual orientation and gender identity, ending a debate that began in 2010.

"City of Memphis employees will go to bed tonight and wake up in the morning to hear the news that their hard work will be respected and their ability to contribute to their community will be preserved," said Jonathan Cole, vice president of the Tennessee Equality Project, one of the backers of the legislation. "It's a new day in Memphis, Tennessee."

There's at least one more person I must mention. Thank you Jonathan Cole, I know our brief relationship was contentious at times but given the situation I think we did a good job to keep everything in perspective. Thank you for your patience.

And I thank the following Memphis City Council Members for voting yes to protect your city's trans and gay employees: Council members Flinn, Harris, Harold Collins, Edmund Ford Jr., Janis Fullilove, Wanda Halbert, Reid Hedgepeth, Myron Lowery and Jim Strickland.

Council members Bill Boyd, Joe Brown, Bill Morrison and Kemp Conrad you all vote against it. I have faith as your city's trans people become empowered by your new ordinance and begin living authentically you will get to know who they truly are and will ask yourself why you hadn't voted for this measure in the first place.

Thank you Memphis City Council for doing the right thing.


Harvey Milk Plaza Will Be Graced With The Trans Flag This TDOR

Usually I acknowledge a win by updating the post that helped contribute to our advancement, like I did one post back, but there's nothing usual about this achievement. The MUMC have publicly announced they will fly the Transgender Flag on Transgender Day of Remembrance, at the Harvey Milk Plaza in the Castro.

MUMC President Terry Asten Bennett  who has control of the flag pole went into detail explaining why his organization denied the request to fly our flag, ultimately blaming it on a technicality, a request the flag be flown at half mast November 20th.

Be that as it may the reality is on November 20th 2012 Trans people are going to go where no trans person has dared, to the pinnacle of the gay mans tower in the heart of the Harvey Milk Plaza. I don't wish to lord this over anyone, and I won't. It would be nasty and would only cause discontent.

What I want to do though is to point it out how huge an advancement this is in our recognition as a valuable and equal component of the LGBT community. On our most solemn of days we will have a beacon of hope, a reminder that the LGBTQI is one community. A win for everyone.

I also want to thank everyone who was responsible for this happening including the anonymous person who bought the huge flag. I have a sneaky suspicion it was a gay man. Thank you.


US Census: Transgender People To Be Counted In 2020

Once we've been counted we can't be discounted.

The US Census Board Announcement  indicating a willingness to acknowledge transgender people exist comes as welcome surprise but we can't take for granted that the procedure that will be established will ask the right questions. But how much of a focus will be put on trans issues?

A issue a facebook friend quickly pointed out:
...when I was an NRFU Enumerator, also in 2010, I was told to write down what people anwsered, with no questions. Are they going to start counting people who are androgyous and crossdressers, people who are in the closet, as well as one's who are out? and how about someone like me who just went all the way? This could be harder than it sounds..
All of the media reports to date I have seen regarding this announcement make scant mention of transgender population (just the T at the tail of LGBT)  instead focusing mainly on gay couples concerns.

 So who's advising?

Shane Snowdon  the only LGBT community member announced is the HRC Director, Health & Aging Program and the 2005 Transgender Law Center Community Ally Award  recipient.


MUMC: Trans Flag Will Never Fly At Havey Milk Plaza. Not Even For The TDOR

Normally, without exception the Gay rainbow claims its rightful spot atop Harvey Milk Plaza.

But this past Presidents Day weekend the Bear 2.0 Flag flew proudly in it's stead. To the casual observer, like myself, this change in flags might go unnoticed, even welcomed as Bears have always been one of transgender peoples greatest allies, but there's more to the story. Much more.

The  Merchants of Upper Market and Castro (MUMC) who have control of the flag pole denied a request this year from local trans resident Veronika Fimbres to fly the  Transgender Flag on the TDOR just days after  the MUMC instituted their new policy dictating that the flag pole at Harvey Milk Plaza fly one flag, the Rainbow.

It's not a matter of principle, vanity or pride. It is a matter of respect for a valued allies dead and it only takes one day to show us you really care. Like the MUMC's own web page states we are LGBT people. The flag pole at Harvey Milk Plaza should be flying the transgender flag on the TDOR. 

If you also find this  exclusionary flag policy troubling you can:
Sign Veronika Fimbres petition "Demand that MUMC fly the Transgender Flag on the Transgender Day of Remembrance! "
and you can contact the MUMC directly
Phone: 415 - 835 - 8720
Email:: :info@castromerchants.com
or use their web contact form


Russian "Coming Out Day" Attack: Orthodox Terrorists Again

It really hadn't occurred to me just how much our international "Coming Out" day bothers some people. In Russia a particularly gruesome attack sanctioned and inspired by the official church of the state occurred on Coming Out day.

Much like the coordinated al-Qaeda attacks on American Embassies this past 9/11 the attack on the mainly female patrons of the 7freeday club  on October 11th was meant to do one thing.

The Russian Orthodox Terrorists  wanted to spread uncontrollable panic and fear among our peoples just like al-Qaeda intended on 9/11.

The world stood with the American people after 9/11 as we are doing now with our Russian LGBT family on 10/11.

