
Call For Transgender Unity After St. Petersburg Russia Anti LGBT Law Proposed!

Google doc English translation

The police simply stand by as St Petersburg pride celebrants were beaten this year but thats not enough for Putin. This purposed amendment to a St Petersburg law would further criminalize public gatherings of LGBT people equate us with pedophiles effectively banning all transgender, lesbian and gay gatherings be it for social functions like a picnic or activism events.

LGBT Asylum News reports Putins national party is enacting regional laws one city at a time shutting and dead locking the closet door.

The world is responding by petitioning the Russian government not to enact this draconian law. This English translation can be found on Moscow resident Anno Komarov's facebook page:

Anno Komarov in brown jacket being led by police from the rally

"Against the adoption of the St. Petersburg law restricting freedom of association, peaceful assembly and freedom of expression
Public law regulation, laws and legislation
St. Petersburg
... Author:
Semenov, AA
Maintained by:
Organizations do not
№ 5832
Gathering signatures.
Документы (1)
Voted (525/19)
Comments (22)
История (2)
Against the adoption of the St. Petersburg law restricting freedom of association, peaceful assembly and freedom of expression
in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg Governor Poltavchenko GS COPIES Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, VP Lukin, Commissioner on Human Rights in St. Petersburg, AS Kozyrev Ombudsman for Children in St. Petersburg, SJ Agapitovoy November 11 faction "United Russia" made in the Legislative Assembly amended the Law "On Administrative Offences in St. Petersburg." "United Russia" proposed to introduce administrative liability and impose a fine for public action aimed at the so-called "propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgender," and to promote pedophilia among minors. We, the undersigned, urge you to pay attention to the use of improper language in the law and definitive substitution of concepts. We consider it inadmissible to compare the public mention of homosexuality, bisexuality and trangendernosti propaganda of sexual crimes against minors (pedophilia). We consider it inadmissible to the adoption of this law to homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender as a normative act, which violates the basic rough shape human rights (as well as groups and organizations) to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of international human rights instruments. We believe that the law contributes directly to the feuding and an increase in xenophobic attitudes in society . We ask you not to allow adoption of the Act without proper public hearings, taking into account the full range of scientific views of the Russian and the international community, as well as peer review. We urge the authorities to respect the Constitution, in which the protection of human rights is the highest value. We ask the authorities to pay attention to the significant risk of the consequences that inevitably follow in the event of adoption of this law, namely fomenting xenophobia against homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people, fomenting discord in society and the increase in aggressive mood among the population."

Please sign the petition at Проблема 5832: Против принятия в Санкт-Петербурге закона, ограничивающего свободу объединений, мирны


APA Petitions DSM Task Force to Stop pathologization for Wealth and Power

The American Psychiatric Association Implodes Petitions the DSM task force to Stop Patholigizing for Fame and Fortune!

Exert from the Open Letter "To the DSM-5 Task Force and the American Psychiatric Association:

"As you are aware, the DSM is a central component of the research, education, and practice of most licensed psychologists in the United States. Psychologists are not only consumers and utilizers of the manual, but we are also producers of seminal research on DSM-defined disorder categories and their empirical correlates. Practicing psychologists in both private and public service utilize the DSM to conceptualize, communicate, and support their clinical work."

In other words, psychologists research, write the DSM and earn their living by it.

The letter continues For these reasons, we believe that the development and revision of DSM diagnoses should include the contribution of psychologists, not only as select individuals on a committee, but as a professional community.

This is esentialy what the 9,5000 transgender people and allies said who signed the petition "Objection to DSM-V Committee Members on Gender Identity Disorders" after it was learned Dr. Kenneth Zucker a repratitive therapy proponent was named as Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Chair.

The world wide organization STP2012 believes strongly that the pathologization of transgender people has degraded our lives. Most believe that we have made great strides in the past five years gaining our voice and social equality. Most transgender people be live they transitioned in spite of the DSM which has rendered itself inconsequential only enabling a gate keeper mentality of the few therapists who treated us and providing our opponents cornerstone proof that we are unworthy of equality since after all, we are according to the DSM mentally ill.

The DSM enables the Pathologization of transgender people for fame and wealth and this must stop. Over 2500 transgender people who have signed the petition Remove transgender from the DSM believe this.

For this reason we will be outside the Texas November Texas Psychiatric Convention asking those in attendance to add their names to the their comrades Open Letter to the DSM-5 and call on the DSM task force to heed the European Parliament call on World Health Organizations to stop considering transgender people as mentally ill.

Transgender High School Teens Harassed One Suspended for using the Restroom

FORT COLLINS - Two Fort Collins High School students say they don't feel welcome on campus because they say they're not allowed to use the restrooms they want. Both identify themselves as transgender.

Sixteen-year-old Dionne Malikowski was born male, but she now identifies as transgender. Her friend Kurt Peters, also 16, was born female and says he is transgender as well."
Source 9News.com 9 News.com

"This is who we are we're just like everyone else, normal teenagers."

School officials said there wasn't any official policy regarding transgender students using public faculties. So let me help you out on that. Source: transgenderlaw.org/ndlaws/ColoradoFAQ


Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) Board Transphobia Cover up

As reported earlier by the Dallas Voice it was hoped that the largest institution of higher education in Texas, the Dallas County Community college District with about 80-thousand students and 9-thousand employees would add gender expression and identity without debate to its non discrimination policy, but it appears this will not be the case.

It has been common practice in the past that if the administration proposes something and backs it, the board almost always approves it. However this time it was different. The board in a closed door meeting decided not to add transgender protections.

In an effort to explain the boards refusal to consider adding gender identity and expression to their nondiscrimination policy their attorney sent this letter to our lead advocate Rafael McDonnell, Communications and Advocacy Manager, Resource Center Dallas:

McDonnell sent me this in response to the DCCCD letter:
"The DCCCD's decision (claiming that they are covered by the City of Dallas" nondiscrimination policy) is based on two flawed tenets:"

Number one being the City of Dallas’ nondiscrimination ordinance explicitly does not cover governmental institutions, which is interpreted to be any body that in part or whole gets money from taxes.DCCCD gets money from property taxes, so it is exempt (from the Dallas nondiscrimination policy). They would have to amend their policy to specifically include gender identity and gender expression."

