Source AlJazeera English March 24, 2009 المصدر الجزيرة الانجليزية 24 مارس
"The number of state-sanctioned executions almost doubled last year."
"A report by Amnesty International shows Iran, Saudi Arabia and China as being responsible for 90 per cent of all executions in 2008."
"Now, Iran is proposing a new law that could see the death sentence imposed on internet bloggers who post offensive material on the web."
Al Jazeera's Nazanin Sadri reports.
At planetransgender I seek to contact LGBT people in countries that I've had have few visitors from or have a goverment that persecutes LGBT people. Recently I've had some readers from Iran, brave people who refuse to live in shackles. These people's lifes are now in danger.
Take Action! Stop Child Offender Executions in Iran! وقف الطفل الجانح الإعدام في إيران

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