The St. Petersburg organization "Coming Out" offered the following statement:(please excuse my translation)
Statement "Out" of the attack on the LGBT event in Moscow

October 11, the International Day of coming out - open and voluntary recognition of a person to belong to a sexual minority or gender - unknown smashed 7freeday club in Moscow and injured several people. The attackers were armed with pistols and traumatic Boomstick.
LGBT organization "Coming Out" extends its sympathy to the victims and is ready to support the Moscow human rights defenders, tracking the progress of the crime. This attack shows what risks today are LGBT as open about their sexual orientation and gender identity, and visitors LGBT clubs. The growing violence and aggression - a direct consequence of homophobic legislation, to take in the country.
Despite the fact that Moscow odious "antigeysky" the law has not been adopted, the results of the discussion were not long in coming.
In the case of homophobic attacks or transfobnogo Petersburg residents can apply not only to the police, but in the legal department of the "output": 8 (812) 313-93-69.
I just want to know will the Russian government condemn this act of religiously inspired violence and pursue the perpetrators with as much enthusiasm as it did when apprehending and incarcerating Pussy Riot for praying?

"Never before in my life, have I experienced such horror,” Elias Regul, who witnessed the gang ransacking the club and called the police, told the Moscow News. Regul and his friend were talking outside the club, when at about 9:25 p.m. they heard the sounds of a fleeing crowd. “It happened very quickly, in a closed space,” Regul said. “It dawned on me, that they are coming to kill us.”

To put into context the difference between the physical attack suffered by the 7freeday patrons and the actions of Pussy Riot I have included the latest interview of Pussy Riot member Yekaterina Samutsevich who was recently released from confinement.


FX + Walton Goggins + Dominatrix Outfit + Sons of Anarachy = Epic Fail

It is so embarrassing and humiliating to watch this cisgender woman announce that Walton Goggins played a transgender rapist in this FX episode of Sons of Anarchy.

For the record, Walton Goggins did not 'transition' anything as he said he did. He's not even a drag queen. He's a cisgender actor who pasted on some fake tits, donned a dress, heels and acted like a degenerate immoral dirt bag.

Just what he and the FX writer intended. They knew the latest FX episode “Orca Shrugged" would garner them immense free publicity and all they had to do was sit back wring their greedy hands and wait for the outraged  reactions from buddytv.com  and this to come rolling in. Yeah, as a biker riding for the past 36 years its my experience when you cross the line you get called out for it.

In the finest tradition of biker sisterhood and brotherhood I have one thing to say about this piece of shit. Walton Goggins, you are an asshole dirtbag, but you already know that, don't you?


Want An Ass To Die For? Pumper Partys Kill. Don't Be Stupid.

I Want a big juicy butt and saw this ad contacted this lady who having 'pumper parties' and she texted me back "It's illegal," explaining her discounted service, "I'm not a doctor and I'm not a nurse."

I thought why not, I really want a big butt and what could go wrong? After all she's using a clean needle drawing that five gallon Poland spring jug of centistoke dimethyl siloxane fluid. Then I hesitated wait isn't that like "furniture polish"? But she assured me it was OK explaining its a special mix called "medical-grade silicone".

So I gave her $1,600 for the shot and my ass raised right, up but it began to hurt to breath. WTF its hard to breath I thinking, but look at my ass.

A day later I was dead. So as it turned out this is the ass I died for.

The LA Times  has a decent article about this that I plagiarized for this post (minus the misgendering).


Pre-op Females: Is it OK To Sauna With Cisgender Minors?

I agree with the Radphlegm GallusMag on this one thing (minus her blind hatred of course) in that I believe it is our duty as pre or non op trans people to respect cisgender people in places where clothing or the lack, of might on occasion accidentally expose intimate areas, like a sauna.

I know being a radical transsexual this will suprise some, but there's a reason...

With power comes responsibility and the exercise of that power responsibly is the fastest and surest way to be granted even more dignity. I come to this belief when as a formally male misidentified person who had by virtue of my external gender expression held great power at times. Male privilege is the reason I concur with the Radphlegm's so the loud popping sounds you might be hearing is probably their heads exploding.

I couldn't find any of the damning evidence the Radphlegms offered as proof of Colleens alleged deviance humanity but I found this on her Facebook wall:

I have to admire her courage and spunk and as a landlocked waterbaby I understand Colleens attachment to the Ocean but it's not 1959 Alabama and this isn't even about time. It's about grace which will win hearts and minds faster than enforcement of any law will.

Personally I feel it would be pretty cool if Colleen were to use the smaller facility especially now that the battle has been won. But beyond that do you think given laws that permit us, should we sauna with minors? Take the poll on the top right bar.


Sydney Opera House "trAnnie" Trans Mockery, Pedophilia, Child Misgendering: A Rollicking Merry Christmas

"Prepare for an uproarious Christmas when Sydney Opera House presents an adults-only panto..."

Since 39AD the panto or pantomine  has used  stage fights, coarse humour and fantastic creatures to mock reversals of gender roles at great profit and the British/Australian Christmas season's tradition carries on today with the gay perversion of Annie.

It's called  trAnnie  and despite clearly being a violation of the New South Wales vilification and Discrimination Act. the producers say this show monetizing this thinly disguised adaptation of the highly demoralizing defamatory word  tranny, will go on.

The sick albeit brilliant (if not for most of the key elements) Synopsis:

A orphan transgender child abandoned by her parents is desperate for sexual reassignment surgery(SRS) and will do what ever it takes to please her convicted paedophile transgender care givers including performances for a demented older man in order to get money or SRS.