"And number two, since DCCCD has several campuses outside of the city of Dallas, there is a question if those campuses would have any sort of coverage based on where they are located. The way the city of Dallas ordinance has been interpreted in the past is that the employees must physically work in the city limits, not just for an organization that is headquartered in the city limits."
Phone calls to the School Chancellor Dr. Wright Lassiter have not been returned as of this time however Ann Hatch media contact for the DCCCD returned my call. After I explained my concerns she contacted the attorneys who had sent McDonnell this letter. She later left a voice mail explaining the lawyers will send McDonnell another letter and apologize for the first letter.

However Hatch said the board of regents decision remains unchanged. The board feels that should a transgender person feel they are being discriminated against they should file a claim under sexual orientation because sexual orientation and gender identity are the same.

The premise that by association with lesbians and gays transgender people are protected in nondiscrimination polices is false. Just two months in ago September a Houston Community College teacher called transgender people “freaks” and “weirdos” and since the Houston School does not have implicit protections for transgender people that 'teacher' may get a talking to, if anything at all.

This is unacceptable, that Houston teacher should have been suspended immediately and would have been had Houston had transgender protections in place.

What would bethe outcome if a teacher at one of the DCCCD colleges were to say black people were 'lazy and smelled bad'?

The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies recognize the need to implicitly protect gender expression and identity and call on the DCCCD to implement those protections now.

This evening, the Resource Center Dallas asked DCCCCD Chancellor Wright Lassiter to schedule a Dec. 6 board vote to add transgender nondiscrimination protections for students and employees. Please call his office at 214-378-1601 or email wlassiter@dcccd.edu. and make a similar request.

Dallas County Community College District Facebook page

On Twitter @dcccd


Holland MI Right Wing Fighting for LGBT Equality

As anyone who has traveled to Holland Michigan will confirm its one conservative town. And to the casual observer of the human rights movement the fact that many of the residents are now fighting for LGBT rights seems a oxymoron.

The conservative minister pictured to the right? That's Bill Freeman. He's not espousing anti LGBT rhetoric. He's leading the fight for our rights!

However our conservative advocate allies in Holland are not unique, but they are Americans of the finest caliber. They are the embodiment of true American family values. They join the ground swell of unanticipated advocates who have stepped out of the crowd and declared, we are all equal.

NPR All Things Considered


Transgender and Health Activists to Demonstrate at the Texas Psychiatric Convention

In conjunction with the Global International Campaign to Stop Transgender Pathologization 2012 a group of health and transgender activists will be gathering at the Texas Psychiatric Convention November 12th. We will be drawing attention to transgender demands that we not be pathologized in the revised DSM-5 scheduled to be published in 2013, irregardless of the proposed softening of dichotomy.

Since the majority of participating Psychiatrists are APA members and the conventions curlicium does not include a discussion pertaining to the social responsibilities as physicians to transgender people it is felt a protest would be appropriate.

American Psychiatrists take their cues for treatment of transgender people from the DSM which also strongly influences the World Health Organization ICD which sets the Standards of Care (SOC) for the rest of the globe.

We will be bring attention progress made in Europe. In a statement September 29, 2011 the European Parliament announced it passed a resolution demanding that the World Health Organization stop treating transgender people as mentally ill.

From the Parliaments InterGroup on LGBT Rights : "In a resolution adopted yesterday, the European Parliament has called on the World Health Organization to stop considering transgender people as mentally ill. Gender dysphoria is currently classified as a ‘mental and behavioural disorder’ in the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases. (ICD F-64 Gender identity disorders)"

The text adopted yesterday “calls on the Commission and the World Health Organization to withdraw gender identity disorders from the list of mental and behavioural disorders, and ensure a non-pathologising reclassification in the negotiations on the 11th version of the International Classification of Diseases. (to be release shortly after the revised DSM) ”

Finally, we are directly speaking to all politicians. Our demands are clear:

We demand the removal of transexuality from the mental disorders’ manuals (DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10). To bring the treatments on intersex babies to an end.

We demand our right to change our name and sex in the official documents without having to go through any medical or psychological monitoring. We also think that the State should have no jurisdiction over our names, bodies and our identities.

We take here the words from the feminist movement in their fight for the right to abortion, and the right to your own body: we demand our right to freely decide whether if we want or not to modify our bodies. Our rights to be able to carry on with our decision, with no bureaucratic, political or economical impediments, nor any other type of medical coercion. We want the sanitary systems to take positions regarding the Gender Identity Disorder, for them to recognise the transphobia that this classification implies, and for them to rethink their healthcare programs regarding transexuality, making the psychiatric monitoring an unnecessary step, and the psychotherapeutic monitoring a voluntary option.

We demand also that the surgeries on intersex newborns stop.

We denounce the extreme vulnerability and the difficulties, when accessing the labor market, of the trans community. We demand granted access to the labor market and that specific politics are engaged to end marginalization and discrimination of our community. We also demand health and security conditions for sex workers and the end of the police’s besieging to these persons, as well as sexual traffic.

Vulnerability situations are stressed in cases of immigrant trans persons, who reach our country fleeing from extreme violence situations. We demand the immediate concession of political asylum in these cases, and at the same time we claim that the rights of migrant people are brought to the same level. We denounce the effects of the actual politics on foreign nationals over the most vulnerable social sectors.

While we shout that we are no victims but active beings and with the capacity of deciding over our own identities, we want to remember too all the aggressions, murders, and suicides of trans people due to transphobia. We signal the system guilty of this violence. Silence is complicity.

We finish showing the extreme rigidity with which the male/female binomial is imposed as the solely and exclusive option. Binomial that is built and therefore can be questioned. Our solely existence proves its falseness and points to a plural and diverse reality. Diversity that we dignify today.

When medicine and State define us as disordered, they are proving that our identities, our lifes, deeply disturb their system. That’s why we say that the illness is not in us but within gender binarism.

We make public that the International Network for Trans Depathologization is born to consolidate a worldwide coordination of our first goal: the removal of transexuality from the DSM-IV-TR in 2013. A first step for diversity, a first knock to transphobia.

For the diversity of our bodies and identities!

Transphobia makes us ill!






