BREAKING NEWS: TCU delays housing program for LGBT students
Source 'Instant' by Dallas Voice News Editor John Wright;
"Officials at Texas Christian University have postponed plans for a living-learning community geared toward LGBT students and their supporters."
"The two TCU students who proposed DiversityCity Q — Shelly Newkirk and Su Harz — said Monday they were disappointed with the decision. Harz said she thinks the administration caved to outside pressure, and she noted that DiversityCity Q was the only living-learning community that had generated any media attention."
"Newkirk said a demonstration is planned Friday at TCU to push for an LGBT resource center on campus. But she said the demonstration was planned prior to Monday’s decision, and she doesn’t want it to turn into a protest. The demonstration will be from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., beginning at the Bass Building and ending at the Sadler Lawn."
Full story at Dallas Voice Blog INSTANT TEA
Texas Christian University (TCU) is moving forward with plan's to provide a safe learning environment to Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Questioning students fall of 2009.
Source Dallas Morning News;
"TCU is apparently the first campus in the state to reserve housing for gay students and straight students who support them. And that's earning kudos from advocates for gay students."
"It just basically says that TCU wants their campus to be safe for all students and wants everyone to feel welcomed," said Shane Windmeyer, executive director and founder of Campus Pride. The nonprofit group supports gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender college students."
Full Original story at the Dallas Morning News TCU to provide special housing for gay, lesbian students
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