Not having seen the production and the incredible amount of maneuvering room the writers have left themselves I find these elements unconscionable:

Tranny. The single word the trans community despises, but crucial to the show "trAnnie".  The title must be changed. Gays must stop exploiting there association with transsexuals and cease excusing this gross injustice perpetrated against trans people by claiming this  absurd proprietary right to the "T" word.

Live my life 24/7 as a visable trans woman, face the injustice I face in the grocery store, in the doctors offices, with my neighbours, in my workplace on a daily basis THEN you will have equal rights to the reclamation of this defamation.

But despite and in spite of local transgender outrage  gay people continue to depend on indigent gender gifted peoples angst in the past with "Ticked off tra$$ys with knives"  and do so again for this productions promotion .

Paedophile. Years ago homosexuality and pedophilia were thought to be the same and like a tire necklace hanging around their necks gay's fought tooth and nail in a desperate battle with hate mongers of all types before they could rid themselves of that association and to escape being pathogized as child molesters by the APA in the DSM.

Now Trevor Ashley and other gay men,  supposed allies of transsexuals, writers, producers and actors of "trAnnie"  are putting this tire of hate around our necks, just for fun and a few bucks.

This trivialization of  sexual reassignment surgery especially when in context of a youth in despicable. Do these gay men have no idea of how impressionable and emotional transgender youth are or is it as I suspect, they just don't care as long as it's amusing to them.

The misgendering of the the child in the synopsis. This is reprehensible and if allowed to continue by this theatrical company will directly contribute internationally to the hardships, murders and suicides of all gender variant youth.

This places the onus of action on the international transgender and allied community. It is our obligation to speak up against this horrific travesty.

This show must not go on. For our children's sake.

Sign the petition Cancel the play "Trannie": Sydney Opera House showing from 6-22 Dec 2012

Tell the Sydney Opera House not to make transphobia a Christmas institution. Send them a message by using their in house form here  and posting on there Facebook page.


Barney Frank, Agrees With Mass Gov. Patrick and The AFA: SRS is Elective

Warning Angry post follows

There are no more dangerous of an enemy than the one you once considered a ally and none so more to transgender people than gay congressman Barney Frank.

 This is the man who inadvertently outed himself as a true ally to the Brian Fisher of the American Family Association(AFA) with his men in woman's showers with penises meme when he killed the inclusive ENDA in 2008.

Now this asshat is at it again, and who could possibly be this gay millionaires target this time? The Massachusetts transgender community? No he's already insured his states transgender people will forever be at risk in public places with the help of Sellout Gunner Scott of the MTPC.

No, now Frank is using his ignorance/hatred of transgender people/the law to voice his uneducated opinion that convicted transgender murderer Michelle Kosilek should not be allowed medical care ruled necessary  under the 8th Amendment by a District Court judge because she is a inmate.
What is  Franks rational for coming out against the Constitution, once again siding with the AFA  and against Sexual Reassignment Surgery(SRS)?

He does not believe his state's taxpayers should have to pay for the sexual reassignment surgery for convicts framing it as elective as opposed to what it truly is, a medical necessity.

Frank said   'There are other medical procedures that are denied to convicted murderers,' said Frank who believes Kosilek should find another way to pay for the operation.

As pointed out by Zoe Ellen Brain in the comments of the Metro Weekly article:

"According to Frank, Kosilek should seek other means to pay for the surgery rather than taxpayer dollars."

She offered to pay for it herself in 1993, Barney. She's been trying that for nearly 20 years now.
Prisoners aren't allowed to do that. They get no say in what treatment is deemed adequate. The State decides that for them, based on medical advice - and pays for only the minimum necessary. Prisoners aren't permitted to upgrade their treatment from "adequate" to "better".

It it's deemed necessary - the state is obliged to pay for it, because of the 8th amendment. If not, treatment is forbidden. That comment about "seeking alternate means to pay" is either deeply ignorant or disgustingly cynical.

The Gay Lesbian Advocates and Defenders voiced a similar opinion
"The opposition to Kosilek is discrimination. 'Constitutional rights belong to everyone, even the least loved, least popular people among us,' says the group's Transgender Rights Project director Jennifer Levi. 'Prisoners have a right to necessary medical care, and this is indisputably medical care, as the very strong district court decision established.'

Is this a final strike against transgender people by Asshat supreme Frank? I have one question. When will Barney Frank just go away? Do us a favor and make it soon, please.


Support "Crossing Over" to A Stronger Community

Who's More Marginalized Than I?

There were two things that stood out about "Crossing Over" when I first  began supporting it's production in 2011. First, the driving force behind "Crossing Over", Isabel Castro is cisgender and two, she cares so much about the most marginalized of our trans community who live within our borders, those without citizenship .

I know, we have our own struggles as citizens, but could you imagine how overwhelming the odds would seem id suddenly you found yourself in a strange country?

I know times are tough for all of us, but I'm going to reach deep again because as we strengthen our weakest link we make the ties that make us who we are so much stronger.

Donate at  Indiegogo.com
On  Twitter  


Massachusetts appeals Judges Ruling Allowing Transgender Murderer's SRS

The planetransgender straw poll showed the majority of trans people thought inmate Michelle Kosilek should be given SRS on the tax payers dime but the 'state' AKA the Governor disagrees and has ordered the ruling challenged. What would you do? Just for a second, think, if you were incarcerated and faced with what this individual is, wouldn't you fight for your life as well?