Watch Domaine Javier on MTV True Life Transgender Cross Road

We all know by now that Domaine Javier was expelled from a Southern Baptist nursing school for revealing her transexuality on this MTV "True Life" episode. But this is an amazing show. What about you? Where do you feel you are in the honesty curve?

"I can snag a guy anytime I want, I go out on a lot of dates.
As long as I'm passing as a woman I never tell them I'm really a guy. As long as I'm
passing I can never allow myself to be in love. I can't allow myself to be that close to anyone. Inside my heart I am sad to be honest. People are admiring me for the fake me. It will be a huge weight off my shoulders when I can be honest."

This is a huge issue for all transgender people especially during early transition for gorgeous people like Domaine Javier. Her transition brought her to a crossroads we all are familiar with. Honesty verse deception. The emptiness of physicality. What would you do? What are you doing? How dangerous is your life?



Open letter reminding two grown Texas men, Bo and Jim to respect the dignity of children.

This letter should never have been needed to be written and probably would not have been had Bo and Jim Morning DJs at 92.5 Lonestar taken me up on my offer a number of weeks ago. I offered to help them understand a little more about transgender people after inadvertently listening to there show one morning and becoming upset about there obvious ignorance about gender diversity.

But the Bo and Jim show is one of those that even a radical transgender activist like myself finds hard to get overly upset about. Normally that is. Usually one of the DJ's plays bad boy approaching the line of decency in a lovable good ole southern boy style and at some point stepping over it just to be dragged back by his counter part. Its a tired old schtick but no harm no foul, right?

But this time the brunt of there humor that morning was a 7 year old transgender girl. A girl who they were already aware was in tears because a local Girl Scout leader had refused her membership and Tammye Nash editor of the Dallas Voice heard you. Tammye's natural maternal instincts kicked in and she sent a you a email.

But unlike my effort weeks ago when you ignored my outreach you acknowledged her, even apologising to her.

Bo and Jim you acted despicably and your apology needs to be made on the air to Bobby the girl you 'jokingly' said would have to endure a life of broken noses and missing teeth because of her gender expression.

Bo and Jim I can tell you as a transgender woman who has been left unconscious a number of times after being beaten for my gender expression Its No Joke. I can also tell you its been four years since I legally changed my gender marker and up until three months ago I subsisted on under 9k a year. And my new full time job? I have had to endure incredible hatred during the first few weeks and that Bo and Jim IS NO JOKE.

Anyways, an apology isn't even whats really needed here. You would do well to become personally acquainted with us and when you do you will probably feel more paternal towards our community's children as well. Its only natural for two Texas men. I will let stand my offer to talk to you too on the air. I hope this time you will take me up on it.

Kelli Anne Busey



Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies

As Tammye wrote you can be a positive force for change. "...if you want to make your opinions known, you can contact Lone Star 92.5 by phone at 214-866-8000. Lone Star’s program director is Don Davis. Email him at dondavis@clearchannel.com or call him directly at 214-866-8610. And you can email Jim at jim@lonestar925.com, and Bo at bo@lonestar925.com."

Cross posted from the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies


Charles McVety STOP CORRUPTING The Bible to Instill Fear

Pseudo Christian Charles McVety is at it again. Previously a print version of this video now being aired on Canadian TV was pulled with the publisher apologizing and promising to apply any earnings made from it to queer endeavours.

Now it appears this hate monger is at it again and according to Canadian blogger Mercedes Allen there's much more to it and we need to remain vigilant.


Setting FOX News Right! Ablow Stop Attacking Transgender Children

Yes Keith Ablow, homophobic transphobe and Fox News go to psychiatrist, a lesbian couple is giving hormone blockers to a prepubescent MTF transgender child.

Fox News once again needlesly attacks transgender people and in doing so panders to its right wing neocon religious demagogues ignoring the scientific community instead relying on its in house "experts" and hand picked transphobes.

But this time they have stepped over the line targeting the totally unprotected and vulnerable of the gender diverse, our children.

Fox News writer Perry Chiaramonte would have done well to read the the newly revised WPATH Standard of Care for gender variant children if he had any intention of authoring a article in the child's best interest, which obviously he did not.

From the beginning Chiaramonte needless did harm intentionally misgendering the child and as this article will be available to her as she grows older it will undoubtedly cause her great distress.

Chiaramonte seeks to somehow justify the articles assertion some wrongdoing is being committed by the parents. He interviews a author who wrote a book about unsecessfully transitioning even though Chiaramonte admits that these instances are nearly non existent the author offers this as some sort of evidence of parental wrong doing.

Finally the last two paragraphs get to the real reason this article was written.

A lesbian couple is raising a gender variant child consistent with HER innate sense of gender and not her biological gender.

That evidently was too much for discredited psychiatrist Keith Ablow, a Fox News contributor to stand by and wittiness but since he was blown up by his own anchor Megyn Kelly not long ago about transgender people, he needed a ghost writer to validate him.

Congratulations Abdow we can now add Perry Chiaramonte to the growing list of discredited humiliated Faux contributors. And congratulations Ablow for your apparent demotion from 'FOX Staff psychiatrist' to 'contributor'. Maybe next you will just stop hurting people?


Urgent UK FTM Asylum Seeker In Need of Safe House

***URGENT*** FTM Asylum Seeker; Room in Safe House Needed or donations.

Press for Change supporting an FTM asylum seeker, who has left
transphobic violence at home to seek safety. Early 40's, Indian, FTM,
ex-Lawyer, Social Worker & MBA educated. He has waited 5 months for UK
Border Agency, but they are refusing all asylum interviews, meaning he
(and many, many others) are not allowed to work or get benefits. Now he
has no money left at all.

Samir is Birmingham based but will travel for safety. He has a red cross
food parcel for 1 week, and no money.

Was thrown out of last room 3 weeks ago, by landlord in horrible violent
sexual attack, so he is currently between floors and most nights are
spent walking the streets at great risk. Homeless shelter for men only
so refused him on grounds of safety.

He has asked to be put into detention – as he would be housed and
fed, but has been refused.

Please Offer a room by mail: stephen@pfc.org.uk or by leaving message on 0161 432 1915,
or if no room, please consider making donation at http://transequality.co.uk/Donations.aspx

This time your charity really will make a difference to one person who
you can all get to know.

Any surplus money will be placed into a dedicated fund to help other
Asylum and Refugee trans people in the UK.

