By kelli Anne Busey, planetransgender, April 19, 2009
The Courtroom's galleries reaction to the defense attorney's during the murder trial of Allen Ray Andrade is a microcosm of America's disgust that anyone would attempt to justify murder by intentionally with preconceived agenda and intent, emotionally and spiritually attack Angie's loved ones while they testify.
Where else might such a disastrous and despicable tactic be found? And why is the perception of right and wrong shifting after seemingly remaining unaltered throughout eternity?
"Invisible airwaves crackle with life
Bright antenae bristle with the energy
Emotional feedback, on timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price - almost free"
~Rush Spirit of the airwaves.
When woman are raped, the presently discredited tactic defense attorneys often used was to claim or insinuate that 'we deserved it' or that we 'asked for it' because of our attire, perfume, and even the fact that we were in public at a certain hour.
Woman now hold power in society and we are no longer silent victims.
Because we as sexual minorities, LBGT people, are no longer complacent with the edict's of Misogynous patriarchate's to be discarded or at best marginalized to the perimeters of faith as we seek readmission from religions. Much to our detriment what we were actually doing was giving credence to the church's discrimination and enabling spiritual violence.
We realize now the powerful message of radical inclusion of Christ's life and are now living his word centering ourselves among the righteous of the true church.
"All this machinery making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted; it's really just a question of your honesty.
One likes to believe in the freedom of music
But glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity"
Or perhaps not so often as our previously patriarchdom controlled culture had allowed we now embrace the freedom of the air waves to confront open consciousnesses that were sedated with comfort's allowed by inequity and injustice.
"For the words of the profits were written on the studio wall and concert hall
And echoes with the sound of salesmen."
~Rush 'Freedom of the airways'.
One transgender woman who lived authentically and without fear is a part of our unstoppable transition.
This is certainly people who's life's depends on inspiring hate, worsts nightmare.
It opens the door of life, liberty, freedom and the right to live without religious persecution, for those of us who do not.
On the web
Source Beth Karas, In Session correspondent, CNN "Defense spars with victim’s family at trial "
"GREELEY, Colorado–Angie Zapata’s mother, sisters and friends took on the defense on the second day of the trial of the man accused of killing her last July. Zapata, a transgender female, was bludgeoned to death in her home in Greeley, Colorado, allegedly because she was biologically a male living as a female."
"The accused, six-time convicted felon Allen Andrade, isn’t denying he’s the killer. He says that it wasn’t a premeditated murder as charged by the state; rather that Zapata’s deceit threw him into an uncontrollable rage. If convicted of a lesser degree of murder, he could avoid life without parole."
"On the second day of the trial, seven family members and friends of Zapata testified. Of those seven, five of them, Zapata’s mother, two sisters and two friends, consistently embraced Zapata’s transgender status."
Full Article at CNN.com Defense spars with victim’s family at trial
Reconciling Ministries Network
The Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) is a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working for the full participation of all people in the United Methodist Church.
This blog post is my personal opinion and is not an official policy statement or press release from any organization.
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