 Interestingly Governor Patrick didn't mention the 8th Amendment  in his first statement since stating his opinion the inmate should not ne given the surgery but instead seeking to diffuse criticism from the health care professionals and Transgender advocates by stating a concern for Kosilek's safety post surgery. That reason really holds little weight. Governor Patrick stands a better chance at deflecting criticism by emphasizing his concern for Kosilek's sister inmates safety should Kosilek get Sexual reassignment surgery (SRS).

 From Governor Patrick  “It’s not a reflection of a point of view about gender-identity disorder,” Patrick said, in his first comments on the appeal. “Apparently, that is a real disorder. And, indeed, Kosilek has been getting treatment for that disorder. The question is whether it should go all the way to surgery, and what the implications are for the safety of Kosilek and other inmates, in that event.”

That point is mote because Kosilek already lives in solitary for her safety.

I mean, aren't we all fighting for our lives anyways? How many reading this could say you have never done something you were glad you weren't caught doing? OK, so hopefully it wasn't murder, but wouldn't you fight in jail as hard as you do out here?

Chris Tina Bruce:: On a Road Not Just Less Traveled

I have known Chris Tina for a while and am glad to see she is maturing so well.

Time Is Running Out For The Memphis City Council

......to do the right thing.

Time is running out to apply themselves as the law demands and protect all citizens, not just the ones who it is politically expedient to protect.

A message from the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Kelli Busey...

Time is running out for transgender people to be included in this amendment...

Please sign the petition
Memphis Protect Transgender People

Thailand's Got Talent - Bell Nuntita นันทิตา Audition (English Subtitle / Eng Sub

(Don't forget to click the cc button for english)

such a wonderful performance on Thailand's Got Talent. gorgeous. beautiful soul and lovely voice.

Song 1: Yark Roo Tae Mai Yark Tarm อยากรู้แต่ไม่อยากถาม
Artist: Calories Blah Blah

Song 2: "Unlovable"
Artist: Mild
Performer: Bell Nuntita นันทิตา on Thailand's Got Talent

Video with English Subtitles / Captions
ดูแล้วจะงง เธอน่ารัก ควรดู


Secretly Serving: The Proud, the 15,000, The Transgender

Not mentioned in this clip is the motivation many MTF's have pre transition for joining the military. There is a need to hyper masculinize there lives and many feel that by joining the military they can rid themselves of there female selves.

The truth is that can not be made to happen by joining any organization so eventually they will have to do as I did have, and face up to there transsexualism. Currently, being in the military only makes that harder since the difference between LBG and T has become better understood.

Converse for me, when I served before the word transgender was spoken by anyone I was seen as simply gay and accepted for that. Weird, huh


Namoli Brennet....an Addiction With No Intervention Needed

I have an addiction but need no intervention..
I'm so excited Transgender singer song writer Namoli Brennet  has just emailed to say she had made the final selections for her new CD and in fact, cases of them just arrived at her house days before anticipated. But what makes this so special is I helped to fund the final production along with many others, by donating to her through Kick Starter.

It is so fulfilling, gratifying and satisfying to be at the very ground floor of another persons dreams, and to help them make it a reality it can only be described as an addiction, one that has no need of intervention.

One of my very favorite of her songs recorded in 2008 ...we belong

More recently...

Frock, The TG Lifestyle Sept Edition Is Out! Get Frocked!

Check out my Grass Roots Column it's a Pussy Riot!

As our observant editor Katie has noted somehow 'quarterly' has snuck back onto the front cover. That's incorrect. We have been bi-monthly for some time now.
Also, Katie has announced that:
"Today I'm looking for girls who have some nice photos and who might like to be featured in Frock, either as a Frock Chick or in The Frockford Files. Do let me know if you're interested. Thanks, Katie x

You can send  your high quality photos to Katie at katie.glover@frockmagazine.com


Call For Papers and Presentations Transecting Society Conf. @UNH

"Transecting Society  is a two-day symposium dedicated to exploring controversial topics related to trans* lives in contemporary U.S. society" April 5-6, 2013 at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, N.H.

Sound like a bunch of old fogies huddled around a pot bellied stove in the sticks?

Check some of the topics then you tell me:

Trans* and Feminism (maybe touching on 'Radfem'), Trans* in Lesbian/Gay/Queer Communities, including LBG transphobia, Trans* Terminologies reclaiming the word 'tranny' (from who?), Trans* Media and Media Defamation 'ticked off tranny's with knives' and such', Trans* Blogosphere and New Media Blog wars, vblogging, And much much more!! 

So it's hot, hosted at a university elevating our conversation and culture but who else is promoting this open critical dialogue? Feminist law professors of course.

So come one, come all (even radfems ) submit your paper and present for a critical look into transecting Society.

On Twitter @transsociety
On Facebook Transecting Society Conference
Homepage Transecting Society.com/


NYC Police Looking For W. 3rd St. McDonalds Transgender Slasher

NYC have you seen this 'man' pictured to the left?

He was captured on McDonald's video at arguably the most dangerous McDonald's In NYC at W. 3rd St. before assaulting a transwoman after declaring he was going to "fuck her up" for using the bathroom.

This 'man' after being administered a righteous knock down by the woman got up off the ground and began slashing her with a razor.