Many, many thanks


Vice-President and Head of Legal Services, Press for Change, http://www.pfc.org.uk/

***The UK's Leading Advisors on Transgender Law***

Need Legal advice & Support, visit the TransEquality Project,

PFC's free legal advice service for trans people, funded by PFC &
the EHRC.

Office tel: 0161 432 1915, Office email: office@pfc.org.uk
, Direct mail: stephen@pfc.org.uk

Please write to Press for Change, Yew Bank House, 24 Mauldeth Rd,
Stockport, SK4 3NE

Please note: In providing this service, Press for Change and its
associated TransEquality Project employees and voluntary advice workers
do their best to ensure that the information and advice we provide is
accurate. We will notify you immediately if we believe that you urgently
need the services of a solicitor. You should always consider whether you
might need to take further advice, or a second opinion, from the
Citizens Advice Bureau or a local solicitor.


God and Christ Loves you my Transgender Family!

In biblical times there were men who would exclude Transgender people (Eunuchs). This belief still exists among some men now. I just received this tweet from one of such men.

As promised I will now lead him to three places in the Bible where transgender people are specifically welcomed.

In the Old Testament.....

Enter the prophet of Isaiah 56. Speaking for God, he announced: "Do not let the foreigner joined to the LORD say, ‘The LORD will surely separate me from his people’; and do not let the eunuch say, ‘I am just a dry tree.’ For thus says the LORD: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths . . . I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. And the foreigners who. . . hold fast my covenant -- these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer. . .for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples" (56:1-7).

Contrasting Isaiah verses can be found here which "Conservative" Christians use to validate their hate of all that's different. In the book of Deuteronomy, "No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the Lord" (23:1). A similar passage in Leviticus declares that "no one who has a blemish shall draw near" the sanctuary, including one with "crushed testicles" (21:18-20).

What is clear is the there are a number of men who presumed to speak on god and Christianity's behalf. Some were exclusionary going as far as to exclude a person with a blemish but in my opinion the vast majority of Christians welcome all who have "Blemishes" and most understand our diversity as gods blessing.

Jesus teaches welcomes and acknowledges the difficulties cisgender people would have in understanding transgender people. In Mathew 19:11 and 12 He said to his followers, “All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given 12: For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it."

I believe that passage was a 'post-it-note' from Christ just before he began his accession and not as many have come to believe a clarification on marriage. There is no reference to marriage contained within it, only a effort to help his more Conservative followers understand transgender people.

After Christ was crucified true to his promise God made his will be known thru the holy spirit by saving a transgender man after he had been rejected by the Conservative Christians after trying to be baptised in Jerlusem. Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch God commands a Philip a successful pastor to travel down the road leading to Gaza. This road was a desert road rift with criminals, without a doubt a road less traveled.

I believe this was the original occurrence of what has become universally understood within the transgender community as our road less travelled. Our path is one less taken but one that we share. We have community with each other. Its what keeps us together when sometimes hate surrounds us. When we see our family slain. When we share joy.

Taking this one step further I believe when Philip and the Eunuch were brought together it was for more than just their benefit, it was for every transgender person who followed.

Know this my transgender family. You are beloved by God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.


Post Op Transgender Woman Megan Stabler becomes Man Again to Marry

Megan Stabler Switchs from Ms to Mr to Marry Steals Keisling's Quisling Crown.

Megan Stabler, HRC Shill, just sold out the transgender community in the finest of HRC fashion. Stabler just provided the haters proof positive to their claims our gender is simply a lifestyle choice we can simply want.

Megan Stabler please read this!

Transgender people in Texas love our Lone Star but we have a burden, it’s called the right wing and along with that weight we have a responsibility. We must remain faithful to our brothers and sisters living our lives in truth, dignity and authentically. We are all more than aware of the spotlight we live under and how tenuous our lives are. Obviously Stabler never got that memo even though she profesed to being aware of those obligations in this youtube of the San Fransico 2008 Black Tie.

You know, in 2008 when the rest of us were outside protesting
HRC's betrayal of transgender people Stabler was yucking it up with them inside.

She ?temporarily? Changed her gender so she could marry a woman. OMG! Mr. or is it Mrs. Stabler? The right wing will delight in the coming decades reminding us of our apparent switch- ability.

I have met Stabler years ago one day in Austin along with the great Benedict Mara Keisling. She is condescending, arrogant dismissive and a twit. Now she proves her merit by abandoning her own gender to 'prove her love'?

Stabler no matter what you do you cannot rationalize this to the haters and their ilk regardless.

Even if you truly felt it was an act of love.

And here's why. Not all of us are privliaged like you.

I just started a full time job, the first since I went full time in 2007. I Have risen like a phoenix from homelessness to couch surfer, to a two year stint PROVING MY AUTHENTICITY at a part time job finally landing a full time job.

Haters blindsided me the very first day on my full time job starting a rumor that I was using the men’s room. The management 'overheard' the conversation and the next thing I know on my second day of my life saving job I was in the Human Relations office having the core of my gender being put into a spotlight, my very existence questioned.

My right to life was in the balance.

They wanted to know if I was a man or woman? Were they wrong when they hired me, was not my transition complete? Was I really in the men’s room? OMG!

Satbler this was not just a disservice. Not just an unkind word. This will go down in infamy and haunt us forever.

More at LGBT Weekly


Chilean Transgender Houses Burnt to the Ground Demand a Investigation!

Four separate houses temporally being used after a earthquake destroyed the permanent structures were burnt to the ground on September 19, 2011. The investigating official declared it a accident caused by a space heater even though he never visited the site.

Ironically, or perhaps intentionally the fire occur ed as the occupants were celebrating independence day.

Source: Front Line Defenders.org "Ms Soraya Sánchez, President of Transgéneras por el Cambio, (Transgender for Change) and Mr Andrés Rivera Duarte of the Organización por la Dignidad de la Diversidad – OTD (Organisation for Dignity of Diversity), have publicly denounced the fires as a hate crime, specifically targeting the transgender community and organisations working to promote and protect the rights of that community. As a result of their public statements both Transgéneras por el Cambio and the OTD fear that there could be further attacks carried out against them or their members."