Police are requesting anyone with information about the latest attack can call 1-800-577-TIPS

Tips can also be submitted at NYPDCimeStoppers or by text at 274637 (CRIMES) then entering TIP577.

Sounds like exellant advice to me!

Read more: NYC DNA


Memphis Silence of the T

In 2008 our Transgender sister Duanna Johnson, while handcuffed was beaten unmercifully by Memphis police and all people heard was, silence.
The police desperately needed that silence. They knew they were incredibly wrong.

Five years later the city ordinance amendment, spurred by her beating inexplicably at the last moment was introduced without transgender protections.

And for all the world knew, transgender people were never included in the amendment. For all the world knew, transgender people don't exist in Memphis.

For all the world knew had the video of Duanna's beating not emerged inexplicably from police files, no one would have ever heard of Duanna, or her beating.

For all the world knew.

But why would the Transgender Equality Project (TEP), the driving force behind this amendment not mention this to the media immediately following the vote? Why would the City impassioned pro equality council members make no mention of this? Why would there be no mention of this at all in mainstream media?

The TEP has personally assured me and publicly stated they are 100% in favor of trans protections but the reality is they all knew they were wrong, the silence of the T desperately needed for this victory advancing the gay agenda.

I confirmed this by contacting a writer of the most respected and oft quoted media sources covering this issue. No one wrote or spoke of this because they being progressive individuals did not want to jeopardize the chances of the amendment passing with sexual orientation by braking the silence.

Trans people were thrown under the bus and I am not so naive to believe there was no deal maker.

Like the Memphis police years before, the Memphis city council and the Tennessee Equality Project they all need the silence of the T in Memphis.

Our family in Memphis is silent, beaten and murdered.

But we will not be silent in Texas. The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies call on the Memphis City Council to reinstate gender identity and expression into the amendment before the 30 days elapses allocated to determine if the amendment is legal.

For Duanna, for all our sisters and brothers in Memphis who are denied jobs, ultimately forcing our family onto the streets to prostitute ourselves.

But unlike Duanna who was shot dead according to news reports while "working her customary strip", just days before filing a federal lawsuit, there will be no silence of the T in Memphis as long as the Dallas Transgender Advocates have a say.

There will be no silence of the T anywhere.

Please sign the petition Memphis Protect Trans People

Cross posted from The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies


Memphis City Council Approves Non Discrimination Amendment Sans Trans

In a surprise move the amendment that was approved last night by the Memphis city council only protects against sexual orientation omitting gender expression and identity.

According to Jonathan Cole, Vice President of the Tennessee Equality Project it was understood the proposed amendment would include transgender protections but last night when "it came downstairs" it was stripped of trans protections.

Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee

Cole in a telephone interview said he was surprised as everyone else at the omission but that the "Tennessee Equality Project would fight for trans protections" to be added during the 30 days allotted for the council to discover if the amendment is contrary to the discrimination ordinance already in place.

Memphis has the distinct reputation as one of the transgender murder capitols of the world.

The proposed amendment face severe opposition from the religious right spearheaded by Bellevue Baptist Church Pastor Steve Gaines who according to the The Commercial Appeal said
"sexual orientation should not be considered a civil rights issue."

"Civil rights status should be reserved for areas that have already
been mentioned, such as race and gender," Gaines said. "No one can
choose their gender. No one can choose the color of their skin. The
fact is everybody has a choice with sexual activity. This is about the
furtherance of an aggressive political agenda."
We have just 30 days in which to get transgender protections reinserted.
Please sign the petition Memphis Protect Trans people

Least we forget the catalyst to this.....

Two weeks before a lawsuit was to be filed Duanna was murdered with a shot to her face at close range.


Loren Cameron at a University: What Scares Fox News and Enrages NeoCons

Yesterday fear mongering right wing pandering Fox News published a story with a rather innocuously worded headline but with a dark warning of a transsexual being paid to promote sexually explicate pictures to young minds at the The University of Minnesota-Duluth.

So who is this menace and what is his deal? To learn more we could
watch the National Geographic special about sexual identity: The Art of Loren Cameron and visit Loren Cameron's Website something neither Fox News or the right wing Campus Reform did.

There is a reason for that. Right wing religious bigoted people are scared to death of the truth.

Yes Cameron you do more than scare them you enrage them.

Worthy of mention is that for some reason Fox deemed it necessary to bring up a totally unrelated racial event the university had hosted earlier.

Shame on you Faux News.


Oct 1st Worldwide Pussy Riot Solidarity Day Кассация по PussyRiot

Thousands of Russians march under Pussy Riot balloons during the September 15th protest.

October 1st more than 30 citys worldwide will host demonstrations in support of Pussy Riots appeal at Russia cassation high court.

What was the result of the absurd 2 year Pussy Riot sentence? Some experts say it is a sure sign Putin wants to return Russia to a Soviet state. This has not gone unnoticed by Russians who rightfully are upset after a brief taste of democratic reforms.

It has not gone unnoticed by myself after struggling years to establish contact then friendships with transgender people within Russia. Now we are facing the prospect of losing contact with our friend there.

We need Russia as a ally. We need Russia without Vladimir Putin. The world need more heroic feminists like Pussy Riot.

In Moscow? Join the demonstration at the Moscow City Court at 11:00am.


Texas ISD principal Terminates Cosmetology Class To Rid School Of "Flamboyant Gays"

Then principal Thomas Amons takes retribution against Instructor Cequada Clark pictured right, and fires her from all of her other teaching positions. Being a Texan this makes me ill.

Source: The Advocate reports a cosmetology program for adults at a Texas technical school is canceled, according to The Examiner of southeast Texas, because it's illegal to bar an applicant for his sexual orientation.

Instructor Cequada Clark of the Taylor Career Center told the newspaper that the school's principal, Thomas Amons, had said he'd rather shut down the program than have "flamboyantly gay guys" included.

The Examiner reports that Kwmane Gray, 22, arrived at class and when the principal realized it, he consulted with lawyers about how to keep him out. The lawyers for the Beaumont Independent School District reportedly advised that it's illegal to ban an individual student just for being gay, so instead the principal shuttered the entire program, which had been running since 2009.

Clark, who told the newspaper she had been subsequently fired from her job, said the program had been used most often by single mothers who were trying to start a career.
A short video of today's protest shared on facebook by Vic Demented.

You can hear the few dozen protesters demanding principal Thomas Amons produce proof that he cancelled the program for lack of participation and you can see Fox News was there but as some on the facebook protest page have noted Fox is refusing to publish about the story having posted this on their Facebook page.

Instructor Cequada Clark responded on that same thread to Fox's contention she was not employed by the BISD:
"I have a BISD email I have a BISD w-2 form and a 1099 my name is in the book at the career center and the high school enrollment tutorial forms as a teacher. Am I on candid camera? I work as a paraprofessional -a high school tutorial- and I also was the teacher of the Adult cosmetology program. I have a copies of my time sheets."
In two days over 800 people who have signed the petition demanding proof as well. Will you?

Instructor Cequada Clark told the Examiner
“I don’t understand this. I really don’t,” Clark said. “(Amons) told me he would rather shut down the program altogether than to have ‘riff-raff’ like that in the program. The next day, he shut down the program.”

Clark, who has headed the adult cosmetology program since 2009 at BISD, said, “Earlier this year, I learned he had a problem with gay guys while we were at the hair show in April.” Clark said at the hair show, Amons told her that he never wanted to see “flamboyantly gay guys” in the BISD program like the men enrolled at other programs competing in the event.
This may not be quickly resolved so in the meantime I hope all my LGBT family patronizes Cequada Clark's wonderful establishment.

Mara Keisling, Anderson Cooper's Spot On, You're Just Wrong!

Mara Keisling of the NCTE broke bad on Anderson Coopers interview with Mandi a trans person who claimed her transsexualism resulted from the side affects of Propecia.

Cooper: "Look I have friends who are transgender(ed) and they all tell me these feelings don't come out of a bottle." to which Mandi replies 'ah yeah".

Cooper delves deeper trying to ascertain when his guest first realized her transsexualism and Mandi replied she knew first when she questioned her sexuality as a youth to which Cooper pointed out "gender and sexuality are two different things.

Mara offered a private 'appology' to Mandi McKee who posted it to Facebook calling for Keisling to make a public appology.

Mandi, I am so sorry that you interpret NCTE's recent activity around Anderson Live as being an attack on you personally. We were very careful not to even use your name or to say anything about you. Our complaint was with Anderson and his producers doing a show that they knew was just using trans people as a sensational ratings chaser. After watching the show, I am convinced all the more that they were willing to use you and transgender people to stir up emotions and ignorance about trans people.

Every trans person has a different story and NCTE is very serious about respecting that and even empowering many different stories. And you are welcome to conduct your search for meaning anyway you want. You are welcome to identify as trans or not. But it is not okay for a public personality like Anderson Cooper with a respected public forum like Anderson Live to risk spreading misinformation that could actually hurt trans people.

And I know how hard it is to decide whether or not to transition. I have felt the crushing and deflating depression and anxiety. You can't even know how much I personally wish you the best as you are going through that. It can be really hard, I know.

But our number one job at NCTE is to end the societal ignorance that really is the underlying cause of that depression and anxiety and marginalization. Framing the show the way they did and using you the way they did, was not good for ending that ignorance and we rightly spoke out.

Be well,
Ah, yeah the premise of the interview was slightly absurd but....

I think we can all agree hypersensitivity to discussions of gender diversity inhibit media from further exploration which ultimately sets us back into obscurity.

Mara Keisling, Anderson Cooper was spot on debunking that misconception, you are guilty of being a sensationalist media hound.


Transgender Director Lana Wachowski's "Cloud Atlas" Premier Gets Standing Ovation

Video: Cloud Atlas opening at the Toronto Film Festival receiving rave reviews, but whats it all about? Check out the trailer and then the Directors (3) yes three Directors cut....

Why would the fabulously successful director of the Matrix open at the Toronto Film Festival?

Our lives are not our own we are tied to others in the past and future. Every crime and every kindness gives birth to our future.....


Family Outraged Over Transgender Murderer Michelle Kosilek's Court Ordered SRS. Are you?

How about you? Yes, No? Take the poll on the top right sidebar>>>

Update* Mass Gov may repeal Judge Wolf's ruling. Details at the bottom of the post.

Surprisingly there are many within the trans community who are in agreement with the victims family. Not so surprising though in light of how rule conscious our community is, its the essence of our validity. They feel that Michelle Kosilek should not receive a state funded sexual reassignment surgery. Many feel that since they have absolutely no chance at becoming whole at state expense, why should a murderer, any murderer be granted SRS.