Front Line Human Rights Defenders Take Action


Thank You AFA for Providing the Email Platform to Contact DWTS

The AFA hiding behind the facade of a mothers organization has undertaken a email campaign targeting the sponsors of Dancing With The Stars. The proxy organization "One Million Moms.com is asking sponsors of the DWTS to withdraw there support now that Chaz Bono is sashaying on their show.

I emailed the sponsors using their form. (Click forms for a readable version)

I think its a wonderful idea made even better since I was able to insert a title and edit the note! So now instead of a letter attacking us it thanks and encourages the sponsors to do more for DWTS!

Just seconds later I received this email from Kohl's thanking me for contacting them and asking that they continue to support transgender people in entertainment.

I like this so much I will put a link on the AFA Facebook page thanking them personally!


London's Calling (AGAIN?): Transphobic Julie Bindel on Shortlist For a Diversity Award!

In 2008 I wrote the article London Calling : Transphobic Julie Bindel Nominated Writer of the year by Stonewall UK about this rad-fem transphobic woman who unbelievably was up for a journalistic award by London's gay advocacy group "Stonewall".

She did not receive that award due to the transgender and queer outrage. Stonewall decided at the last moment to avoid the negativity and condemnation that undoubtedly would have followed.

Now just a few years latter Julie Bindel is up for another award this one unbelievably is for diversity! !!OF ALL THINGS!!

Once again queers and trans people will be forced to take to the streets but this time Bindel has made another enemy, Muslim people.

You can get the details at

Picketing the European “Diversity” Awards
at Andy's Miscellany.

If you are on Facebook you can join the "Picket the European Diversity Awards" for all the latest updates.


Slain DC Transgender Woman Lashai McLean's Memorial Teddy Bear Burned By Haters

The hatred goes on as this memorial just placed for Lashai McLean was burned and left in the street as she was as silent testimony to peoples capacity for cruelty.


Texas Police Chaplain Speaks out Against Capital Punishment in Our Broken System

In light of the scheduled execution of a innocent man in Georgia Troy Davis I am cross posting a facebook note posted by the Rt. Rev. Robert D. Hall

"Just about every single exoneree who has walked off death row has done so in spite of the system, not because of it." -Rev. Robert D. Hall

"The time to halt executions in Texas is now. The flaws of the Texas death penalty system have become too obvious to ignore any longer. Six times in the past seven years the public has learned about persons wrongly convicted and sentenced to death row. Bogus forensic science accounted for some of those accounts. In the most tragic cases, Innocent men were executed before their names could be cleared. Until society is able to guarantee that the system will not put another innocent person to death, an irreversible form of punishment cannot be used. Texas must put a moratorium on capital punishment."

In another state a man waits his murder which is what what will be committed if Troy Davis is not allowed a fair trial. Everyone who had placed Davis at the crime scene have recanted their testimony. There is no physical evidence he committed that murder. It is time to stop this country's prosecutors who's only desire is a conviction, not the truth.

Read Father Hall's note in its entirety A Flawed System Calls for a Moratorium on Texas Capital Punishment"


Video: Fox News Megyn Kelly Tears Apart Transphobic Dr.Keith (Chaz is a Man) Ablow

I can't remember the last time I stood up on my chair and applauded Fox News but you Ms.Kelly ROCKED this haters world with truth and love. Thank you!!

H/T to towleroad.com

Original Keith Ablow (hard) Op-ed


STP2012 Designates October 22nd International Day of Action

Stop Transgender Pathologization (STP)

The International Day of Action for Trans Depathologization will take place this year on Saturday, October 22nd 2011. We invite all activist groups around the world to participate in this call for action and go out into the streets for trans depathologization.

To participate, please contact: contact@stp2012.info

Apart from this international day of action, STP 2012 will continue working, in collaboration with other activist networks, in international forums in favor of trans declassification, and through participating in groups and work commissions. We will also continue to participate in regional and international meetings, symposiums and conferences, with the objective of spreading the word about STP 2012 and creating spaces for debate regarding trans depathologization.

International Stop Trans Pathologization Campaign - STP 2012, July 2011
Contact: contact@stp2012.info

Communique_July2011 PDF


Jenifer Rene Pool Speaks about HRC, ENDA & Public Accommodations Provisions.

Originally, I supported Houston City Council candidate transgender woman Jenifer Rene Pool unquestionably.

She was recommended by a Gay political activist, a dear friend and ally who I trust implicitly whom now lives in Houston. I spent weeks talking to nearly all the political organizations and activists in Houston each and every one gave Jenifer Pool sterling recommendations. I was So impressed with her I wrote a factual news worthy article exposing a conspiracy to deny Pool an endorsement by the Victory Fund and attempts to divide the LGBT vote by Lesbian Council Member Sue Lovell.

I talked to everyone except Transgender and Transsexual people. It quickly became apparent to me I had made a major mistake. Because Jenifer had come so highly recommended by the Gay and Lesbian community I had not consulted a single Trans person. Nada. Zip. Not one.

So I posted The 64 Dollar Transgender Political Question, Will Jenifer Pool Remain Faithful to us? with a similar note on Facebook asking for feedback.

And feedback I got.

I was one of the transgender community who protested HRC after being betrayed in 2007 over ENDA so I am more than empathic with the anti Gay.com sentiments expressed on that note by sister and brother advocates. But I am also more than willing to take undue credit for HRC relenting and adding us to their mission statement. Also coming to light in that note is the angst within the Transgender community regarding the history of transgender identified candidates allowing HRC to co-opt the transgender message and taking credit for work we did to for that candidate.

So there is a hesitancy to endorse a transgender candidates. Because in the past they have more often than not hitched their wagons to HRC's money horse after our initial support eventually pitting the transgender community's health, saftey and political future against HRC's powerful agenda. Such was the case just this year in Maryland. We prevailed in that instance despite HRC's Trans token tom's best efforts.

But we transgender people who protested were not the only ones to bring about change during the ENDA upheaval. Not only was my group The Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies added as a supporter of United ENDA so also was the Houston GLBT Caucus and hundreds of other TLBGQIA groups.

But the 64 Dollar Question still remained unanswered so I took a cue from sister blogger Monica Roberts who commented "verify, then trust..."

So I called Jenifer again and asked her to talk about this crucial topic. I explained my personal involvement protesting the HRC post 2015 and asked with baited breath if Jenifer understood the anger of the comments on my Facebook note.