Then there are some within our community who would argue that denying Michelle Kosilek SRS would essentially confirm what corporations contend, that this surgery is elective and cosmetic. The people in this corner believe that would be counter productive to fight against Michelle Kosilek surgery as it is central to our argument that SRS is a medical necessity as we fight to get that option added to medical plans. Humanists further argue its even even more important she be granted this state funded surgery since it would allow Michelle Kosilek to be correctly housed while incarcerated.

How do you feel?

*Update via Washington Post:
"BOSTON — Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick says his administration is reviewing a judge’s ruling ordering state prison officials to pay for sex reassignment surgery for a transgender inmate."

"Patrick said Monday no decision has been made on whether to appeal last week’s decision by U.S. District Court Judge Mark Wolf, who ruled the surgery was medically necessary to treat Michelle Kosilek’s “serious medical need."

"Patrick notes the ruling went against the state, which opposed the surgery. But the Democrat also calls the judge “thoughtful and scholarly” and says the state wants to fully evaluate the opinion before deciding what to do."
I'm unclear what Gov. Deval Patrick meant when he said the ruling 'went against the state". Perhaps 'the state' he is referring to is the vocal component of his constituency opposed to the Judges ruling?

In which case our own Zoe posting as aebrain made a very good case in her comment on the WP article writing that "The Governor has a problem."

Correct me if I'm wrong but essentially, Zoe pointed out the Governor's problem is one of political survival VS Constitutional law.

Denmark Do Not Send Trans Woman Fernanda Milan To Her Death

Protest Danish acquiescence to the murder of this woman, Fernanda Milan.

***UpDate! Uncommon Scents is reporting an 11th hour appeal has stayed her deportation, for now.

At 22 Fernanda has made some powerful enemies. Adversaries in her country who have beaten her in the past, and now that she revealed to world the fate that awaits her in Guatemala they will stop at nothing to silence her, if she is forced to return.

What has made these people act so violently towards Fernanda? She is transgender and an activist.

Liberal Conspiracy contributor Natacha Kennedy writes : "It has been estimated that the average life expectancy of a transgender person in Guatemala is 25, and there are, quite simply, no trans people there at all over 35. Trans people are excluded from society and have no access to education or employment, most being forced into sex work to survive, where they become easy targets for extra-judicial killings."

"The problem for Fernanda is that Denmark, the UK and Ireland opted out of an EU agreement to include persecution on the grounds of gender identity as a criterion for asylum.

Despite the best efforts to date by ILGA-Europe
Denmark will not allow her asylum leaving one option. Protest.

Save Fernanda Milan Demonstration outside the Royal Danish Embassy,55 Sloane Street,London SW1X 9SR.Monday 10 September 5.30 – 8.00pm .The Facebook demo page


PUSSY RIOT Releases New Video BURNING PHOTOS Of Putin.

The Fight Is Bigger Than This Tyrant. Reuters and MTV report that PUSSY RIOT has released this new video thanking the world for supporting them and calling out the illegitimate leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin.
PUSSY ZDJĘĆ BURN RIOT Putina, Pussy RIOT BURN fotografií Putina, PUSSY RIOT PHOTOS BURN de Poutine, PUSSY RIOT BURN FOTOS von Putin 2012.07.09

Mosca - Nel video diffuso online si vedono tre PUSSY RIOT con il passamontagna colorato che esprimono sostegno nei confronti delle loro tre compagne condannate a due anni di carcere in carcere e ringraziano le star internazionali che le hanno sostenute, tra cui Bjork, Madonna e i Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moscow - In the video posted online there are three PUSSY RIOT with colored balaclava expressing support for their three companions sentenced to two years in prison in prison and thanked the international stars who have incurred, including Bjork, Madonna and the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Масква - У відэа размешчаны ў Інтэрнэце ёсць тры PUSSY RIOT з каляровымі падшлемнікі выказваючы падтрымку іх трыма спадарожнікамі прысуджаны да двух гадоў пазбаўлення волі ў турме, і падзякаваў міжнародных зорак, якія ўзялі на сябе, у тым ліку Б'ёрк, Мадона і Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moskva - I videoen lagt online der er tre PUSSY RIOT med farvet elefanthue udtrykke støtte til deres tre kammerater dømt til to års fængsel i fængslet og takkede de internationale stjerner, der har afholdt, herunder Bjork, Madonna og Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moskou - In de video online geplaatst zijn er drie PUSSY RIOT met gekleurde bivakmuts hun steun voor hun drie metgezellen veroordeeld tot twee jaar in de gevangenis in de gevangenis en bedankte de internationale sterren die zijn ontstaan, daaronder begrepen Bjork, Madonna en de Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moskva - I videon upp på nätet finns det tre PUSSY RIOT med färgad balaclava uttrycker stöd för sina tre kamrater dömts till två års fängelse i fängelset och tackade de internationella stjärnor som har uppkommit, inklusive Björk, Madonna och Red Hot Chili Peppers

Москва - В видео размещены в Интернете есть три PUSSY RIOT с цветными подшлемник выражая поддержку их тремя спутниками приговорен к двум годам лишения свободы в тюрьме, и поблагодарил международных звезд, которые взяли на себя, в том числе Бьорк, Мадонна и Red Hot Chili Peppers

Moscú - En el video publicado en línea hay tres RIOT COÑO con el apoyo pasamontañas de color para expresar sus tres compañeros condenados a dos años de prisión en la cárcel y agradeció a las estrellas internacionales que han incurrido, incluyendo Bjork, Madonna y los Red Hot Chili Peppers

and to all the activists in the world who are joining the fight for Russia, thank you.


CNN Fire Political Commentator Erick Erickson

Erickson's tweet about the woman speakers at the DNC "First night of the Vagina Monologues in Charlotte going as expected" wasn't commentary, it was a betrayal of his true belief.

When we listen to the Vagina Monologues we hear tales of bravery, shared humanity and victory over oppression. When we listened to Michell Obama at the DNC we were in tears in appreciation. When Erickson hears our First Lady, or any DNC female speakers for that matter, he hears whining.

His tweet was a betrayal of objective reporting, the kind we demand from our mainstream news sources. The editor in 'chief' of the RedState has no place on CNN objectifying, marginalizing and dehumanizing womankind. Let him express himself on his "RedState" as I do on my blog to people of like mind.

Its simple CNN.

Listen to the tens of thousands of Americans who are demanding you

Fire Eric Erickson

Read more at Think Progress and please consider signing the petition CNN: Fire Erick Erickson


Michelle Obama's full DNC speech

For all people regardless of who you love or how you look, for woman to have the say about our bodies. Four more years.


Femen: "Une armée française sera formée à Paris" In Paris A New Feminist Army

When Pussy Riot was imprisoned after a mock 'trial' for protesting the Orthodox Church's integration and perversion of the Russian state people worldwide of all genders and political affiliations became upset and the resulting protests took many forms.

One such protest took place in Kiev, Ukraine where members of the feminist group FEMEN cut down crosses. Similar action occurred across Russia where more crosses were cut down, persumably in protest of Pussy Riots mock trial and unfair imprisonment.

The woman in the video who cut the cross down in Kiev escaped her country to Paris after the police attempted to arrest her. The Russian goverment has saturated the Internet with versions of their official media outlet, RT , so it's critical this version be told as well. This is her story.

Femen: "Une armée française sera formée à Paris" from FEMEN Video on Vimeo.


Video: Wayne Besen Takes Down XGay & Anti Trans AFA Front Man

At the 7:06 mark Besen confronts Brown about his use of defamation while demonizing transsexual people. Brown, obviously aware that this would come up backpedaled trying to legitimize his pejorative use of 'tranny' citing Glsen's extremely occasional use the word in respective, and in my opinion misguided attempts to connect with youth.

There's a world of difference between Glsen's research and Browns horrible "poem".

Source: Advocate-
"Wayne Besen, founder of Truth Wins Out, an organization set on debunking the "ex-gay" myth, took on antigay Dr. Michael Brown, who runs a campaign claiming "God Has A Better Way" than homosexuality. On Friday's edition of The David Pakman Show, a public-access news and political talk show, Besen and Brown accused each other of inciting violence and vitriol against their opponents."

"What [Brown] does is he incites people to violence in my view," said Besen on the program. "Just look at his rhetoric... I think it's this combination of militaristic language and the demonizing of a minority that sparked my view of Dr. Brown."

"I also believe that he comes across here as very nice and kind, but again, it's a fraud," Besen continued, as Brown smiled on the split-screen Skype video conference."


As a follower of Christ and former truck driver who spent many nights in between eastern Texas and Louisiana I will testify to this. The AFA radio network all but owned the airwaves late night in those rural areas and the hateful anti LGBT rhetoric they espouse would have convinced any uniformed individual LGBT people are the devils spawn.

Do not be taken in by Brown's smugness, he like all of the signers of the letter to Fox asking that Besen be censored will only be satisfied if they can silence us, imprison our gender expression, or worse, eradicate us as they are trying to do in Russia and Uganda.

Leslie Feinberg re-charged for June 4th solidarity action for CeCe McDonald

The Hennepin County prosecutor has re-charged me with Gross Misdemeanor,
which carries a maximum of 1-year prison & $1,000 fine,
for my June 4 demonstration.of solidarity with CeCe McDonald.

I've been ordered to appear:

Sept. 13 at 8:30 am
Hennepin County District Court
PSF 141, "Public Safety" Facility
401 South Fourth Street
Minneapolis, MN

I hope to see friends and other activists in court.

As defendant, I welcome parents and other caregivers bringing children of all ages, including infants and toddlers. I’ll bring crayons and drawing paper.

Please wear purple/buttons/t-shirts in solidarity with CeCe McDonald! I'll be wearing the free CeCe t-shirt designed by artist/activist Ricardo Levins Morales.

I've made a sign in support of CeCe to take with me to court. If you make and post your own sign in support of CeCe McDonald and/or have already posted one online, send me a copy of the photo/credit/location via social media and I’ll do my best to include your solidarity in the multi-media dedication to CeCe.

Please check that morning for the assigned courtroom.

My thanks to lawyer Bruce Nestor and the
National Lawyers' Guild for helping me
defend myself in the court of the 1%.

These words below are the only statement I can make at this time--the best I can do. I also include my June 4 statement below.

August 30, 2012 statement:

I will not be silent!

As a revolutionary activist, journalist/author, and proud member of the National Writers’ Union/UAW Local 1981—I will not be silent!





Source: Leslie Feinberg Facebook Note

Free Cece on Tumblr

Free Cece on Twitter

Apathy leads to cancer. Which side are you on?