Jenifer Pool replied "No I do not" and my heart stopped. I thought oh good god, not again but Jenifer explained "Of course I attended the 2008 Houston Gala, I was on the HRC diversity steering committee at the time doing my best for an inclusive ENDA. In that capacity I facilitated writing a letter to the national leadership but our influence on the national organization was of course limited." Pool goes on to explain "And at the time I was also president of the Houston GLBT Political Caucus and because of my insistence we joined United ENDA.

Now it was time for the 64 Dollar money question.

I asked Jenifer if she would support a transgender "equality" bill without public provisions accommodations. We as a community need to know if she would support one such as HR235 in which HRC assisted Equality Maryland unsuccessfully tried to force on us earlier this year. Jenifer Pool replied "No I would not. A transgender protection bill without public accommodations provisions is not an equality bill at all."

There you have it. The answer to the 64 Dollar Questions.

Never before to my knowledge has there been a transgender politician so forthcoming and accessible. When I called Rene Pool last afternoon once again she was a delight to speak. Her answers are offered without hesitation and clearly she was speaking from her heart.

Never before has a transgender political candidate held views so in line with our community’s best interests. Never before has a transgender candidate had such an opportunity to gain the highest elected position ever held by one of us.

And as it turns out, I am still unquestionably supportive Jenifer Rene Pool. So much so that she can add the Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies to her growing list of endorsers. I am that sure of this.

But this is all just an opportunity. We can make this our reality if you give Jenifer Rene Pool half a chance. Will you give her a chance?

Jenifer Rene Pool for City Council at Large Position 2

Dallas Transgender Advocates and Allies Endorses Jenifer Rene Pool


The 64 Dollar Transgender Political Question, Will Jenifer Pool Remain Faithful to us?

Recently I posted a Facebook note in which I intended to engage political activists, organizations, allies and enemy's alike in a conversation about the non endorsement of Jenifer Rene Pool by the Victory Fund.

What I got wasn't what I wanted.

I had talked to every political action group in Houston who gave Pool thumbs up in spades except one, Transgender and transsexual people. A classic case of me not seeing the trees for the woods.

In retrospect I see my error. I was so focused on her political viability I ignored the most important question. Will this transgender candidate do as many before her have and become a mouthpiece for gay.com or will she break the mold and keep her transgender ties not allowing herself to become a pawn in HRCs assimilist agenda?

Seems in my angst I even unfriended a young transsexual advocate because she kept asking questioning my support of Pool who is a HRC proponent on that same Facebook note. Again I was wrong and I owe Ashley Love an apology for that.

We need to come to terms with our past with HRC and find a way to move forward.

The truth is I protested at the Houston Black Tie and at New Orleans. I also managed that year to get a groups of transgender protesters inside both the Austin and Dallas Black Tie's to represent and protest. I was angered by HRC's acquiescences to Congressman Barney Frank's splitting ENDA HR2015 effectively blocking trans people from workplace equality. I was angry and upset that there were transgender people in attendance. I was upset that there were half a dozen mounted riot cops and a dozen other foot and bike cops hounding our every move.

And I am aware Jenifer Rene Pool was partying it up at that same Black Tie.

So I asked a longtime Trans friend who wishes to remain anonymous, do you think Jenifer Pool will forsake her transgender community as so many others have done before her?

"Unfortunately, HRC's sock puppets are the only ones of us who get any support. And if any of them ever gets elected, I fear the HRC spin on it (as I do with Jenifer): OUR trans candidate won with all OUR support, etc. They'll do anything to drive unknowing trans people & families into their camp via whatever trickery it takes. They so badly want to revise history and whitewash over their history."
So, I don't have a answer to that 64 dollar question and am as hesitant as the next trans activist who endured HR2015 to endorse her.

What I do know is this. Jenifer Rene Pool is a amazingly qualified council candidate and possibly in line for Mayoral run at some point with this win. I know she is being unfairly discriminated against by the Victory Fund and her chances diminished thanks to the labor of an extremely vindictive lesbian Houston council member, Sue Lovell.

And I do know that as we increase our political bankroll (interactions, and media respectability) transgender politicians will be less likely to forget about the value of our political capitol but as one of the smallest and most marginalized minorities we have one tough row to hoe.

Will HRC try to spin Jenifer Rene Gale into a gay.com success? Undoubtedly. The real 64 dollar question then is this. Are we going forsake political involvement and commitment for fear of becoming humiliated by HRC again or are we going to increase our visibility, activism and outreach and take an active role in shaping our destiny and denying HRC that easy revisionist assimilist grab?

So what do you think?


Transgender Child In Coma From Alleged Bat Attack Police need your help

There is a transgender woman in the hospital we just don't know what happened" Detective Mark Jamieson told during our phone conversation.

He continued "The alleged attack happened may have taken place on this quite residential road as reported. We are looking into it and if we do find evidence it happened we will investigate if it was in fact a bias crime."

Our community, myself included, has been outraged after reading the original Seattle Times account of an attack on a transgender child with learning disabilities in Seattle. We are on the verge of adopting a lynch mob mentality the crime against this transgender child is that heinous.

However Detective Jamieson appeals for a calm rational approach instead.

Detective Jamieson continued "However the alleged crime was reported three days after the fact. The news reports that followed included information we were not give and the parents of the child have not been in communication with us since. There is a article just published in the Seattle Times which presents a more fair and balanced account Police unsure if attack on transgender woman a bias crime."

I mentioned to the Detective that the transgender umbrella includes those with autism and that being said, these children face incredible barriers to living authentically which only serves to fuel our community protective feelings.
Detective Jamieson is aware and empathetic but reiterated the best thing we can do is act responsibly, not jump to conclusions and care with your heart about this child regardless if she is trans or not.

Police report PDF

If you have any information concerning this please contact:

Detective Mark Jamieson
Public Affairs

Seattle Police Department
PO Box 34986, 610 5th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 684-5521 office
(206) 375-6471 cell


InterSex & Transgender Australians Must Register as Sexual Deviants to get Testosterone Blocker Androcur

Criminalizing the Transgender and Intersex people down under.

InterSex and Transgender Australians must register as sexual deviants and risk being put on the sex offender registry to be prescribed the testosterone blocker Procur which is also sold under the generic names Cyprohexal and Androcur. From A.E. Brain and the oii Australia.

Clipped from from the Sex and gender diversity Report of initial consultation

However the lower cost spironolactone according to one comment on the The Dawn Chorus is available without ruining your life by registering as a sexual deviant and sex offender.

My question is why hasn't this gross injustice been remedied?


CDC Report Black and Hispanic Transgender Woman Have Highest Rate of New HIV Infection

Source August 12, 2011 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV among Transgender People

"Approximately 90% of MtF and FtM people newly diagnosed with HIV infection were black or Hispanic. Newly diagnosed transgender people were more likely to have been in their teens or twenties than their non-transgender counterparts. Also, among newly diagnosed people, 50% of transgender women had documentation in their medical records of substance use, commercial sex work, homelessness, incarceration, and/or sexual abuse as compared with 31% of other people who were not transgender."

"Findings from a meta-analysis of 29 published studies showed that 27.7% of transgender women tested positive for HIV infection (4 studies), but when testing was not part of the study, only 11.8% of transgender women self-reported having HIV (18 studies). In one study, 73% of the transgender women who tested HIV-positive were unaware of their status. Studies also indicate that black transgender women are more likely to become newly infected with HIV."

Not surprisingly, low self esteem and a need of validation are among the main factors for the high rate of HIV infection in the transgender community. It's important to talk about and not something for the "religious" right to use as a weapon to validate there contention we would just disappear should infected transgender people be ignored and untreated. That's part of the final solution they are fervently trying to legislate in Uganda's reanimated "Kill Gay" bill.

The CDC has also released a study of New Resources on HIV amoung Woman and Transgender people


You are Transgender Cathey Brennan. Live with it and stop the Hate!

Who we are today is a sum of what we were and whom we have envisioned ourselves to be yesterday. Be proud of that addition/subtraction. You are art in progress.

Sadly, that philosophy is not appreciated by the Westboro Baptist Church, any number of right wing hate groups or a person named Cathey Brennan. Recently Brennan blindsided the transgender community with a letter to the UN seeking to dis empower and disfranchise transgender people purportedly to protect the fringe group Womyn-born womyn from everyone else under the transgender umbrella.

So what are Womyn-born womyn? Essentially its a group of people who have formed a exclusionary club and will stop at nothing to point out exactly how different they are from us, even from people that they share a common past with.

Wait a minute, what? Brennan is transgender or why would she identify as Womyn-born womyn? Cathy Brennan is transgender but transphobia knows no bounds.

It has occurred to me I have never seen the AFA's Bryan Fischer and Cathey Brennan in the same room at the same time. Their hateful memes use the exact same tactics.

Deconstruction of the transgender identity, establish that transgender woman are men and vilify the new identity as a perverted criminal who only desire is finding a way to rape your daughter in the bathroom. Time after time we face that same lie. Brennan is just one more hater to use it.

I have had personal knowledge of Brennan's transphobia. During a Facebook discussion about a Maryland 'equality' bill that would have legalized our exclusion from the proper restroom Brennan became so disruptive I warned her she would be baned if she didn't stop. Her answer was to call me a weirdo. At the time her antagonism was explained away by some in our community but no more.

Brennan seriously needs therapy for her transphobia before she hurts herself and other transgender people.

As have marched towards equality it has become more and more apparent to cisgender woman just how much we have in common. They are some of our most adamant supporters as it become undeniably apparent we are all woman fighting for the same thing, equality and respect and in that sense we are all transgender.

And Brennan, I don't want to exclude anyone from the opening paragraph. Take it to heart. Give up the anger. Grow past your hate and into the sunshine.


Victory Fund Torpedo’s Transgender Jenifer Rene Pool Thanks to Lesbian Sue Lovell

"Transgender people and our allies should see this as a slap in the face." -Ray Hill Houston Political Icon

The Endorsement of the Victory Fund is seen by most LGBT people as crucial in a political campaign and its absence would be indicative of a fatally flawed campaign, strategy or politician.

The who, where, why, and what does Sue Lovell have to do with it.

Jenifer Rene Pool, a transgender woman, is running for Houston’s Texas's City Council at Large Position 2 and if she should win it will be a historic achievement. Jenifer Pool would then hold the highest elected position ever achieved by a transgender American. She has the backing of every LGBT organization dedicated to helping campaigns of LGBT Americans except one, The Victory Fund.

What are the Victory Fund qualifications?

To be considered for endorsement, candidates must:

"be openly gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender;
demonstrate community support and a realistic plan to win;
demonstrate support of federal, state or local efforts to advance LGBT civil rights via the legislative or regulatory process*; and
demonstrate support of federal, state or local efforts to safeguard privacy and reproductive freedom.*

Jenifer Rene Pool endorsements for City Council at Large Position 2 include:

The Houston Area Stonewall Democrats and the group Democracy for Houston.

Also endorsing is the Houston Stonewall Young Democrats who's president Robert Shipman offered this about their endorsement. "We screened four candidates and Jenifer Rene Pool was among the top two. We chose Pool because of her long history of helping and volunteering for the GLBT community, political viability and integrity."

In another phone conversation Houston GLBT Political Caucus president Noel A. Freeman explained that their endorsement of Jenifer Pool was decided through a rigorous interview process including and a comprehensive 48 point questionnaire. Freeman said "As a nonpartisan organization we vet the candidates thoroughly regardless of political affiliation or how they identify within the GLBT community. Jenifer simply is the best person for the job."

Jenifer Rene Pools professional qualifications:

Pool was appointed by Houston's previous Mayor Bill White as a City Commissioner of The Building & Standards Commission. During her service on that commission it became apparent to Pool there were changes needed in order for it to function properly and following her recommendation current Mayor Annise Parker formed the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Building and Standards to study and recommend amendments to the city ordinances reorganizing the Building & Standard Commission. Pool was appointed by Mayor Annise Parker to that Blue Ribbon Task Force and after reorganization was reappointed by Parker to serve on the Building & Standard Commission and the Police Advisory Commission.

Jenifer Rene Pools Political and Volunteer work for the LGBT community:

Jenifer Pool is a former three (3) term president of the GLBT Political Caucus, where her communication and organizational abilities brought the Caucus to the forefront of community involvement. She is a current board member of the Houston Transgender Unity Committee and recipient of their Lifetime Achievement Award. Jenifer Pool is a steering member and past Co-Chair of the Diversity Committee of the Human Rights Campaign-Houston and a regular DJ on the Queer Voices on Houston's Pacifica Radio.

The Pool Campaign is among the top two for funds raised.

In a phone conversation Jenifer she offered this about her campaign "our campaign slogan is "Integrity and Dependability" and we are proud to stand by that". I asked Jenifer if she was prochoice the only remaining possible reason the Victory Fund would not endorse her and Pool explained "I have been on record for some time being in favor of a woman's right to choose." Jenifer Pools Campaign Manager Clay Sands added "Hands down Jenifer is clearly the most qualified candidate. She has paid her dues on behalf of our community and her actions speak for themselves."

Clearly Jenifer Rene Pool has met the requirements set by the Victory Fund through years of LGBT community volunteer work, professional and political selfless commitment to our community. So what exactly or whom is working against her endorsement by the Victory Fund?

Sadly it turns out it's one of our “own”.

The orchestrating ringleader of the effort against Jenifer Pool's endorsement by the Victory Funds and her defeat is Lesbian Sue Lovell (right) who presently holds the council position Jenifer Pool is campaigning for. Lovell who will not be able to campaign for the council seat again because of term limitations.

It has been said that Sue Lovell is a dirty vindictive politician and is doing these dirty tricks out of spite. Seems her angst dates back to when Jenifer's camp endorsed Obama and Lovell's Hillary Clinton.

"The Victory Fund endorses qualified, committed openly LGBT candidates who can WIN at the ballot box. (Epithesis by the Victory Fund)

Originally I began looking into this when an anonymous source told me Sue Lovell had been heard saying "Jenifer Rene Pool is unelectable". which would be the undeniable proof of Lovell’s alleged anti Transgender campaign. I didn't find anyone willing to be quoted saying they heard Councilwoman Lovell say that, but what I found was far worst. I found a conspiracy against Pool powered by Lesbian transphobic misogynistic Lovell enabled by gay sexist elitism tailored to do one thing, defeat Jenifer Rene Pool.

My conclusions are founded on conversations with Houston's gay and lesbian political leaders and not because I am transgender or because I do want Jenifer to win this historic battle. Those whom I spoke to about this race are people of integrity whose sole focus's is helping campaigns of the most qualified Houstonians regardless of whether the person is Lesbians, Gay, bisexual, Transgender, Intersex or Queer.

To get an inside look into this I had the honor of talking with longtime full time
political activist founder and former president of the Houston GLBT caucus Ray Hill (right) who said although he had never heard Lovell say Pool was unelectable "I am sure she said something to that effect to Shawn Werner Director of Campaign Services for the Victory Fund."

In fact Lovell in her zeal to torpedo Pool committed political suicide by endorsing Bolivar Fraga a gay man after the Caucus endorsed Pool. Hill explained why her endorsement of Fraga was so controversial “The strength of the GLBT Caucus is that its members vote for their endorsed politicians which was key in Lovell winning the Council seat three times".

Is Lovell is so opposed to Pool she would work against her own community using her influence garnered by her long association with the Victory Fund? Many think the answer to that question is yes.

Ray Hill elaborated "Sue Lovell is going so far out of her way to support the non-endorsed candidate, a recently out politically unknown gay man who has no history of GLBT volunteer work, transgender people and our allies should see this as a slap in the face".

There is a popular misconception that the Victory Fund does not endorse a LGBT candidate if there are two or more in a race. That is not true.

Endorsement Criteria: Does Victory endorse in races where more than one openly LGBT candidate is running?

"Victory recognizes that sometimes more than one openly LGBT person will seek election to the same office at the same time. In those races, Victory’s political staff will complete a thorough review of the landscape and may endorse a single candidate, make no endorsement or endorse multiple candidates."

Sue Lovell is splitting up the LGBT community's limited political will using a very attractive articulate gay man's sex appeal to force a bonny brook runoff in November if Pool or Fraga even gets that far! That’s a dirty deed.

I appeal to all of our LGBT community to reject Lovell and examine your hearts. Would you trade your libido for your integrity?

Sue Lovell has not responded to my requests for an interview. Lovell’s Chief of Staff Ken Olive last week told me the reason Council woman Lovell could not respond to my request for an interview was because it was against city ordinances to talk about political issues during working hours.

But that’s not true. Lovell spends her publicly paid time and equipment for political purposes and it’s not the first time Lovell has fought against a LGBT candidate or singled out a person of color for no other reason than spite.

According to a just published post the Houston Press reports the City of Houston's Inspector General is looking allegations that Sue Lovell has used City computers to promote the man she has recruited to oppose Jenifer Pool, Bolivar Fraga’s political campaign. If convicted Lovell could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. The city's code of ordinances prohibits city officials from using "the official's position or the city's facilities, equipment or supplies for the private gain or advantage of the official or others....".

Back around the bush.

The Victory Fund returned my call leaving a voice mail explaining they "do not
comment on campaign endorsement decisions."

I can go along with that as long as they reconsider and endorse Jenifer Pool. She has every right to expect there backing and if they fail to do so explain why they are not. And so does every citizen in our community.

TAKE ACTION!! The more of us that ask these questions and demand accountability the stronger we become. They cannot ignore ALL us. Do not assume some else is making the call. Just do it!

You can contact the Victory Fund and demand they live up to their own words.
"Endorse qualified, committed openly LGBT candidates who can WIN at the ballot box.

That’s Jenifer Rene Pool.

Call the Victory Fund 202.842.8679

Victory Fund Contact Form

Comment on the Victory Fund on Facebook and write a note tagging them. Bring the conversation to them.

Copy and Tweet this!

@VictoryFund Torpedo’s Transgender @JeniferRenePool Historic Council Candidacy Thanks to Crony Lesbian Sue Lovell http://planetransgender.blogspot.com/2011/08/victory-fund-torpedos-transgender.html

and get the Victory Fund on Twitter attention!

Work for Jenifer! She deserves our support!

Like and comment on Jenifer Pool For Houston City Council 2011 Facebook page.

Visit Jenifer Rene Pool.com and volunteer!

Follow and mention @JeniferRenePool
on Twitter.